

It is alarmingly apparent that some players use apps to cheat. Their ratings are low, yet their game makes no flaws and one is wiped out in barely 2 minutes.

Then there are those that have very mediocre play at a very slow speed for quite awhile and suddenly after not playing for 5 - 7 minutes, they clean you out and win in barely 1 minute at a break neck speed. What can be done about this? It really ruins the experience of playing chess online and of course drops your rating.

I think one idea to consider is when a player leaves the game to cut the time down to just 20 seconds not a minute for their return. (I believe it is a minute?). This will ensure they have no time to look at an app in between moves on another computer or their phone. Some seem to go back and forth, off and then back online after each move. One guy even admitted he was cheating when I asked him why he kept leaving after every move and thought I should be okay with that.

Thank you
@Catsuey7 said in #1:
> I think one idea to consider is when a player leaves the game to cut the time down to just 20 seconds

There are thousands of forum comments mentioning how when a player leaves the game due to internet connection issues, the timeout duration isn't long enough.
Thank you for the info. I will use that link to report it. There is so much of it and it is really frustrating!
Obviously, if you think someone is cheating, just report them.

That said...I browsed through some of your recent games. Most of them do not have a computer analysis. Do you analyze your games? Most likely you'll find that you are making a lot of mistakes and it's not that your opponents are using "apps" to cheat, you're just making more mistakes. Or, badly timed mistakes. That's what I usually find when I'm getting beaten by a lower-rated opponent - I'm just having a bad game.

As for leaving the game, there are many possible reasons for that. Internet issues are an obvious one, but in games I will often leave to browse elsewhere if my opponent is taking a long time - especially if I'm pretty sure what I'm going to play. Sometimes I just need a break and to look at something else for a bit.
@Catsuey7 said in #4:
> Thank you for the info. I will use that link to report it. There is so much of it and it is really frustrating!

And question your own perception before you do it, cause baseless reports are a waste
I think you may have been (wrongly) influenced by the media into thinking that cheating is everywhere. Yes, there is cheating, but it is not happening in every other game.

People taking a long time to think is not usual, especially in classical. You get distracted, prepare tea water, have something to eat, read an email and it keeps your attention... and cheating wouldn't need long time. I haven't looked at any specific position, but often people either cannot find a move to save the game, or want to play the absolute best move to win the game, so they just cannot decide.

Then finishing the game fast... yeah, what else? Lose on time? ;-)

People with low rating keep cheating? Well, why is their rating so low, then?

And, as suggested: request the computer analysis after the game. It is one click away. You haven't done it for most of your games. I looked at a couple, and it was as expected on that level: mistakes on both sides. So your perception of the clean wipeout may simply be wrong. At the same time, don't read too much into a "clean graph"; more often than not, in those games good moves were simply easy to find.

Don't get carried away by the "everyone is cheating hype". It's just not true.
Whoever cheats is going to get marked sooner or later.

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