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1d4+0.2Nf6+0.22c4+0.2e6+0.23Nf3+0.2Bb4++0.34Nbd2+0.3O-O+0.35a3+0.4Bxd2++0.36Qxd2+0.2d5+0.37cxd5+0.1exd5+0.28Qc2+0.2Bg4+0.29Ne5+0.3Bh5+0.310Bg5+0.3Qe7+0.811e3+0.6Bg6+0.612Nxg6+0.6fxg6+0.713Bd3+0.6c6+0.914O-O+0.9Nbd7+1.015Rae1+0.5Rae8+1.016f3+0.9Qd6+1.017Bf4+0.9Qe7?!+1.6Inaccuracy. Qe6 was best.17...Qe618.Bg3Nb6[...]18Bg3?!+0.8...Inaccuracy. e4 was best.18.e4dxe418...Nh5+0.919Bf2+1.0Qg5+1.320e4?!+0.2...Inaccuracy. Qa4 was best.20.Qa420...Rxf3−0.121exd5−0.6Rxe1−0.522Rxe1−0.5Nf4−0.523Bg3−1.0Rxg3?!0.0Inaccuracy. Nxd3 was best.23...Nxd324.Re8+Rf8[...]24hxg30.0Qxg30.025Rd1??−9.6...Blunder. Re7 was best.25.Re7Nxd326.dxc6[...]25...Nf6−9.526dxc6?#−7...Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rf1 was best.26.Rf1Ng427.Rxf4[...]26...Ng4#−6
White resigned • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.07.14"] [White "somethingpretentious"] [Black "bobwooster"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2017.07.14"] [UTCTime "16:26:22"] [WhiteElo "2053"] [BlackElo "1922"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-18"] [BlackRatingDiff "+19"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "E11"] [Opening "Bogo-Indian Defense: Grünfeld Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 Bb4+ 4. Nbd2 { E11 Bogo-Indian Defense: Grünfeld Variation } O-O 5. a3 Bxd2+ 6. Qxd2 d5 7. cxd5 exd5 8. Qc2 Bg4 9. Ne5 Bh5 10. Bg5 Qe7 11. e3 Bg6 12. Nxg6 fxg6 13. Bd3 c6 14. O-O Nbd7 15. Rae1 Rae8 16. f3 Qd6 17. Bf4 Qe7?! { (0.93 → 1.59) Inaccuracy. Qe6 was best. } (17... Qe6 18. Bg3 Nb6 19. Bh4 Nfd7 20. Bf2 Nf6 21. a4 a5 22. b3 Qd6 23. e4 Nh5 24. Be3) 18. Bg3?! { (1.59 → 0.76) Inaccuracy. e4 was best. } (18. e4 dxe4) 18... Nh5 19. Bf2 Qg5 20. e4?! { (1.29 → 0.21) Inaccuracy. Qa4 was best. } (20. Qa4) 20... Rxf3 21. exd5 Rxe1 22. Rxe1 Nf4 23. Bg3 Rxg3?! { (-1.04 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Nxd3 was best. } (23... Nxd3 24. Re8+ Rf8 25. Rxf8+ Nxf8 26. Qxd3 Qxd5 27. Qc3 g5 28. h3 h6 29. Kh2 Ng6 30. Qc5) 24. hxg3 Qxg3 25. Rd1?? { (0.00 → -9.56) Blunder. Re7 was best. } (25. Re7 Nxd3 26. dxc6 N7e5 27. dxe5 Qe1+ 28. Kh2 Qh4+ 29. Kg1 Qe1+) 25... Nf6 26. dxc6? { (-9.51 → Mate in 7) Checkmate is now unavoidable. Rf1 was best. } (26. Rf1 Ng4 27. Rxf4 Qh2+ 28. Kf1 Ne3+ 29. Ke2 Nxc2 30. Rf2 Nxd4+ 31. Kd2 cxd5 32. Rf1 Qxg2+) 26... Ng4 { White resigns. } 0-1
2 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
1 Blunder
55 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 Inaccuracies
0 Mistakes
0 Blunders
16 Average centipawn loss
  1. somethingpretentious sup Lukhas
  2. Lukhas I'm not talking to you, player of the opposing team!
  3. tnan123 :o
  4. Seb32 :o
  5. somethingpretentious mod city in the spectator's box
  6. somethingpretentious g4 is tempting, might be over-committing if just Bg6...
