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1e4+0.3c6+0.62d4+0.3d5+0.53f30.0Qb6+0.24c4?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. Nc3 was best.4.Nc3e65.Qd2[...]4...e5−0.65dxe5?−1.8...Mistake. cxd5 was best.5.cxd5exd46.Ne2[...]5...Bc5−2.06Nh3−1.8Bxh3−2.17gxh3−2.2Bf2+−1.98Ke2−2.2Nd7?−0.6Mistake. dxe4 was best.8...dxe49.Nc3exf3+[...]9Nc3−1.0Nxe5?!−0.3Inaccuracy. Bg1 was best.9...Bg110.Qe1Ne7[...]10Na4−0.5Qd4−0.411cxd5−0.5cxd5−0.312Qxd4−0.5Bxd4−0.513exd5−0.4Nf60.014f4−0.2Ned7?+1.2Mistake. Ng6 was best.14...Ng615Bg2+1.1O-O?+2.6Mistake. Rc8 was best.15...Rc816.Bd2O-O[...]16Nc3??−0.7...Blunder. Rd1 was best.16.Rd1Rfe8+17.Kf1[...]16...Rac8?!−0.1Inaccuracy. Rfe8+ was best.16...Rfe8+17.Kf317Kd3−0.6Bb6?!0.0Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best.17...Bxc318.bxc318Bd2−0.3Nc5+−0.419Kc2−0.4Rfd80.020Rad1−0.2Nce40.021Kb1??−3.8...Blunder. Be1 was best.21.Be1Nd622.Kb1[...]21...Nf2−3.822Rhf1−3.8Nxd1−3.923Rxd1−3.9Bc7?!−3.0Inaccuracy. Rc4 was best.23...Rc424.b3Rcc8[...]24Nb5?−5.9...Mistake. Be3 was best.24.Be324...Bb8?!−3.7Inaccuracy. Nxd5 was best.24...Nxd525.Nxa725Bc3?!−4.8...Inaccuracy. d6 was best.25.d6Bxd625...a6−4.926Bxf6−4.8gxf6−4.627Nd4−4.8Bxf4−4.928Nf5−5.1Rc5−4.229Be4−4.9Kf8−4.630d6−4.6Rdc8−4.731a3−4.7Rc1+−4.632Rxc1−4.7Rxc1+−4.633Ka2−4.6Rd1?!−3.5Inaccuracy. Ke8 was best.33...Ke834.Bxb734Bxb7−3.7Bxd6−3.335Bxa6−3.9Bxh2−3.236b4−3.0Be5?!−2.3Inaccuracy. Rd5 was best.36...Rd537.Ne337a4−2.5Bc3?!−1.6Inaccuracy. Rd2+ was best.37...Rd2+38.Kb3Rb2+[...]38Kb3?−3.4...Mistake. Ne3 was best.38.Ne3Rc138...Be1−3.139b5−3.2Ba5−2.640Kc4−2.7Rc1+−3.141Kd5−2.7h5?−0.9Mistake. Bb6 was best.41...Bb642.Kd642Bb7??−2.9...Blunder. Nd6 was best.42.Nd6Ra143.Kc6[...]42...Rc3−2.243h4?!−3.2...Inaccuracy. Nd6 was best.43.Nd6Ra343...Bb6−3.344Nd6?!−4.7...Inaccuracy. Kd6 was best.44.Kd6Rc444...Rc5+−4.545Ke4−4.5Ke7??−0.3Blunder. Bc7 was best.45...Bc746Nc8+−0.3Rxc8+0.147Bxc8+0.1Kd6+0.148Kf50.0Kc5+0.1Black offers draw49Kxf6+0.1Bd8+0.050Kxf70.0Kb60.051Kg60.0Bxh40.052Kxh50.0Be10.053Bf50.0Ba50.054Kg60.0Be10.055Kf70.0Ba50.056Ke60.0Be10.0
Draw by mutual agreement
