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1d4+0.1Nf6+0.22c4+0.3e6+0.33g3+0.1Bb4++0.24Bd2+0.1Qe7+0.35Bg2+0.3d5+0.46a3+0.3Bxd2++0.37Nxd2+0.4a5+0.48Ngf3+0.5Nbd7+0.69O-O+0.5O-O+0.510Qc2+0.5c6+0.611e4+0.5dxe4+0.212Nxe4+0.3Nxe4+0.813Qxe4+0.8Nf6+0.914Qe3+1.0Qc7+1.015Ne5+1.0a4+1.016Rfd1+0.9Rd8+0.917Rac1+0.9Qb6+1.018c5+0.9Qc7+1.119Nc4+1.1Nd5+1.120Qg5+1.0Bd7+1.221Bxd5+1.1cxd5+1.322Nb6+1.2Rab8+1.123Qe7+1.1Qc6+1.124b3?!+0.5...Inaccuracy. Re1 was best.24.Re1Qb525.b4[...]24...axb3+0.625a4+0.1Be8?!+1.1Inaccuracy. f6 was best.25...f626.Rc3e5[...]26Rd3?0.0...Mistake. Re1 was best.26.Re1Bd726...b20.027Rb10.0f6+0.228Rxb2+0.2Bg6+0.329Re3+0.1Re8+0.230Qd6+0.2Bf7?!+1.1Inaccuracy. Rbd8 was best.30...Rbd831.Qxc6bxc6[...]31f4?!+0.5...Inaccuracy. a5 was best.31.a531...Red8+0.832Qxc6+0.7bxc6+0.833a5+0.6Rb7+0.534a6+0.5Ra7+0.535Ra2+0.6Re8+0.736Ra1+0.3Bg6+0.437Kf2+0.3Be4+0.438Ke1+0.2Kf7+0.539Kd2+0.6Ke7+0.640Kc3+0.5Kd8+0.641Kb4+0.4Kc7+0.842Ka5+0.8Rb8+1.143g4+1.3f5?+2.5Mistake. Rf8 was best.43...Rf844.Ra2g5[...]44g5+2.1g6?!+3.4Inaccuracy. Rg8 was best.44...Rg845.Rg3Kd8[...]45Rh3+2.4Rh8+2.446Kb4+2.2Bg2+2.547Rg3+2.6Be4+2.748Rh3?!+1.9...Inaccuracy. Ka5 was best.48.Ka5Kd849.Rh3[...]48...Bg2+2.449Rh6+2.1Kd8+2.450Kc3+2.0Bf3+2.351Kd2?!+1.3...Inaccuracy. Rh3 was best.51.Rh3Be252.Re3[...]51...Kc7+1.852Ke3+1.4Be4??+3.7Blunder. Bh5 was best.52...Bh553.Kd253h4+3.3Kd8?+5.9Mistake. Kb8 was best.53...Kb854.h554h5+5.4gxh5?!+7.8Inaccuracy. Rg8 was best.54...Rg855.Nd7Kc8[...]55g6+7.7Ke8+11.356Rxh7+7.4
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.08.09"] [White "chess4life"] [Black "agentpat"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "rMmEm4lD"] [UTCDate "2017.08.09"] [UTCTime "14:11:16"] [WhiteElo "2345"] [BlackElo "2145"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+8"] [BlackRatingDiff "-7"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "1800+30"] [ECO "E00"] [Opening "Catalan Opening"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. g3 { E00 Catalan Opening } Bb4+ 4. Bd2 Qe7 5. Bg2 d5 6. a3 Bxd2+ 7. Nxd2 a5 8. Ngf3 Nbd7 9. O-O O-O 10. Qc2 c6 11. e4 dxe4 12. Nxe4 Nxe4 13. Qxe4 Nf6 14. Qe3 Qc7 15. Ne5 a4 16. Rfd1 Rd8 17. Rac1 Qb6 18. c5 Qc7 19. Nc4 Nd5 20. Qg5 Bd7 21. Bxd5 cxd5 22. Nb6 Rab8 23. Qe7 Qc6 24. b3?! { (1.12 → 0.54) Inaccuracy. Re1 