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1d30.0d50.02Nf30.0Nc6+0.13g3−0.3e5−0.14Nbd2?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. Bg2 was best.4.Bg2Nf65.O-O[...]4...f5−0.95Bg2−0.8Nf6−0.86O-O−0.8Be6?+0.4Mistake. e4 was best.6...e47.Ne1Be6[...]7Qe1?−1.0...Mistake. c4 was best.7.c4Qd78.Ng5[...]7...Qd7?!−0.2Inaccuracy. e4 was best.7...e48.Ng58Ng5?!−1.0...Inaccuracy. e4 was best.8.e4dxe48...Bg8−0.99e4−0.9fxe4?!−0.3Inaccuracy. dxe4 was best.9...dxe410.dxe410dxe4−0.5d4−0.311Ngf3−0.4O-O-O−0.512b3−1.0Bb4−0.713a3−1.2Bc3−1.414Rb1−1.2Qe7−1.115b4?!−2.1...Inaccuracy. Bb2 was best.15.Bb215...Ba2−1.916Rb2−2.3Bxb2?!−1.5Inaccuracy. Bc4 was best.16...Bc417.Rb117Bxb2−1.8Nxb4??+5.5Blunder. Bf7 was best.17...Bf718.c3Rhe8[...]18axb4+5.5Qxb4+6.219Qa1+5.7Be6+6.920c3+6.9Qb6+7.121cxd4+7.9exd4+7.222Bxd4+7.0c5+7.723Qc3+7.1Qb4+7.124Qxc5++6.7Qxc5+6.525Bxc5+6.5b6+6.526Be7?!+4.6...Inaccuracy. Be3 was best.26.Be3Rd727.Ng5[...]26...Rd7+4.627Rc1++4.3Kb8+4.228Bb4+4.2Rc8+4.329Rxc8+?!+3.4...Inaccuracy. Rb1 was best.29.Rb1h630.Bf1[...]29...Kxc8+3.330h3?+1.8...Mistake. Bf1 was best.30.Bf1a531.Ba3[...]30...a5+2.031Bc3?+0.3...Mistake. Ba3 was best.31.Ba3b531...Rc70.032Be5+0.4Rc1++0.233Kh2+0.4a4+0.534Nd40.0Kd7−0.135Nb5??−4.7...Blunder. Bf1 was best.35.Bf1a336.Bb5+[...]35...Rc5−4.536Bxf6?!−5.9...Inaccuracy. Nc3 was best.36.Nc3Rxe537.Nxa4[...]36...gxf6−5.637Bf1−5.6Rc2−6.538Nb1−5.9Rxf2+−5.639Kg1−7.3Rxf1+−7.340Kxf1−7.3Bc4+−7.241Kf2−7.8Bxb5−7.842Nc3−8.1a3−8.443Ke3−9.0Bc4−9.544Kd4−9.1a2−9.745Nxa2−10.0Bxa2−9.846Kc3−10.9Kd6−11.347h4−12.0Be6−13.848Kd4−15.4h5−14.249Kc3−16.1Ke5−20.350Kd3−17.2b5−20.351Kc3−23.4Kxe4−21.552Kb4−18.6Kf3−25.453Kxb5−23.7Kxg3−26.354Kc5−29.6Kxh4−26.655Kd6−24.7Bh3−27.556Kd5−25.4f5−60.457Ke5#−13Kg4#−1658Kf6#−14f4#−1259Ke5#−12f3#−1260Ke4#−11f2#−1061Ke3#−10f1=Q#−862Ke4#−6Bg2+#−763Kd4#−7Qe2#−764Kc3#−7Qd1#−765Kb4#−5Qc2#−566Kb5#−5h4#−567Kb4#−4h3#−468Kb5#−4h2#−369Kb4#−3h1=Q#−270Kb5#−2Qhb1+#−171Ka5#−1Qca2#
Checkmate • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.04.21"] [White "Jerrek"] [Black "SaltySingularity"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "vzOW9Pjn"] [UTCDate "2022.04.21"] [UTCTime "22:03:51"] [WhiteElo "1384"] [BlackElo "1509"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-19"] [BlackRatingDiff "+8"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A06"] [Opening "Zukertort Opening: Old Indian Attack"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d3 d5 2. Nf3 { A06 Zukertort Opening: Old Indian Attack } Nc6 3. g3 e5 4. Nbd2?! { (-0.09 → -0.70) Inaccuracy. Bg2 was best. } (4. Bg2 Nf6 5. O-O a5 6. Nc3 h6 7. e4 dxe4 8. dxe4 Qxd1) 4... f5 5. Bg2 Nf6 6. O-O Be6? { (-0.83 → 0.41) Mistake. e4 was best. } (6... e4 7. Ne1 Be6 8. c3 Bd6 9. c4 Qe7 10. cxd5 Bxd5 11. dxe4) 7. Qe1? { (0.41 → -0.99) Mistake. c4 was best. } (7. c4 Qd7 8. Ng5 Bg8 9. cxd5 Nxd5 10. e4 Ndb4 11. exf5 O-O-O) 7... Qd7?! { (-0.99 → -0.24) Inaccuracy. e4 was best. } (7... e4 8. Ng5) 8. Ng5?! { (-0.24 → -0.96) Inaccuracy. e4 was best. } (8. e4 dxe4) 8... Bg8 9. e4 fxe4?! { (-0.90 → -0.32) Inaccuracy. dxe4 was best. } (9... dxe4 10. dxe4) 10. dxe4 d4 11. Ngf3 O-O-O 12. b3 Bb4 13. a3 Bc3 14. Rb1 Qe7 15. b4?! { (-1.11 → -2.15) Inaccuracy. Bb2 was best. } (15. Bb2) 15... Ba2 16. Rb2 Bxb2?! { (-2.33 → -1.52) Inaccuracy. Bc4 was best. } (16... Bc4 17. Rb1) 17. Bxb2 Nxb4?? { (-1.77 → 5.45) Blunder. Bf7 was best. } (17... Bf7 18. c3 Rhe8 19. cxd4 Nxd4 20. Nxd4 