
Offering draw with one move to mate

I was winning the game, this guy offers draw in the last move, I took it for a takeback and accepted :/ I'm really gutted. Shouldn't there be a kind of penalty for such circumstances?

If changed things just because set-thing annoyed one person one time, then they would have to change literally everything.

Block those users, take a walk, try to forget about it, and move on with your life.
You accepted the Draw by mistake . I went to offer a Draw the other day because it was three time rep next move anyway but hit the Resign button instead ,,, This also was MY MISTAKE ... Happens
Why didn't you promote to a queen rather than a rook? I assume it was down to time pressure?

Personally I don't accept take backs or draws and will just play the game out then I never have to deal with situations like this. I don't really understand why you would accept a take back anyway when your opponent is down to just their king and surrounded by a Queen and Rook and 1 move away from CM.
@Shadow1414 said in #2:
> If changed things just because set-thing annoyed one person one time, then they would have to change literally everything.
> Block those users, take a walk, try to forget about it, and move on with your life.

Fair points. But, what I had in mind wasn't "changing things", but rather a kind of protocol like lichess has for aborting games.
@sedsajad said in #6:
> Fair points. But, what I had in mind wasn't "changing things", but rather a kind of protocol like lichess has for aborting games.
I mean it clearly says "_________ offered a draw" so just read
@MGAnon said in #7:
> I mean it clearly says "_________ offered a draw" so just read

Yeah, I'm not ignoring my part in this. I accepted the draw, no argue about that part. But that person by just offering a draw was doing sth that can have what aborting games has.

I don't want to sound like someone who can't take these kind of things, I really can. I wish you could see my argument rather than what I felt.
I don't see why someone wouldn't be allowed to offer a draw even if they are about to get checkmated. Accepting a draw is entirely your fault buddy...
The situation you're describing is like what happened in one of my rapid games; we had been talking in the chat while playing and I made an unsound sacrifice, baiting him into taking the piece. In the chat, I pretended I had blundered "oops", and he fell for it. I checkmated him in two moves. :-) So, in my opinion, you should be allowed to use any tactic you want (short of cheating, bullying, etc) to win or save a game.

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