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1e4+0.2c6+0.22d4+0.3d5+0.23e5+0.2Bf5+0.34h40.0h5+0.15c4+0.2e6+0.16Nc30.0Nd7?!+0.8Inaccuracy. Ne7 was best.6...Ne77.a3dxc4[...]7Nge2?!−0.1...Inaccuracy. cxd5 was best.7.cxd5cxd58.Bd3[...]7...Qb6?!+0.8Inaccuracy. dxc4 was best.7...dxc48.Ng3Bg6[...]8Ng3+0.8Nh6?+2.0Mistake. Bg6 was best.8...Bg69.c59Bxh6?!+1.0...Inaccuracy. cxd5 was best.9.cxd5cxd59...Rxh6+1.110Nxf5+1.0exf5+0.811cxd5?!0.0...Inaccuracy. c5 was best.11.c511...c5?!+0.7Inaccuracy. Qxb2 was best.11...Qxb212.Rh3Bb4[...]12d6?−0.5...Mistake. dxc5 was best.12.dxc5Bxc513.Qe2[...]12...cxd4−0.313Nb5−0.3Qa5+??+1.8Blunder. Rc8 was best.13...Rc814Qd2+1.7Qxd2++1.815Kxd2+1.8O-O-O+1.716f4+1.7Kb8?!+2.3Inaccuracy. Rg6 was best.16...Rg617Nxd4+1.8Rg6?!+2.7Inaccuracy. Bxd6 was best.17...Bxd618.Nxf5Bb4+[...]18Rc1??+0.4...Blunder. Nxf5 was best.18.Nxf5Rg419.g3[...]18...Bxd6+0.419exd6+0.4Rxd6+0.720Ke3??−1.1...Blunder. Kc3 was best.20.Kc3Nf620...Re8+−1.221Kd3−1.2Re4−0.922Rc4−0.8Rxf4−0.823Kc3−0.5Nb6−0.424Nb5−0.8Nxc4−1.125Bxc4−1.2Rc6−1.0
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2019.08.09"] [White "OldPalHappy"] [Black "JSlavik"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2019.08.09"] [UTCTime "13:02:40"] [WhiteElo "1861"] [BlackElo "1880"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-10"] [BlackRatingDiff "+17"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B12"] [Opening "Caro-Kann Defense: Advance Variation, Tal Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. e5 Bf5 4. h4 { B12 Caro-Kann Defense: Advance Variation, Tal Variation } h5 5. c4 e6 6. Nc3 Nd7?! { (0.00 → 0.75) Inaccuracy. Ne7 was best. } (6... Ne7 7. a3 dxc4 8. Bxc4 Ng6 9. Nf3 Nd7 10. Be2 Be7 11. Be3) 7. Nge2?! { (0.75 → -0.06) Inaccuracy. cxd5 was best. } (7. cxd5 cxd5 8. Bd3 Bxd3 9. Qxd3 Qb6 10. Nge2 Ne7 11. O-O Nc6) 7... Qb6?! { (-0.06 → 0.83) Inaccuracy. dxc4 was best. } (7... dxc4 8. Ng3 Bg6 9. Bxc4 Qb6 10. O-O Rd8 11. Bf4 Nh6 12. b3) 8. Ng3 Nh6? { (0.77 → 1.95) Mistake. Bg6 was best. } (8... Bg6 9. c5) 9. Bxh6?! { (1.95 → 0.98) Inaccuracy. cxd5 was best. } (9. cxd5 cxd5) 9... Rxh6 10. Nxf5 exf5 11. cxd5?! { (0.80 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. c5 was best. } (11. c5) 11... c5?! { (0.00 → 0.70) Inaccuracy. Qxb2 was best. } (11... Qxb2 12. Rh3 Bb4 13. Qc1 Qxc1+ 14. Rxc1 Nb6 15. dxc6 O-O-O 16. cxb7+ Kxb7 17. Be2 Na4 18. Rb1) 12. d6? { (0.70 → -0.49) Mistake. dxc5 was best. } (12. dxc5 Bxc5 13. Qe2 Kf8 14. f4 Be3 15. g3 Rg6 16. Rh3 Rc8 17. Bg2 Bd4 18. Rc1 Qa5) 12... cxd4 13. Nb5 Qa5+?? { (-0.32 → 1.81) Blunder. Rc8 was best. } (13... Rc8) 14. Qd2 Qxd2+ 15. Kxd2 O-O-O 16. f4 Kb8?! { (1.65 → 2.32) Inaccuracy. Rg6 was best. } (16... Rg6) 17. Nxd4 Rg6?! { (1.76 → 2.74) Inaccuracy. Bxd6 was best. } (17... Bxd6 18. Nxf5 Bb4+ 19. Ke3 Rb6 20. Nxg7 Bc5+ 21. Kf3 Rxb2 22. Nxh5 Rf2+ 23. Kg3 Nf8 24. Bc4) 18. Rc1?? { (2.74 → 0.41) Blunder. Nxf5 was best. } (18. Nxf5 Rg4 19. g3 g6 20. Bh3 gxf5 21. Bxg4 fxg4 22. Kc3 b6 23. b4 Bg7 24. Rae1 a5) 18... Bxd6 19. exd6 Rxd6 20. Ke3?? { (0.72 → -1.11) Blunder. Kc3 was best. } (20. Kc3 Nf6) 20... Re8+ 21. Kd3 Re4 22. Rc4 Rxf4 23. Kc3 Nb6 24. Nb5 Nxc4 25. Bxc4 Rc6 { White resigns. } 0-1
