
Search "user:Sahil25012012"

20 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - The user with the longest amount of time played on Lichess, or the user with the most games?#11

So basically @Lance5500 is the user with longest amount of time played on lichess and @german11 has the highest number of games played on lichess.

General Chess Discussion - Is believing in 'truth' in chess a bad idea?#27

@DrHack said in #26: > If you define "truth" as the engine move... then you would be stupid to deny it exists. Turn on a machine and see it. > > However, if you are defining truth as something "hidden…

General Chess Discussion - What's Your Favorite Chess Opening?#10

I love e4. I am pretty sure in 90% of my white rated games I played e4. I just can't stop!

General Chess Discussion - I am a quivering wreck#13

@Chesserroo2 said in #5: > Also, they could be alert that day, and you less alert than normal, or distracted. > > Or learn to love the pressure. Chess is supposed to take your mind off the world. i DO…

General Chess Discussion - If one does not succeed try try again#26

i suggest yes

General Chess Discussion - Offering draw with one move to mate#4

Takebacks don't really exist in chess.

Off-Topic Discussion - I have decided to close my account.#55

what do u mean @RubiksCuber23 ? google is not a thing. google is google.

Off-Topic Discussion - I have decided to close my account.#47

is it "why do you monkey"?

Off-Topic Discussion - I have decided to close my account.#46

can anyone tell me the full form of wydm??

General Chess Discussion - Magnus wants 2900 ELO Rumors flying regarding defending World Title only if Fiourzja wins Candidates#28