was best. } (24. Re1 Qb5 25. b4 axb3 26. a4 Qc6 27. Rb1 f6 28. Rxb3 e5 29. dxe5 fxe5 30. Nxd7 Rxd7) 24... axb3 25. a4 Be8?! { (0.08 → 1.11) Inaccuracy. f6 was best. } (25... f6 26. Rc3 e5 27. Rxb3 Be6 28. Rb4 e4 29. a5 Re8 30. Qd6 Qxd6 31. cxd6 Rbd8 32. Na4) 26. Rd3? { (1.11 → 0.00) Mistake. Re1 was best. } (26. Re1 Bd7) 26... b2 27. Rb1 f6 28. Rxb2 Bg6 29. Re3 Re8 30. Qd6 Bf7?! { (0.23 → 1.12) Inaccuracy. Rbd8 was best. } (30... Rbd8 31. Qxc6 bxc6 32. Rbe2 Kf7 33. a5 Re7 34. Ra3 Rde8 35. a6 Ra7 36. f4 Be4 37. g4) 31. f4?! { (1.12 → 0.51) Inaccuracy. a5 was best. } (31. a5) 31... Red8 32. Qxc6 bxc6 33. a5 Rb7 34. a6 Ra7 35. Ra2 Re8 36. Ra1 Bg6 37. Kf2 Be4 38. Ke1 Kf7 39. Kd2 Ke7 40. Kc3 Kd8 41. Kb4 Kc7 42. Ka5 Rb8 43. g4 f5? { (1.25 → 2.48) Mistake. Rf8 was best. } (43... Rf8 44. Ra2 g5 45. Rf2 gxf4 46. Rxf4 Kd8 47. Rg3 h6 48. Rb3 Ke7 49. Rf2 Rh8 50. Rh3) 44. g5 g6?! { (2.09 → 3.43) Inaccuracy. Rg8 was best. } (44... Rg8 45. Rg3 Kd8 46. Ra2 Ke7 47. Rb2 Kf7 48. Rgb3 Kg6 49. Rh3 Kf7 50. Na4 Rga8 51. Rb6) 45. Rh3 Rh8 46. Kb4 Bg2 47. Rg3 Be4 48. Rh3?! { (2.66 → 1.87) Inaccuracy. Ka5 was best. } (48. Ka5 Kd8 49. Rh3 Bc2 50. Ra2 Bd1 51. Rb2 Kc7 52. Re3 Re8 53. Re1 Bf3 54. Rb3 Bg2) 48... Bg2 49. Rh6 Kd8 50. Kc3 Bf3 51. Kd2?! { (2.27 → 1.27) Inaccuracy. Rh3 was best. } (51. Rh3 Be2 52. Re3 Rxa6 53. Rxa6 Bxa6 54. Rxe6 Bb7 55. Rd6+ Kc7 56. Rf6 h6 57. Rxg6 hxg5) 51... Kc7 52. Ke3 Be4?? { (1.36 → 3.68) Blunder. Bh5 was best. } (52... Bh5 53. Kd2) 53. h4 Kd8? { (3.27 → 5.92) Mistake. Kb8 was best. } (53... Kb8 54. h5) 54. h5 gxh5?! { (5.35 → 7.77) Inaccuracy. Rg8 was best. } (54... Rg8 55. Nd7 Kc8 56. Ne5 gxh5 57. Nxc6 Rc7 58. Rxe6 Rf8 59. Nd8 Ra7 60. Nb7 Kb8 61. Rh6) 55. g6 Ke8 56. Rxh7 { Black resigns. } 1-0
4 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
0 Blunders
24 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 Inaccuracies
2 Mistakes
1 Blunder
38 Average centipawn loss
  1. Wolfram_EP Well, I'm not sure about 15... a4. It is always tempting to fix opponents pawns like that, but with LSB on the board fixing own pawn on
  2. Wolfram_EP light square and two opponent's pawns on dark is not very annoying
  3. Wolfram_EP black would better think how to chase away the knight from e5 that holds b7, c6 and e6 pawns on their spots