  7. somethingpretentious dat bish pair tho
  8. somethingpretentious Qf5 too
  9. somethingpretentious let's just develop
  10. somethingpretentious eternal question of which rook
  11. gucelli is it time for 15. Rab1 and b3 now?
  12. somethingpretentious the decision wasn't just which rook...
  13. tnan123 Rab1 and b4 definitely looked logical
  14. gucelli yeah right b4. i thought it was something standard. But he's going for f3-e4
  15. hicetnunc with the bishop pair, f3-e4 opening the game makese sense
  16. InfernalJumble Woah, Rxf3
  17. InfernalJumble sneaky
  18. hicetnunc 21.exd5 aiming at the black king ?
  19. gucelli i think exd Ref8
  20. hicetnunc on 22.Rxe1 Nf4 he has Bg3
  21. hicetnunc well actually not
  22. gucelli it's 23. Bf1 i think
  23. hicetnunc 23.Bf1 Nh3+ and Rxf2
  24. InfernalJumble Maybe after Bg3 Nxd3 White could try Re8+ ?
  25. hicetnunc IO guess he has to
  26. InfernalJumble d5 hanging at the end though
  27. hicetnunc 23.Bg3 Nxd3 Re8+ Kf7 gxf3 Kxe8 Qxd3
  28. gucelli isnt the g p still pinned?
  29. hicetnunc not after Bg3
  30. gucelli oh right
  31. hicetnunc maybe in the above var white can use the intermezzo dxc6
  32. hicetnunc nstead of Qxd3
  33. InfernalJumble Ah yes
  34. hicetnunc looks good actually
  35. InfernalJumble What if Rf8 instead of Kf7 ?
  36. InfernalJumble Then no time to take c6
  37. somethingpretentious well this got sharp...
  38. hicetnunc you have at least Rxf8+ and Qxd3, but maybe Rxf8 and dxc6 still
  39. InfernalJumble Oh after dxc6 you're on d7, hmm
  40. hicetnunc Black also has Qe3+ in these var., but it seems Kh1 holds thans to the Bg3
  41. InfernalJumble Unless Nxf8
  42. InfernalJumble This is too sharp for me
  43. InfernalJumble And Qe3+ looks scary too
  44. hicetnunc Nxf8 dxc6 you still threaten to queen
  45. gucelli what about 23. ...Rxg3
  46. hicetnunc yes, he has to calculate everything
  47. hicetnunc ...Rxg3 hxg3 black has no threat
  48. gucelli Rxg3 hxg Qxg3 still on g2 and on d3
  49. gucelli but there is dxc and the B can move. maybe not
  50. hicetnunc after Qxg3 maybe Rd1
  51. InfernalJumble Hang on after Re8+ Rf8 takes takes Qe3+ Kh1 can't Black just take on c6?
  52. InfernalJumble Then they're a piece up
  53. InfernalJumble ^ with dxc6 before Qe3+
  54. hicetnunc what's the variation ? because black has already played ...Nxd3 before Re8+
  55. hicetnunc 25.Rd1 pretty much forced
  56. gucelli yeah rd1 seems necessary and enough
  57. hicetnunc then 25...Nh3+ 26.KF1 Qf4+
  58. hicetnunc darn
  59. hicetnunc you were right gucelli : the sac works
  60. gucelli i didnt calculate. just an idea. what happens after Qf4+?
