
The Queens Gambit

3546 • SABH_Daniel •
  1. Introduction
  2. Queens gambit accepted, rook trap
  3. Queens gambit accepted, trap 2
  4. Queens gambit accepted 3
  1. SABH_Daniel
  2. JacobSABH


3476 • jomega •
  1. Introduction
  2. Endgames by Learning Order
  3. References
  4. Understanding Endgames
  1. jomega

56 Tactics That All Chess Players Should Know

3470 • YJP •
  1. Intro
  2. Credits
  3. Attraction
  4. Battery
  1. YJP

How to CRUSH the Caro Kann

3449 • IM EricRosen •
  1. 2 knights overview
  2. The Most Common Trap: Punish 4...Bf5?
  3. Tartakower: Smothered Mate Trap
  4. Tartakower: OH NO MY QUEEN
  1. IM EricRosen

🔥 Famous Opening Traps and how to avoid them

3445 • Jonnyx •
  1. Introduction
  2. Traps in the Open Games
  3. #01 Blackburne Shilling Trap
  4. #02 The Légal Trap
  1. Jonnyx

📚Basic Chess Endgames📚

3437 • LeninPerez •
  1. - - - Introduction - - -
  2. 1. Endgame of the Rooks
  3. 2. Endgame of the Rook
  4. 3. Endgame of the Queen
  1. LeninPerez

Sicilian Defense

3410 • TheSultan31003 •
  1. The Sicilian - Open Variation
  2. Sicilian Defense: Closed
  3. Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit
  1. Chrspayn
  2. TheSultan31003


3383 • Hairy_poppins •
  1. Caro-Kann Exchange Variation 1
  2. Caro-Kann Exchange Variation 1 cont. (2. Nf3)
  3. Caro-Kann Exchange Variation 1 cont. (4. Nf3 Nc6 5. Bd3)
  4. Caro-Kann Exchange Variation 1 cont. (4. Nf3 Nc6 5. c3)
  1. ChessThinker47
  2. VincentJ06
  3. Patty_Melt
  4. Hairy_poppins

King's Indian Attack! 🤺

3295 • Nightro_G •
  1. 1. KIA
  2. 2. Basic Development
  3. 3. The Battle of e4
  1. Nightro_G

🏆 Nimzo/Bogo Indian Repertoire 🏆

3276 • NM Mr_Penings •
  1. Welcome and Introduction
  2. ** Sample Game **
  3. Wesley So - Levon Aronian
  4. Important Theme #1
  1. NM Mr_Penings

🐴🐴Four Knights Game🐴🐴

3263 • LeninPerez •
  1. Introduction
  2. 󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Scotch Variation 󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  3. Spanish Variation
  4. Italian Variation
  1. LeninPerez

Advanced Endgames You Must Know!

3236 • NoseKnowsAll •
  1. Introduction
  2. Trebuchet position
  3. The famous Reti endgame
  4. A typical pawn race
  1. NoseKnowsAll

🥐IM Levy's French Defense

3161 • undrgrnd_games •
  1. The French
  2. Advance Variation
  3. Exchange Variation
  4. Against Nc3 or Nd2
  1. undrgrnd_games

Vienna Repertoire

3101 • anomality •
  1. # Chapter 1: Max Lange "I A.K."
  2. Vienna Hybrid: Main Line
  3. Vienna Hybrid: 3... d6
  4. Vienna Hybrid: 4... Bb4
  1. anomality

💡10 Ideas in the London System💡

3069 • LeninPerez •
  1. Introduction
  2. Idea 1: Start with the first 3 moves
  3. Idea 2: Build a pyramid of pawns
  4. Idea 3: Give up the pyramid without c5
  1. LeninPerez

🐸Tips for London System🐸

2970 • FunnyAnimatorJimTV •
  1. Intro: Typical Mistakes in the London System
  2. Early Nf3 Mistake - Example 1
  3. Early Nf3 Mistake - Example 2
  4. Building the Pyramid vs Other Setups By Black
  1. UnGranLadino
  2. Thotimusprime2
  3. FunnyAnimatorJimTV
  4. Mila350