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1e4+0.3c5+0.32b4−0.2cxb4−0.13a3−0.2bxa3+0.24Nxa3+0.1e6+0.15Nf30.0Nc6+0.16Bb20.0d5+0.37exd5+0.3exd5+0.38Nb50.0a6+0.19Qe2+0.0Be6+0.210Nbd40.0Nxd4+0.111Nxd4+0.1Qb6+0.112Nb3−0.4Nf6−0.213Bd4−0.3Qc7−0.314Qe3−0.4Rc8−0.115Bxf6−0.2gxf60.016Nd4−0.2Qe5−0.317Bd3−0.7Bc5−0.218Qxe5?!−0.9...Inaccuracy. c3 was best.18.c3Rg819.O-O[...]18...fxe5−0.819Nxe6−0.7fxe6−0.720Rb1−0.8e4−0.721Be2−0.8Rc7−0.722f3−0.6e3−0.223dxe3?!−1.1...Inaccuracy. Bxa6 was best.23.Bxa623...Bxe3−1.124Rb3−1.1Bd4−1.025Bd3−1.1Ke7−1.126g4−1.2Kd6−1.327Kd2−1.3Rf8−1.428Rf1−1.4Be5−0.929h4−0.9Bf4+−0.530Ke2−0.6h6−0.431Rfb1−0.4b5−0.132Ra1−0.1Rc6−0.133Rba3−0.1Ra8−0.134Ra5−0.1Be5−0.135R1a2−0.1Bg3?!+0.6Inaccuracy. b4 was best.35...b436.Rxa6Rcxa6[...]36h5?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Bxb5 was best.36.Bxb5Rb637.h5[...]36...b40.037Rxa6−0.1Raxa6−0.138Rxa6−0.1Rxa6−0.139Bxa6−0.1e5+0.240g5+0.2hxg5+0.241h6+0.2e4+0.242fxe4+0.2dxe4+0.243Ke3+0.2Be5+0.244Kxe4+0.2g4+0.245h7+0.2g3+0.246Kf3+0.2Kc5+0.247Bb7+0.1Kd4+0.248Kg2+0.1Kc3+0.149Be4+0.2
Computer analysisMove timesCrosstableShare & export
[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2016.11.07"] [White "parrotz"] [Black "urjah"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [UTCDate "2016.11.07"] [UTCTime "18:58:55"] [WhiteElo "1968"] [BlackElo "2024"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+2"] [BlackRatingDiff "-2"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B20"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Wing Gambit, Carlsbad Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. b4 cxb4 3. a3 bxa3 { B20 Sicilian Defense: Wing Gambit, Carlsbad Variation } 4. Nxa3 e6 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. Bb2 d5 7. exd5 exd5 8. Nb5 a6 9. Qe2+ Be6 10. Nbd4 Nxd4 11. Nxd4 Qb6 12. Nb3 Nf6 13. Bd4 Qc7 14. Qe3 Rc8 15. Bxf6 gxf6 16. Nd4 Qe5 17. Bd3 Bc5 18. Qxe5?! { (-0.18 → -0.87) Inaccuracy. c3 was best. } (18. c3 Rg8 19. O-O Rg4 20. f4 Qxe3+ 21. dxe3 Bxd4 22. cxd4 Rc3 23. Be2 Rh4 24. Bf3 Rxe3) 18... fxe5 19. Nxe6 fxe6 20. Rb1 e4 21. Be2 Rc7 22. f3 e3 23. dxe3?! { (-0.20 → -1.12) Inaccuracy. Bxa6 was best. } (23. Bxa6) 23... Bxe3 24. Rb3 Bd4 25. Bd3 Ke7 26. g4 Kd6 27. Kd2 Rf8 28. Rf1 Be5 29. h4 Bf4+ 30. Ke2 h6 31. Rfb1 b5 32. Ra1 Rc6 33. Rba3 Ra8 34. Ra5 Be5 35. R1a2 Bg3?! { (-0.09 → 0.57) Inaccuracy. b4 was best. } (35... b4 36. Rxa6 Rcxa6 37. Rxa6+ Rxa6 38. Bxa6 Bf6 39. h5 Ke5 40. Kd3 Bg5 41. Bc8 Bc1 42. Bd7) 36. h5?! { (0.57 → -0.04) Inaccuracy. Bxb5 was best. } (36. Bxb5 Rb6 37. h5 Ke5 38. c4 Kd6 39. cxd5 exd5 40. Kf1 Bf4 41. Bd3 Be5 42. Bxa6 Bc3) 36... b4 37. Rxa6 Raxa6 38. Rxa6 Rxa6 39. Bxa6 e5 40. g5 hxg5 41. h6 e4 42. fxe4 dxe4 43. Ke3 Be5 44. Kxe4 g4 45. h7 g3 46. Kf3 Kc5 47. Bb7 Kd4 48. Kg2 Kc3 49. Be4 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
3 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
0 blunders
12 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
1 inaccuracy
0 mistakes
0 blunders
12 Average centipawn loss
  1. parrotz test
  2. parrotz i forgot i don't know how to play gambits
  3. Sonata2 I'm a terrible opening help