  61. hicetnunc well Kg1 is repeat
  62. hicetnunc I mean no Kg1 is impossible
  63. hicetnunc Ke2 Qf2#
  64. hicetnunc and Ke1 Qg3+ Kf1 repeats, while Kd2 Qxg2 is unclear
  65. hicetnunc but it looks like Black wants to checkmate
  66. hicetnunc has he time for dxc6 - then free the bishop with Bc4+ ?
  67. gucelli wasnt 25... Nh3+ 26. Kf1 Qf4+ 27. Ke1 Qf2# ?
  68. hicetnunc Qc2 covers f2
  69. gucelli yeah i really have to train visualisation
  70. GetAGripWhitby Ive been using the ChessVis app for that. Its good
  71. gucelli so in that line if 27. ...Qg3+ 28. Kd2 and the K is escaping at the cost of the g p
  72. gucelli so Black is probably right going on with other N
  73. hicetnunc I think he should try dxc6
  74. gucelli ChessVis i'll try thnx
  75. GetAGripWhitby No prob
  76. hicetnunc I see perpetual threat but o mate threat for Black (yet)
  77. hicetnunc that being said, after 26.dxc6 Ng4 it's of course a bit scary...
  78. hicetnunc there you go
  79. somethingpretentious might have missed Kf1 Ne3+
  80. hicetnunc so what happens after 27.Bc4+ K somewhere cxb7 ?
  81. hicetnunc maybe c7
  82. hicetnunc because on cxb7 Nh3+ covers b8
  83. gucelli Bc4+ Qd2 isnt fine?
  84. hicetnunc possibly
  85. hicetnunc Bc4+ c7 I want a Queen with checkl
  86. hicetnunc oh...
  87. hicetnunc what a pity
  88. bobwooster i loved my knights
  89. gucelli holy cow i need to start the notebook to look at the eval :-)
  90. gucelli gg
  91. bobwooster that was crazy. it will be interesting to see what the computer says about my exchange sac
  92. somethingpretentious I completely missed Rxf3 :/ and I even considered Qa4
  93. hicetnunc 27.Bc4+ Kf8 28.c7 Nh3+ 29.Kf1 Ne3+ 30.Ke2 Qxg2+ 31.Kxe3 Qxc2 32.c8=Q+ !!
  94. hicetnunc You can try, no harm even if it doesn't work
  95. InfernalJumble gg but shame it couldn't go on for longer
  96. somethingpretentious erm Kf8 c7 Qh2+
  97. bobwooster I'm threatening mate, see he on;y had one smite check hicetnunc
  98. somethingpretentious with Qh1# to follow
  99. bobwooster exactly
  100. bobwooster Qh1
  101. bobwooster my knights cut off the 7th
  102. bobwooster it felt like he was better for most of the game with the bishops
  103. hicetnunc oh right, I missed this mate
  104. hicetnunc so no regrets then :-)
  105. hicetnunc well done to both players
  106. bobwooster thanks
  107. bobwooster and thanks to everybody for watching
  108. bobwooster 20. e4 was the turning point
  109. somethingpretentious no shit :P completely missed Rxf3, sneaky pins!
  110. bobwooster yeah, i'll admit, 90% of my game is cheap tactics :)
  111. bobwooster i like tactics, i'm hate openings
  112. bobwooster ** i hate openings ** is what i meant
  113. somethingpretentious Where do you train tactics? Pretty good I'll admit haha
  114. bobwooster and sometimes lichess. I do 25 puzzles everyday at
  115. bobwooster when your rating gets high, the puzzles get crazy So i do them until my tactics rating is at 2000, then I reset it and start over
  116. somethingpretentious Fair enough, I dislike the timer on Chesstempo :D
  117. bobwooster I've heard about Chesstempo, I should try it. I ignore the timer on I take my time and try to be accurate
  118. bobwooster Thanks for the game. good luck the rest of the season!
  119. somethingpretentious you too