  4. Wolfram_EP and thus kills black LSB completely
  5. Wolfram_EP was ...Nd7 bad on every move 15-17?
  6. Wolfram_EP now that black waited for Rac1, b7-b5 is hardly possible because it immediately opens a good file for white rook
  7. Wolfram_EP now white is preparing to relocate the knight on d6 via c4
  8. Wolfram_EP and fixes b7, c6 on white squares
  9. Wolfram_EP does 24. Rd3, 25. Rf3, 25... f6 or 25... Be8, 26. Re1 pressuring e6 and f7 look like a plan?
  10. Wolfram_EP really funny how cramped black is here
  11. Wolfram_EP queen literally has no moves
  12. Wolfram_EP white queen too, lol
  13. Wolfram_EP black can probably force queen exchange with Bg6 Re3 Re8 Qd7 but well
  14. Wolfram_EP knight is still stronger than the bishop after that and b7 is a big weakness
  15. Wolfram_EP well, this seems even more devastating than Qd7
  16. Wolfram_EP white have no options here but Qxc6, otherwise black rook can go Rd8-e8 to the infinity, it seems to me
  17. Wolfram_EP why white is thinking?
  18. Wolfram_EP one interesting feature here: if white tries to replace knight with the king
  19. Wolfram_EP Kc7 Ka5, Na4 -> Rxa6 Kxa6 Ra8#
  20. Wolfram_EP and it is not clear anyway how to remove black king from c7
  21. Wolfram_EP I'm not sure what white is trying to do with king on a5, black can just wait like this
  22. Wolfram_EP no guys, this is too obvious: Na4 Rb5#, should be more sneaky and go Rd8
  23. Wolfram_EP I like neither f5, nor g5, f5 allows to go gxf5 and penetrate along g-file and after g5 it is questionable if the fortress can be broken
  24. Wolfram_EP fun thing is that white can't deprive all six squares for the bishop by rooks and king, keeping the tension on h7, therefore no zugzwang can
  25. Wolfram_EP be reached here
  26. Wolfram_EP but h-pawn pushing can prove decisive
  27. Wolfram_EP my plan is: go Kd2, Ra3, h3-h4-h5 and black bishop cannot be hanging onto d1-h5 diagonal to stop this
  28. Wolfram_EP or it can stuck on h5, hm
  29. Wolfram_EP with black king going back and forth c7-d8 and Nh5 this may be tough to break, but there is also a weakness on e6
  30. Black offers draw
  31. Wolfram_EP *Bh5
  32. White declines draw
  33. Wolfram_EP wait, bishop did not stay on d1-h5??
  34. Wolfram_EP this is kinda weird decision
  35. Wolfram_EP g6, Rxh7 Rhxh7 gxh7 Rxh7 a7 and goodbye black
  36. Wolfram_EP 56. Rxh7 is crushing, isn't it?
  37. glbert good game.
  38. agentpat i was off by a tempi
  39. Wolfram_EP gg
  40. agentpat i think i made a mistake with the bishop
  41. Wolfram_EP 52... Bh5 might be quite resilient
  42. agentpat tea
  43. agentpat yea i think thats what i had to play
  44. Wolfram_EP I don't see a clear way to break it, but e6 is an unpleasant weakness for sure
  45. agentpat he can probably just give up the a pawn
  46. agentpat get e6
  47. agentpat and it should be winning
  48. agentpat i cant let him penetrate at all
  49. agentpat i think
  50. agentpat instead of 42. rb8
  51. agentpat f5
  52. agentpat and it should be drawn
  53. Wolfram_EP SF thinks that Rb1 Rxa6 Nxd5 and Rb8+ is also an idea for white if black king is on d8
  54. agentpat this was very unpleasant to defend
  55. Wolfram_EP sure, bad bishop vs good knight is very unpleasant
  56. Wolfram_EP 27... e5 is a nice positional sac to declutter the position
  57. agentpat i missed it
  58. Wolfram_EP oops, it is not positional, the thing is the threat Qg6 or Bg6
  59. agentpat was going for the f6 idea
  60. Wolfram_EP the idea is to skewer rooks
  61. agentpat i shouldnt have allowed c5 in the opening
  62. Wolfram_EP hard to spot
  63. agentpat but idk how i could have stopped it
  64. agentpat engine says to not take twice on e4
  65. agentpat and play e5
  66. agentpat thats probably better
  67. agentpat and it frees my bishop immediately
  68. agentpat i had a cramped position out of the opening and he just pressed it
  69. agentpat although at one point i think i had a clear draw
  70. agentpat ah well gg