  4. Sonata2 but it'll be a fun game hopefully
  5. parrotz maybe his development is a bit uncomfortable for now? idk
  6. parrotz raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens
  7. urjah looks like I'm getting caught in some nasty gambit line
  8. parrotz not sure i like that move for him, he can't take on b5 immediately without giving up the exchange
  9. parrotz 9.Qe2+ Be6 10. Nbd4 Nxd4 11. Nxd4 Qc8 and i'm having trouble seeing a clear advantage
  10. parrotz 9.Bd3 looks unappetizing but i don't see how else to get my bishop active enough to justify the position
  11. parrotz 9.Be2 looks too quiet, g3 is out of the question
  12. parrotz 9.Qe2+ maybe better for causing a complication, and i don't think it loses immediately, so...
  13. urjah this 11...Qb6 feels outrageous
  14. parrotz f***
  15. parrotz wait does 12.Nf5 work?
  16. parrotz no i'm just a moron
  17. urjah my idea is that i get a tempo, if Rb1 it's pinned and just maybe i can get stuff out next
  18. parrotz Nb3 looks relatively safe. wondering if Nb5 is an idea.
  19. parrotz maybe just Rb1 and aim at b7
  20. parrotz idk my brain hurts
  21. parrotz wondering if 13.Bd4 accomplishes anything useful
  22. parrotz 13.Bd4 Qc7/Qd8 i could get in 14.Qe3 to free my bishop
  23. parrotz 14.Qe3 Ng4 is concerning.
  24. parrotz 14.Qd3 or 14.Qf3 maybe
  25. parrotz f*** it
  26. parrotz oh dang i might have Bb5+ in some lines
  27. parrotz maybe i'm not totally lost yet
  28. parrotz maybe that's my only move actually...
  29. urjah I think my bishops and pawn is worth more than the ugly pawn structure
  30. parrotz forced or i lose c2
  31. tnan123 You don't often see king on e1 queen on e3 and e5 and king on e8
  32. parrotz maybe a draw?
  33. Sonata2 white might behold b/c of opposite colored bishops
  34. Sonata2 hold*
  35. urjah I totally missed Bxa6 tactics...
  36. urjah now it's protected
  37. parrotz no idea what i'm doing now
  38. Sonata2 I feel responsible for this endgame, but I have faith in white
  39. parrotz looking less dangerous now
  40. parrotz not really sure how he makes progress anymore, hopefully it's a draw
  41. urjah it would be funny if 40.g4 would win
  42. urjah g5 i meant
  43. Lance5500 nice breakout g5
  44. White offers draw
  45. Draw offer accepted
  46. urjah That wasn't the most accurate of games i assume
  47. urjah Never really studied the wing gambit
  48. parrotz lol i'm guessing so
  49. parrotz i took a quick look before the game, not sure i wanna go down that road again
  50. parrotz unless i missed something obvious i wasn't a fan of the compensation
  51. parrotz holy crap
  52. parrotz we r geniuses
  53. urjah I somehow didn't find any harmony with my pieces in the endgame
  54. urjah and my a-pawn never got going
  55. urjah not a bad game according to the engine it seems though!
  56. parrotz indeed
  57. parrotz thanks for the game, it was a lot of fun!
  58. urjah yeah it was! I'm kinda proud for not dropping dead straight from the opening
  59. urjah i liked the Qb6 move (now that it seems to be verified by the comp :) )