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1e30.0e5+0.42Nc3−0.1d50.03Bb5+?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. Qh5 was best.3.Qh5Nf64.Qxe5+[...]3...c6−0.74Ba4?!−1.4...Inaccuracy. Be2 was best.4.Be2Bd65.Nf3[...]4...Na6−1.25Nge2−1.6Nc5−1.36Bb3?!−2.3...Inaccuracy. d4 was best.6.d46...Nxb3?!−1.1Inaccuracy. d4 was best.6...d47.Nb1d3[...]7axb3−1.0Bd6−0.98O-O−1.3e4−1.19f4−1.4exf3−1.210Rxf3−1.2Bg4−1.311Rf2−1.4Nf6−1.212Qf1−1.5O-O−1.513Ra4?!−2.4...Inaccuracy. h3 was best.13.h313...b5−2.014Ra6−2.0b4−2.215Nb1?−3.6...Mistake. Rxf6 was best.15.Rxf6gxf615...Qc7−3.116Rxf6?!−4.0...Inaccuracy. h3 was best.16.h3Bxe216...Bxe2−3.717Qxe2−3.7gxf6−3.218Qh5−3.7Qc8−3.919Ra5−4.0Qe6−3.920c3?−7.8...Mistake. Qf3 was best.20.Qf3Rfe821.Ra6[...]20...Qe4−7.621Ra1−9.0Qc2−8.7
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.07.10"] [White "Emkatt"] [Black "pulsar512b"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "vzQA2aSx"] [UTCDate "2020.07.10"] [UTCTime "21:08:14"] [WhiteElo "1825"] [BlackElo "1820"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-12"] [BlackRatingDiff "+7"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "A00"] [Opening "Van't Kruijs Opening"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e3 { A00 Van't Kruijs Opening } e5 2. Nc3 d5 3. Bb5+?! { (0.00 → -0.67) Inaccuracy. Qh5 was best. } (3. Qh5 Nf6 4. Qxe5+ Be7 5. Qf4 O-O 6. d4 Bd6 7. Qh4 Nc6) 3... c6 4. Ba4?! { (-0.75 → -1.37) Inaccuracy. Be2 was best. } (4. Be2 Bd6 5. Nf3 Ne7 6. O-O O-O 7. d3 Ng6 8. b3 Be6) 4... Na6 5. Nge2 Nc5 6. Bb3?! { (-1.28 → -2.31) Inaccuracy. d4 was best. } (6. d4) 6... Nxb3?! { (-2.31 → -1.13) Inaccuracy. d4 was best. } (6... d4 7. Nb1 d3 8. Ng3 h5 9. f3 h4 10. Ne4 Nxe4 11. fxe4 h3 12. g3 Nf6 13. cxd3) 7. axb3 Bd6 8. O-O e4 9. f4 exf3 10. Rxf3 Bg4 11. Rf2 Nf6 12. Qf1 O-O 13. Ra4?! { (-1.47 → -2.37) Inaccuracy. h3 was best. } (13. h3) 13... b5 14. Ra6 b4 15. Nb1? { (-2.19 → -3.64) Mistake. Rxf6 was best. } (15. Rxf6 gxf6) 15... Qc7 16. Rxf6?! { (-3.12 → -4.02) Inaccuracy. h3 was best. } (16. h3 Bxe2) 16... Bxe2 17. Qxe2 gxf6 18. Qh5 Qc8 19. Ra5 Qe6 20. c3? { (-3.91 → -7.81) Mistake. Qf3 was best. } (20. Qf3 Rfe8 21. Ra6 c5 22. g3 f5 23. Kf1 d4 24. Kg1 Qe5 25. Qc6 dxe3 26. dxe3 Bc7) 20... Qe4 21. Ra1 Qc2 { White resigns. } 0-1
5 Inaccuracies
2 Mistakes
0 Blunders
64 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
1 Inaccuracy
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
23 Average centipawn loss
  1. pulsar512b out of book of course, but this is a very nice position for me
  2. pulsar512b I play like Bd6, e4 (maybe after a d4 ) castle queenside perhaps, and i have excellent attacking chances on the kingside (5)
  3. pulsar512b after e5 my bishop pair is really scary on the kingside, while white's bishop is just sitting there doing nl
  4. pulsar512b Nil* (8)
  5. pulsar512b had to play it now to stop f4 BS
  6. chessunable playing 1. e3 2. Nc3 and then not 3. Qh5! against e5 d5, smh
  7. KingsMagician This has been a slightly weird opening.
  8. chessunable just a minor detail, but 6. ... Nxb3 resolves the tension too early imo
  9. KingsMagician I'm actually shocked at Plushie's record against this person.
  10. chessunable the bishop wasnt running away
  11. KingsMagician Yeah, no reason to take so soon.
  12. chessunable concretely, 6. ... a5 might have been good, like 7. d4 a4 8. dxc5 axb3 followed by Bxc5, and black has the bishop pair as well as the ...
