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1e4+0.2e6+0.32Nc3+0.2d5+0.33exd5+0.2exd5+0.24d40.0Nf60.05Nf30.0Bb40.06Bg5−0.4O-O−0.27Be2−0.3Bg4?!+0.3Inaccuracy. h6 was best.7...h68.Bd2Nc6[...]8O-O0.0c6?!+0.9Inaccuracy. Bxf3 was best.8...Bxf39.Bxf39Re1?−0.3...Mistake. Ne5 was best.9.Ne59...Nbd7−0.410Ne5−0.6Bxe2−0.411Rxe2−0.5Qc7−0.312Qd3−0.6Rae8−0.113Bf4?!−0.8...Inaccuracy. Nxd7 was best.13.Nxd7Nxd714.Rae1[...]13...Bd6−0.314Rae1−0.8Nh5−0.815g3−0.9Nxf4−0.816gxf4−1.1f6−0.717Nxd7−0.4Qxd7−0.718Rxe8−0.8Rxe8−0.719Rxe8+−0.8Qxe8−0.820Qe3−0.9Qg6+−0.621Kh1?−2.1...Mistake. Kf1 was best.21.Kf1Qf722.Qh3[...]21...f5?−0.6Mistake. Kf7 was best.21...Kf722.Qd2Qf5[...]22Ne2−0.5h50.023Ng10.0h4+0.124Nh30.0Kf8?!+0.6Inaccuracy. Qg4 was best.24...Qg425.Qe6+Kh8[...]25Ng5+0.5Be7+0.626Ne6+?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Kg2 was best.26.Kg2Ke827.Kf1[...]26...Kf70.027Ng5+0.0Kf8?!+0.6Inaccuracy. Bxg5 was best.27...Bxg528.fxg5Qh5[...]28Ne6+?!0.0...Inaccuracy. Kg2 was best.28.Kg2Ke829.Kf1[...]28...Kf70.029Ng5+0.0Kf8+0.5
Threefold repetition • Draw
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.05.31"] [White "jeekiii"] [Black "ECelal"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [GameId "sO2IFnw2"] [UTCDate "2020.05.31"] [UTCTime "15:01:24"] [WhiteElo "1998"] [BlackElo "1869"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-2"] [BlackRatingDiff "+4"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "C01"] [Opening "French Defense: Exchange Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 e6 2. Nc3 d5 3. exd5 exd5 4. d4 { C01 French Defense: Exchange Variation } Nf6 5. Nf3 Bb4 6. Bg5 O-O 7. Be2 Bg4?! { (-0.31 → 0.26) Inaccuracy. h6 was best. } (7... h6 8. Bd2 Nc6 9. O-O Ne4 10. h3 Ba5 11. a3 Re8 12. Bb5) 8. O-O c6?! { (0.02 → 0.90) Inaccuracy. Bxf3 was best. } (8... Bxf3 9. Bxf3) 9. Re1? { (0.90 → -0.32) Mistake. Ne5 was best. } (9. Ne5) 9... Nbd7 10. Ne5 Bxe2 11. Rxe2 Qc7 12. Qd3 Rae8 13. Bf4?! { (-0.12 → -0.82) Inaccuracy. Nxd7 was best. } (13. Nxd7 Nxd7 14. Rae1 Rxe2 15. Rxe2 Ra8 16. g3 h6 17. Bd2 a5 18. Nd1 Qb6 19. c3 Bd6) 13... Bd6 14. Rae1 Nh5 15. g3 Nxf4 16. gxf4 f6 17. Nxd7 Qxd7 18. Rxe8 Rxe8 19. Rxe8+ Qxe8 20. Qe3 Qg6+ 21. Kh1? { (-0.63 → -2.11) Mistake. Kf1 was best. } (21. Kf1 Qf7 22. Qh3 g6 23. Qc8+ Kg7 24. Na4 Qe7 25. Nc5 Bxc5 26. dxc5 a5 27. Qa8 Qxc5) 21... f5? { (-2.11 → -0.58) Mistake. Kf7 was best. } (21... Kf7 22. Qd2 Qf5 23. Ne2 g5 24. f3 Bxf4 25. Nxf4 Qxf4 26. Qxf4 gxf4 27. Kg2 Kg6 28. Kf2) 22. Ne2 h5 23. Ng1 h4 24. Nh3 Kf8?! { (0.00 → 0.60) Inaccuracy. Qg4 was best. } (24... Qg4 25. Qe6+ Kh8 26. Qe8+ Kh7 27. Ng5+ Kh6 28. Qe6+ Kh5 29. Qf7+ Kh6) 25. Ng5 Be7 26. Ne6+?! { (0.57 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Kg2 was best. } (26. Kg2 Ke8 27. Kf1 Kd7 28. Nf3 Qe6 29. Ne5+ Kc7 30. a4 a6 31. Qd2 Bd6 32. h3 Qe8) 26... Kf7 27. Ng5+ Kf8?! { (0.00 → 0.60) Inaccuracy. Bxg5 was best. } (27... Bxg5 28. fxg5 Qh5 29. f3 f4 30. Qxf4+ Kg6 31. Qd6+ Kxg5 32. Qe5+ Kh6 33. Kg2 a6 34. b4) 28. Ne6+?! { (0.60 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Kg2 was best. } (28. Kg2 Ke8 29. Kf1 Kd7 30. Nf3 Bd6 31. h3 Qe6 32. Ne5+ Kc7 33. a4 a6 34. Qe2 Qe8) 28... Kf7 29. Ng5+ Kf8 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
3 Inaccuracies
2 Mistakes
0 Blunders
26 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
0 Blunders
27 Average centipawn loss
  1. jeekiii 7) meh opening. he has to take in c3 or I have a tactic
  2. jeekiii I really hope he doesn't take
  3. jeekiii oh well that works too for him
  4. jeekiii ugh I'm playing pretty badly :(
  5. jeekiii Bf4 seems decent
  6. jeekiii ugh, all my tactics don't work as far as I can see...
  7. jeekiii draw would be good, securing the win for the team