

Do what matters

TournamentOver the board
To improve quickly , you must use time very efficiently and identify what matters the most.

Hi everyone! So before we start tell me, what do you mean by "Improving in Chess"? Now most of you will say that it means getting better at Tactics , Strategy and the 3 phases of the game. But there is a lot of OTHER crucial factors that affect it.

Other Factors

When talking about this , we have to deeply dive into the mentality of one. One should always have a ,
i. Positive Attitude
ii. Well focused mind
iii. Adequate Rest
iv. A bottle of water

i. A Positive Attitude

Having a posiive attitude has MANY advantages. If you have any negative thoughts like , I can't win with him , I'm weak , I'm not prepared , your brain will process in the same way and you'll DEFINETELY have a hard time during the game. While on the other hand if you have positive thoughts like , I'm surely winning , I'm strong , I'm prepared , you will have a higher chance of getting a good result. Even though if you don't get a result you expected , you'll still enjoy the game and will be even stronger for the next round!


ii. A Well focused mind

Before going to the game , drink some water and take a few deep breaths. This will help to calm your mind down and keep it well focused throughout the game. One trick that my coach taught me is when you have an advantage in the position , breath in for 7 seconds , hold it for 2 seconds and breath out for 8 seconds. Likewise do this three times. Then you'll DEFINETELY feel a difference. If not contact me @Cyncko-3000.
Your Mind(Your Mind)

iii. Adequate Rest

Like the muscles you have in your arms , your brain is also a muscle and like other muscles it needs rest. So before a round DON'T do any physical activities and don't eat too much. Because then your energy will be used to digest the heavy intake of food and to rest the body. If you do so , you'll likely feel sleepy during the game. Personally , after a round I don't even play a game for fun because my brain needs to rest.

(You while resting)

iv. A Bottle of WATER

Ah. Water. One of the best beverages and medicines in the worlds. Always before and after you calculate a position , drink plenty of water. And use the rest room if needed. When I go to tournaments I see a lot of top players drinking a gallon of water every move they play!! And so should you because water gets rid of sleepiness.

(Your Bo'o'wa'er)

Pro Tips

  • When you learn somehing , your brain can't apply it that instance. It'll take some time. Revise it a few times and the wait will be shorter. So don't expect results just after Learning something.
  • Train with friends. If you have any doubt about anything , tell a good friend about it. Then not only will both of you learn something , but also you'll get a thirst for knowledge.
  • After finishing a game , don't go and turn on the engine just yet! First go through the game by yourself and try to find your mistakes and your opponents. Write them down , then turn on the engine and learn.

Special Thanks

Hi all! Hope this blog post will help you. This was heavily inspired by my friend @Monnt and this was created to give all the other players who want to improve like him a thing or two that I know. If you have any comments please contact me. Have a nice day , bye!!!