  13. chessunable ... better pawn structure, i think
  14. KingsMagician Yeah, quite a bit better.
  15. KingsMagician Just trying to see if there's any merit with Qh4
  16. chessunable generally, white's play doesnt make any sense
  17. chessunable e3 Nc3 Bb5 is something i'd expect of someone way lower rated
  18. IsaVulpes 12.Qf1 to double on the ffile
  19. chessunable fate, look: 3. Qh5 was not played :(
  20. IsaVulpes that's some opening play
  21. Rise ;-;
  22. Rise that is certainly a disappointment
  23. KingsMagician Must have studied the open file chapter from Yusupov.
  24. KingsMagician Control the f file.
  25. IsaVulpes i hate 8..e4 a lot
  26. KingsMagician Yeah, atrocious.
  27. KingsMagician Unironically.
  28. Rise heh
  29. KingsMagician Kind of like b5 here.
  30. Rise Na6 was really interesting
  31. Rise and e4 really uninteresting
  32. chessunable as i wrote above, i thought Na6-c5 should be followed by a5-a4
  33. IsaVulpes why is the bishop on g4 i want to greek gift
  34. Rise black maybe struggling a bit to keep tension
  35. Rise Nxb3 obviously too early
  36. Rise as well as e4
  37. pulsar512b I'm already clearly better I think- if there's tries for some foolery with Rxf6, i just take the rook and go up an exchange
  38. pulsar512b and this is just not good after Qc8,queen maybe a bit misplaced tho so going to scan for other moves
  39. chessunable i hope she saw Bxe2 after Rxf6
  40. pulsar512b b4 is a very interesting move, just forcing EVERYTHING into passivity
  41. KingsMagician b4 Na4 Ne4
  42. pulsar512b hold on, if knight moves, does Ne4 win the rook
  43. KingsMagician Na4 then is the a6 rook trapped?
  44. KingsMagician Na4 Qc8 Ra5 Qc7 Ra6 Qb7
  45. KingsMagician Something like that maybe.
  46. chessunable or after Ra6 in your line, the aesthetically pleasing Bc8 :)
  47. pulsar512b ironically after Ne4 i might not even want to take the damned rook, since white's so tied down
  48. chessunable just as i was speaking about aesthetics, Nb1 lol
  49. KingsMagician kekw
  50. KingsMagician Ne4 let's go
  51. KingsMagician wtf
  52. pulsar512b half of white's queenside is back to the starting squares
  53. KingsMagician wtf x2
  54. KingsMagician I don't believe in Rxf6
  55. chessunable i'd have inserted Bxh2+ for sure
  56. KingsMagician This is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.
  57. pulsar512b Rxf6! was a very nice try but ultimately pointless
  58. chessunable such is life in general
  59. KingsMagician Watch him play Ra1 now.
  60. KingsMagician Damn.
  61. KingsMagician Qe4 let's go
  62. chessunable yes, just so we have Ra1
  63. chessunable Qc2 then
  64. KingsMagician Is Qc2 pretty much just gg?
  65. KingsMagician Damn. It really is.
  66. KingsMagician Plushie will play Qg6 though.
  67. KingsMagician Smh.
  68. KingsMagician Resignation incoming.
  69. pulsar512b I'd have played on a bit more
  70. pulsar512b There's some offchances of a swindle perpetual check
  71. KingsMagician At least my last prediction was correct.
  72. Rise Qc2 a qt
  73. chessunable ohh, i missed 6. ... a5 7. d4 a4? 8. Bxd5! and white is suddenly equal
  74. pulsar512b damn even 0/0/0
  75. KingsMagician 0/1/0 according to my engine.
  76. KingsMagician 6...d4 is what the engine likes.