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.02.08"] [White "Geigenzaehler"] [Black "thomasnguyen729"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [UTCDate "2022.02.08"] [UTCTime "23:01:08"] [WhiteElo "1984"] [BlackElo "1969"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+0"] [BlackRatingDiff "+1"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B12"] [Opening "Caro-Kann Defense: Maróczy Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c6 2. d4 d5 3. f3 { B12 Caro-Kann Defense: Maróczy Variation } Qb6 4. c4?! { (0.22 → -0.75) Inaccuracy. Nc3 was best. } (4. Nc3 e6 5. Qd2 Nf6 6. e5 Nfd7 7. f4 c5 8. dxc5 Nxc5) 4... e5 5. dxe5? { (-0.64 → -1.83) Mistake. cxd5 was best. } (5. cxd5 exd4 6. Ne2 Bc5 7. Nf4 Ne7 8. dxc6 Nbxc6 9. Nd3 O-O) 5... Bc5 6. Nh3 Bxh3 7. gxh3 Bf2+ 8. Ke2 Nd7? { (-2.24 → -0.61) Mistake. dxe4 was best. } (8... dxe4 9. Nc3 exf3+ 10. Kxf3 Nd7 11. Bf4 O-O-O 12. Qc2 Bh4 13. Ne4 Ne7 14. Kg2 Ng6 15. Bg3) 9. Nc3 Nxe5?! { (-1.00 → -0.32) Inaccuracy. Bg1 was best. } (9... Bg1 10. Qe1 Ne7 11. f4 dxe4 12. Nxe4 O-O 13. Kf3 Bd4 14. Bd3 Nc5 15. Nxc5 Bxc5 16. Rb1) 10. Na4 Qd4 11. cxd5 cxd5 12. Qxd4 Bxd4 13. exd5 Nf6 14. f4 Ned7? { (-0.22 → 1.19) Mistake. Ng6 was best. } (14... Ng6) 15. Bg2 O-O? { (1.09 → 2.57) Mistake. Rc8 was best. } (15... Rc8 16. Bd2 O-O 17. Rac1 b5 18. Kd3 bxa4 19. Rxc8 Rxc8 20. Kxd4 Rc2 21. Kd3 Rxb2 22. Rc1) 16. Nc3?? { (2.57 → -0.71) Blunder. Rd1 was best. } (16. Rd1 Rfe8+ 17. Kf1 Bb6 18. d6 Ne4 19. f5 Re5 20. Nxb6 axb6 21. Kg1 Rae8 22. Rd4 h5) 16... Rac8?! { (-0.71 → -0.10) Inaccuracy. Rfe8+ was best. } (16... Rfe8+ 17. Kf3) 17. Kd3 Bb6?! { (-0.64 → -0.01) Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best. } (17... Bxc3 18. bxc3) 18. Bd2 Nc5+ 19. Kc2 Rfd8 20. Rad1 Nce4 21. Kb1?? { (-0.02 → -3.84) Blunder. Be1 was best. } (21. Be1 Nd6 22. Kb1 Rc4 23. Bd2 Ba5 24. Rhe1 Kf8 25. Bf1 Bxc3 26. Bxc3 Rxf4 27. a3 b6) 21... Nf2 22. Rhf1 Nxd1 23. Rxd1 Bc7?! { (-3.87 → -3.05) Inaccuracy. Rc4 was best. } (23... Rc4 24. b3 Rcc8 25. h4 h5 26. Bf3 Be3 27. Kb2 Bxd2 28. Rxd2 Rc7 29. Rd4 Re7 30. Ne4) 24. Nb5? { (-3.05 → -5.89) Mistake. Be3 was best. } (24. Be3) 24... Bb8?! { (-5.89 → -3.74) Inaccuracy. Nxd5 was best. } (24... Nxd5 25. Nxa7) 25. Bc3?! { (-3.74 → -4.85) Inaccuracy. d6 was best. } (25. d6 Bxd6) 25... a6 26. Bxf6 gxf6 27. Nd4 Bxf4 28. Nf5 Rc5 29. Be4 Kf8 30. d6 Rdc8 31. a3 Rc1+ 32. Rxc1 Rxc1+ 33. Ka2 Rd1?! { (-4.59 → -3.46) Inaccuracy. Ke8 was best. } (33... Ke8 34. Bxb7) 34. Bxb7 Bxd6 35. Bxa6 Bxh2 36. b4 Be5?! { (-3.05 → -2.33) Inaccuracy. Rd5 was best. } (36... Rd5 37. Ne3) 37. a4 Bc3?! { (-2.51 → -1.56) Inaccuracy. Rd2+ was best. } (37... Rd2+ 38. Kb3 Rb2+ 39. Kc4 Rf2 40. Ne3 f5 41. Kc5 f4 42. Nc4 Bb8 