exd4 21. Qc1 Qd7 22. Re1 Kb8 23. h3 Qb5 24. Kh2) 18. axb4 Qxb4 19. Qa1 Be6 20. c3 Qb6 21. cxd4 exd4 22. Bxd4 c5 23. Qc3 Qb4 24. Qxc5+ Qxc5 25. Bxc5 b6 26. Be7?! { (6.52 → 4.61) Inaccuracy. Be3 was best. } (26. Be3 Rd7 27. Ng5 Bg4 28. h3 h6 29. hxg4 hxg5 30. Bxg5 Nxg4 31. Nf3 a5 32. Bf4 Kd8) 26... Rd7 27. Rc1+ Kb8 28. Bb4 Rc8 29. Rxc8+?! { (4.31 → 3.38) Inaccuracy. Rb1 was best. } (29. Rb1 h6 30. Bf1 Kb7 31. e5 Ne8 32. Bg2 Kb8 33. Nf1 Bf5 34. Ra1 a5 35. Ba3 Rc3) 29... Kxc8 30. h3? { (3.31 → 1.75) Mistake. Bf1 was best. } (30. Bf1 a5 31. Ba3 Rd8 32. Bb2 a4 33. Ba6+ Kb8 34. Nd4 Bd7 35. Kf1 a3 36. Ba1 Ng4) 30... a5 31. Bc3? { (1.99 → 0.32) Mistake. Ba3 was best. } (31. Ba3 b5) 31... Rc7 32. Be5 Rc1+ 33. Kh2 a4 34. Nd4 Kd7 35. Nb5?? { (-0.15 → -4.75) Blunder. Bf1 was best. } (35. Bf1 a3 36. Bb5+ Ke7 37. Nc6+ Ke8 38. Nb4+ Kf7 39. Bd4 Rd1 40. Be3 a2 41. Nxa2 Bxa2) 35... Rc5 36. Bxf6?! { (-4.54 → -5.88) Inaccuracy. Nc3 was best. } (36. Nc3 Rxe5 37. Nxa4 Kc7 38. Nb2 Ra5 39. Nd3 Ra2 40. Nb1 Bc4 41. e5 Ng4+ 42. hxg4 Bxd3) 36... gxf6 37. Bf1 Rc2 38. Nb1 Rxf2+ 39. Kg1 Rxf1+ 40. Kxf1 Bc4+ 41. Kf2 Bxb5 42. Nc3 a3 43. Ke3 Bc4 44. Kd4 a2 45. Nxa2 Bxa2 46. Kc3 Kd6 47. h4 Be6 48. Kd4 h5 49. Kc3 Ke5 50. Kd3 b5 51. Kc3 Kxe4 52. Kb4 Kf3 53. Kxb5 Kxg3 54. Kc5 Kxh4 55. Kd6 Bh3 56. Kd5 f5 57. Ke5 Kg4 58. Kf6 f4 59. Ke5 f3 60. Ke4 f2 61. Ke3 f1=Q 62. Ke4 Bg2+ 63. Kd4 Qe2 64. Kc3 Qd1 65. Kb4 Qc2 66. Kb5 h4 67. Kb4 h3 68. Kb5 h2 69. Kb4 h1=Q 70. Kb5 Qhb1+ 71. Ka5 Qca2# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
6 Inaccuracies
3 Mistakes
1 Blunder
35 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
3 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
1 Blunder
23 Average centipawn loss
  1. Haspelknecht go Salty!
  2. nvasquez Go Jerrek!
  3. nvasquez I like 22.Bxd4... lots of options afterwards
  4. nvasquez (22 c5) Rc1 works nicely here
  5. nvasquez of course Bxf6 gxf6 Qxf6 nets a pawn but I much prefer 23.Rc1 with Bxc5 to follow
  6. nvasquez no wait! 23.Bxc5 Qxc5 24.Rc1 with a skewer!
  7. nvasquez ok 24. Bxf6 works here
  8. Jerrek I am typically way worse without a queen but I feel it is the right move
  9. jcarmody (28.Bb4) Go board 8!
  10. nvasquez (33) those two pawns on the a and b file look menacing. White could free the bishop with Bf1
  11. nvasquez 36.Bf1?
  12. RageEight gg
  13. SaltySingularity That was crazy
  14. Jerrek I felt good for a while there! definitely put some pressure on you
  15. SaltySingularity Yeah you really did I thought I had the center on lock down and my Knight sac was justified it just wasnt after the queen move
  16. SaltySingularity I had no business taking on b4
  17. Jerrek I was really hoping you would...of course I didn't capitalize on the advantage but that's chess when you aren't that good!
  18. Jerrek You played really well to capitalize on my blunders down the stretch!
  19. SaltySingularity I knew you had the advantage but plus 7.7 that... just hurts
  20. Jerrek hurts more to lose after having 7.7 lol
  21. SaltySingularity That's a fair point but you played really well mate
  22. Jerrek I appreciate it. Just trying to get better!
  23. SaltySingularity I was turning my brain into soup to turn this around
  24. Jerrek Well i'm sure your team will thank you for the effort! ha
  25. SaltySingularity Alright I'm going to head out. Thank you for the game
  26. Jerrek same to you
  27. Jerrek good luck!