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1d40.0d5+0.32c40.0e6+0.13cxd5+0.1exd50.04Nc3+0.1Nf6+0.15Bf4+0.1Bb4+0.46e3+0.4O-O+0.67Bd3+0.4Be6+0.98a3+0.8Bd6+1.09Nge2+0.8c6+1.110Qc2+1.1Re8+1.211Bg5+0.7Be7?+1.9Mistake. h6 was best.11...h612.Bh412Bxf6+1.8Bxf6+1.913Bxh7++2.2Kf8+2.014Bd3+1.8Nd7+1.715Nf4+1.6Ke7?+2.9Mistake. c5 was best.15...c516.O-O16Qb3+2.6Qc7+2.617Nce2+2.0Rh8+1.918Nxe6+1.9fxe6+1.419g3+2.0Raf8?+3.5Mistake. c5 was best.19...c520.h420Nf4+3.4Rh6?!+4.5Inaccuracy. Kd6 was best.20...Kd621.Ng621Ng6++4.1Kd8?!+5.2Inaccuracy. Rxg6 was best.21...Rxg622Nxf8+4.9Nxf8+4.823Rc1+4.7Qd7+5.624Qb4+5.7Nh7+5.825Bxh7+5.6Rxh7+5.626Qc5+5.4a6+5.427h4+4.9Kc7+5.128Qa5++4.0Kb8+4.429f3?!+3.0...Inaccuracy. f4 was best.29.f4g530.Kd2[...]29...Bd8?!+4.2Inaccuracy. g5 was best.29...g530.h530Qd2+3.7Qc7?!+4.8Inaccuracy. g5 was best.30...g531.Kd131f4+4.8g5+5.032Kf2+4.2gxh4+4.133g4+4.3h3+5.134Rcg1?!+3.4...Inaccuracy. Kg3 was best.34.Kg3Qe735.Kh2[...]34...h2?+5.6Mistake. c5 was best.34...c535.dxc5Qxc5[...]35Rg2+5.7Qg7+6.036g5+6.1Qg6+5.937Rhxh2+6.2Rxh2+5.938Rxh2+6.0Bb6+7.539Rh6+7.6Qf7+8.340Kf3+9.3Qf5+9.941Ke2?!+5.8...Inaccuracy. g6 was best.41.g641...Qg4++7.342Kd3+5.8Qf5++7.543Kc3+7.8Ba5++7.844b4+8.4Bb6+8.445Qd3+8.5Qg4+8.546g6+8.6Qg1+8.847Kb3+8.4Bd8+9.248Rh8+9.1Kc7+9.449Rxd8??0.0...Blunder. Rh7+ was best.49.Rh7+49...Kxd8+0.150Ka40.0Kc7??+3.2Blunder. b6 was best.50...b651.f5exf5[...]51Ka5+3.0b6+??+7.5Blunder. Kb8 was best.51...Kb852.Kb6Qg3[...]52Kxa6+6.8Qa1??#16Checkmate is now unavoidable. b5 was best.52...b553.f553g7#8Qg1#854Qh7#7Qf1+#655Ka7#5Qa1#2
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2021.06.05"] [White "mxklawz"] [Black "ekopp2000"] [Result "1-0"] [UTCDate "2021.06.05"] [UTCTime "12:02:08"] [WhiteElo "1709"] [BlackElo "1811"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+13"] [BlackRatingDiff "-9"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "D30"] [Opening "Queen's Gambit Declined"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 { D30 Queen's Gambit Declined } 3. cxd5 exd5 4. Nc3 Nf6 5. Bf4 Bb4 6. e3 O-O 7. Bd3 Be6 8. a3 Bd6 9. Nge2 c6 10. Qc2 Re8 11. Bg5 Be7? { (0.72 → 1.94) Mistake. h6 was best. } (11... h6 12. Bh4) 12. Bxf6 Bxf6 13. Bxh7+ Kf8 14. Bd3 Nd7 15. Nf4 Ke7? { (1.60 → 2.94) Mistake. c5 was best. } (15... c5 16. O-O) 16. Qb3 Qc7 17. Nce2 Rh8 18. Nxe6 fxe6 19. g3 Raf8? { (2.04 → 3.54) Mistake. c5 was best. } (19... c5 20. h4) 20. Nf4 Rh6?! { (3.41 → 4.46) Inaccuracy. Kd6 was best. } (20... Kd6 21. Ng6) 21. Ng6+ Kd8?! { (4.06 → 5.16) Inaccuracy. Rxg6 was best. } (21... Rxg6) 22. Nxf8 Nxf8 23. Rc1 Qd7 24. Qb4 Nh7 25. Bxh7 Rxh7 26. Qc5 a6 27. h4 Kc7 28. Qa5+ Kb8 29. f3?! { (4.44 → 3.00) Inaccuracy. f4 was best. } (29. f4 g5 30. Kd2 gxf4 31. gxf4 Qe8 32. Kc2 Qg6+ 33. Kb3 Qe4 34. Qd2 Bxh4 35. Rcg1 Be7) 29... Bd8?! { (3.00 → 4.19) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (29... g5 30. h5) 30. Qd2 Qc7?! { (3.70 → 4.80) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (30... g5 31. Kd1) 31. f4 g5 32. Kf2 gxh4 33. g4 h3 34. Rcg1?! { (5.08 → 3.41) Inaccuracy. Kg3 was best. } (34. Kg3 Qe7 35. Kh2 Qh4 36. Rhg1 Rg7 37. Qe2 Bc7 38. Rg3 Ka7 39. b4 Bd6 40. Rcg1 Qh7) 34... h2? { (3.41 → 5.56) Mistake. c5 was best. } (34... c5 35. dxc5 Qxc5 36. Qc3 Qf8 37. g5 Bb6 38. g6 Rg7 39. Rxh3 d4 40. Qb4 Bc5 41. Qc4) 35. Rg2 Qg7 36. g5 Qg6 37. Rhxh2 Rxh2 38. Rxh2 Bb6 39. Rh6 Qf7 40. Kf3 Qf5 41. Ke2?! { (9.93 → 5.79) Inaccuracy. g6 was best. } (41. g6) 41... Qg4+ 42. Kd3 Qf5+ 43. Kc3 Ba5+ 44. b4 Bb6 45. Qd3 Qg4 46. g6 Qg1 47. Kb3 Bd8 48. Rh8 Kc7 49. Rxd8?? { (9.38 → 0.00) Blunder. Rh7+ was best. } (49. Rh7+) 49... Kxd8 50. Ka4 Kc7?? { (0.00 → 3.15) Blunder. b6 was best. } (50... b6 51. f5 exf5 52. g7 Ke7 53. g8=N+ Qxg8 54. Qxa6 b5+ 55. Ka5 Qd8+ 56. Qb6 Qa8+ 57. Qa6) 51. Ka5 b6+?? { (2.96 → 7.53) Blunder. Kb8 was best. } (51... Kb8 52. Kb6 Qg3 53. Qc3 Qh4 54. Ka5 Qd8+ 55. Ka4 Qe8 56. Qc2 c5+ 57. Kb3 c4+ 58. Kc3) 52. Kxa6 Qa1?? { (6.82 → Mate in 16) Checkmate is now unavoidable. b5 was best. } (52... b5 53. f5) 53. g7 Qg1 54. Qh7 Qf1+ 55. Ka7 Qa1 { Black resigns. } 1-0
3 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
1 blunder
48 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 inaccuracies
4 mistakes
3 blunders
62 Average centipawn loss
  1. mxklawz Did you miss that I would take the pawn 13. Bxh7+ after the exchange?
  2. mxklawz 19. Nf4 would have been better instead of 19. g3 I think
  3. mxklawz I also think 20. Nf4 wouldn't have been good if you didn't do 19...Raf8, since now forking either king and rook, or rook and rook is inevita
  4. ekopp2000 I did... that was a complete miss on my part
  5. ekopp2000 and then the fork was just a blunder... I was trying to get some activity with my rooks
  6. mxklawz I liked your Queen move 16. Qb3
  7. ekopp2000 I didn't consider it, unfortunately. I wanted to keep my queen, but maybe that would have been better.
  8. mxklawz Ah meant I like 16...Qc3, it was quite annoying for me. I actually tought that you would want to exchange Queens
  9. mxklawz I thought that would have benefitted you, since you would move your King on the Queen side, where it would be safe
  10. mxklawz I generally liked how you brought your King to safty all the way from the Kings side!
  11. ekopp2000 Thinking about it now, exchanging queens probably would have been better... It would have been easier to not have to move my king everywher
  12. mxklawz for a moment I thought that after 43...Ba5+ you skewered my Queen xD
  13. mxklawz That would have been disappointing
  14. mxklawz I can't believe that 49. Rxd8 is equalizing
  15. ekopp2000 Unfortunately no good tricks for me... I see I misplayed the finish after you sac'd your rook
  16. mxklawz I felt hard..
  17. ekopp2000 I needed to play b6 sooner to cut off your king
  18. mxklawz What was your feeling after the Rook sac?
  19. mxklawz I actually saw b6 but I though that wouldn't do anything xD I just wanted to push f5 next
  20. mxklawz But then it's mate xD
  21. ekopp2000 I thought I had a chance again after the rook sac, actually
  22. ekopp2000 but then I misplayed :-)
  23. mxklawz You had a better feeling apparently
  24. mxklawz Anyways thanks for the game again! Hope we'll play again and I can learn some more from you :-)
  25. ekopp2000 Thanks for the game - good luck and hope to see you again