43. Bb7 f3 44. a5) 38. Kb3? { (-1.56 → -3.37) Mistake. Ne3 was best. } (38. Ne3 Rc1) 38... Be1 39. b5 Ba5 40. Kc4 Rc1+ 41. Kd5 h5? { (-2.71 → -0.89) Mistake. Bb6 was best. } (41... Bb6 42. Kd6) 42. Bb7?? { (-0.89 → -2.87) Blunder. Nd6 was best. } (42. Nd6 Ra1 43. Kc6 Rxa4 44. b6 Bxb6 45. Kxb6 Ke7 46. Nf5+ Ke6 47. Nh6 f5 48. Bc8+ Ke5) 42... Rc3 43. h4?! { (-2.21 → -3.19) Inaccuracy. Nd6 was best. } (43. Nd6 Ra3) 43... Bb6 44. Nd6?! { (-3.35 → -4.69) Inaccuracy. Kd6 was best. } (44. Kd6 Rc4) 44... Rc5+ 45. Ke4 Ke7?? { (-4.53 → -0.28) Blunder. Bc7 was best. } (45... Bc7) 46. Nc8+ Rxc8 47. Bxc8 Kd6 48. Kf5 Kc5 { Black offers draw } 49. Kxf6 Bd8+ 50. Kxf7 Kb6 51. Kg6 Bxh4 52. Kxh5 Be1 53. Bf5 Ba5 54. Kg6 Be1 55. Kf7 Ba5 56. Ke6 Be1 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
4 inaccuracies
3 mistakes
3 blunders
45 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
8 inaccuracies
4 mistakes
1 blunder
46 Average centipawn loss
  1. thomasnguyen729 (3) NN hello
  2. thomasnguyen729 (3) I was not expecting the Fantasy variation
  3. Macalda Not a fun variation to be caught with
  4. Geigenzaehler I've seen no Fatasy variation played in their whole database
  5. Geigenzaehler never seen this Qb6 move either. For a reason?
  6. gavalanche20 (3...Qb6) Fantasy Caro, interesting
  7. gavalanche20 (3...Qb6) Isn't Qb6 one of the main lines against the Fantasy now?
  8. Geigenzaehler idk if this c4 was a good idea
  9. Geigenzaehler might just lose the pawn after Qb4+ stuff, but I felt like I would get something for it
  10. Geigenzaehler I am clueless here, I'll take my time
  11. Alegre_River games like this make me realise i have only seen a tiny part of what's possible in chess
  12. Alegre_River both players out of book on move 3? and i would be too
  13. Geigenzaehler still theory
  14. cathode-ray-jepsen (11) what in tarnation?
  15. nerja25390 Caro-who?
  16. Geigenzaehler pawn up! that means I'm winning right?
  17. Alegre_River 14. f4 Ng6 Bg2 ?
  18. wilfj (16) I wonder if white considered 16. Kd3?!
  19. Macalda Only just now noticed the clock
  20. Geigenzaehler you may not like it but this is what peak time management looks like
  21. Geigenzaehler ...
  22. thomasnguyen729 (36) (9) It did not occur to me to play h5
  23. nerja25390 looks dangerous now
  24. nerja25390 presume black is still winning
  25. wilfj (45) (45) er Nc8
  26. ssyx Gg