3 inaccuracies
1 mistake
2 blunders
40 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
5 inaccuracies
1 mistake
1 blunder
35 Average centipawn loss
  1. Sesquipedalism This opening looks nice for white. All the moves are natural but for black it’s less clear
  2. Sesquipedalism I think Qxa5 works.. maybe I’m missing something
  3. Sesquipedalism Qxh5*
  4. Sesquipedalism Yeah I think I was
  5. Numberman768 Qxh5? how does that go?
  6. Sesquipedalism Best to forget I said that :P
  7. Numberman768 lol
  8. Sesquipedalism I liked d6 best too
  9. GamePerFrame Kinda feels like they are playing 15 0
  10. GamePerFrame Too quickly :o
  11. GamePerFrame I bet if someone were to seriously take their time, it'd be a clear win!
  12. Numberman768 Nd5 attacking the queen then Nc7+ winning
  13. Numberman768 Or at least very strong
  14. GamePerFrame Numberman same thing, look for why it might not be that strong
  15. GamePerFrame Rushing Nd5 is suicidal as it either instantly wins, or you missed something :p You can take like 10mins there
  16. Numberman768 Ah i missed the check
  17. GamePerFrame Yep! Gj :)
  18. OldPalHappy how have i not lost yet. i bet i was losing somehow ngl
  19. david252525 this looks p good for oph
  20. david252525 0-1
  21. OldPalHappy 11. ... Qxb2 looked good for black I think
  22. david252525 @hicetnunc hi :P
  23. david252525 squad back together
  24. hicetnunc Hello David. So your old pal is back :-)
  25. david252525 lol yeah
  26. hicetnunc White may be happy, but Bf8 is not :-(
  27. BraydonP Go Jslavik. You got this buddy
  28. BraydonP :p
  29. hicetnunc Nxd4 xf5 coming. Gloomy days :-(
  30. hicetnunc Black will need to pull a couple rabbits from his hat to survive this
  31. david252525 oph will mouseslip prolly
  32. david252525 hm
  33. BraydonP Dont give up Slavik (and dont give up pawns)
  34. david252525 take the pawn you pleb
  35. BraydonP Lol yeah. That looked like a pretty free pawn
  36. BraydonP Oph is prolly high rn
  37. david252525 nxp rg4 maybe
  38. david252525 lol
  39. david252525 o.O
  40. BraydonP Interesting
  41. david252525 doesnt work
  42. BraydonP Not sure what oph is thinking about here
  43. david252525 Ba6
  44. david252525 the counter sac
  45. BraydonP Knowing him, maybe
  46. david252525 actually is that even that bad
  47. BraydonP Rc6 exclam
  48. david252525 yeah ok it is
  49. david252525 hmm
  50. david252525 actually this works
  51. david252525 rip oph
  52. david252525 oh kd3
  53. BraydonP I wonder if Rc4 works magically
  54. david252525 nb6
  55. BraydonP Wait no
  56. BraydonP Yeah
  57. BraydonP Nb6 oof
  58. BraydonP Oh
  59. BraydonP Yeah actually oph is smart
  60. OldPalHappy turns out im just fucked here
  61. david252525 lol
  62. BraydonP Lol
  63. david252525 nah this is ok
  64. BraydonP Is it though?
  65. david252525 re8 kd3
  66. BraydonP Feels like black will pick up the knight eventually
  67. david252525 ohhh re4
  68. david252525 oh lawd
  69. BraydonP Is oph getting his pawns back maybe?
  70. david252525 oh what hes up a piece
  71. david252525 since when
  72. Numberman768 Since Bxd6 lol
  73. BraydonP Lol
  74. david252525 oh that was like 4 moves ago cant think that far
  75. david252525 wait
  76. david252525 ne5
  77. david252525 looks over
  78. BraydonP Oph sure used his 45 mins well
  79. david252525 rb4 a5 ra4 b5
  80. david252525 ne5 won a piece
  81. david252525 oh this does too i guess
  82. BraydonP Good job oph
  83. david252525 it wasnt resignable -.-
  84. david252525 -0.6 smh
  85. BraydonP It is when you're autistic
  86. david252525 ok -1
  87. OldPalHappy was going to resign on move 11 till he started playing badly
  88. david252525 oh kc3 worked