
Bye 2023, Hi 2024!

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Hi guys! Wishing everyone a Happy New Year!

2024 is now a new chapter in our lives and 2023 feels like history. One of the things to do on the first day of this year is to begin with all our New Year resolutions. From maintaining hygiene to remembering to clear up the dinner table, your resolutions could make you achieve new heights. Maybe your resolution is to read one book everyday, or cut down on your digital interaction with the internet.

If you haven't yet thought of some new year resolutions, then the following tips are for you:
1. Think of all the things you've wanted to fix / improve but haven't got the time to do so. Start afresh and do them!
2. If tip 1 doesn't apply to you, then review your likes and passions. If there's anything you've not done to help achieve the goals you have in that field, do it!
3. Below are some examples to help you get started:
A) Set the dinner table
B) Avoid obsession with digital games.
C) Play a new sport.
D) Plan a super-fun April Fools with loads of pranks with the help of your friends and siblings.

This leads us to the end of this short blog. Hope it helps!
See you in the next post! Bye!