
If one does not succeed try try again

Yep so it was a knockout tournament when he won ... but many did not see the knockouts as "Classical" championships back then . Then Thank GOODNESS "it" was over when the Titles were rejoined . " It" being also those horrible little match sets >>> las vegas was one where Khalifman won & Pono won one also somewhere else
I wish FIDE make World Championship a 18 games match. Incase of tie, Defending champion retains title.
Didn't Bobby think the WCC matches should be something like 32 games ?
@boilingFrog said in #23:
> Didn't Bobby think the WCC matches should be something like 32 games ?
Fide reduce games to 24 because TV networks and Corporate Sponsors demanded. Then to 12 games. 12 games prove to be too few as no decisive games against Karjakin and Caruana. Tiebreakers decide the championship. I suggest 18 because its the middle of 24 and 12.

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