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1e4+0.4c5+0.32c30.0e6+0.43d4+0.1Nc6?!+1.0Inaccuracy. d5 was best.3...d54.exd5Qxd5[...]4Nf3?!+0.2...Inaccuracy. d5 was best.4.d5exd55.exd5[...]4...d6+0.65d5+0.9exd5+0.96Qxd5??−0.9...Blunder. exd5 was best.6.exd5Nce77.Bd3[...]6...Nf6−0.77Bg5−1.3Be6?!−0.2Inaccuracy. Qb6 was best.7...Qb68.Bxf68Bxf6−0.4Qxf6−0.49Qg5−0.5Be7−0.510Qxf6−0.5Bxf6−0.511Na3−0.5O-O-O−0.512Bc4−0.5Rhe8−0.413O-O-O−0.4a6−0.414Bxe6+−0.4Rxe6−0.315Rhe1−0.3b5−0.316Rd5−0.5Kc7−0.517Ng5?!−1.3...Inaccuracy. Nc2 was best.17.Nc2Rde817...Bxg5+−1.318Rxg5−1.3g6−1.319Nc2−1.4a5?!−0.5Inaccuracy. Rde8 was best.19...Rde820.Rg4Ne5[...]20a3?−1.7...Mistake. Ne3 was best.20.Ne3Kb720...b4??+0.2Blunder. Rde8 was best.20...Rde821a4??−1.7...Blunder. axb4 was best.21.axb4axb422.cxb4[...]21...Ne5−1.522Re3?!−2.3...Inaccuracy. Rg3 was best.22.Rg3b322...h6?!−1.3Inaccuracy. Nc4 was best.22...Nc423.Rf323Rgg3−1.0Nc4−1.324Re1−1.2b3−1.525Na3?!−2.2...Inaccuracy. Ne3 was best.25.Ne3Nb626.Rf3[...]25...Nb6??−0.3Blunder. Nxa3 was best.25...Nxa326c4−0.3d5?!+0.5Inaccuracy. Nxa4 was best.26...Nxa427.Rxb327Rxb3+0.6dxe4+1.128Rb5+1.1Kc6?!+1.7Inaccuracy. Ra8 was best.28...Ra829.Rxc5+Kd6[...]29Rxa5+1.7Rd4?!+2.7Inaccuracy. Rde8 was best.29...Rde830.b330Ra6??0.0...Blunder. b3 was best.30.b3f531.Nb5[...]30...Kb7−0.131Ra50.0Re5??+1.8Blunder. Nxc4 was best.31...Nxc432.Nxc4Rxc4+[...]32b3+1.9f5?!+3.2Inaccuracy. Rd3 was best.32...Rd333.Kc2f5[...]33b4??−0.2...Blunder. Nb5 was best.33.Nb533...Nxc4−0.134Nxc4?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. Rb5+ was best.34.Rb5+Kc635.Nc2[...]34...Rxc4+−0.735Kb2−0.6Rxb4+−0.736Kc3−0.8Rd5?!0.0Inaccuracy. Kc6 was best.36...Kc637.Ra8Re7[...]37Rb5+??−3.5...Blunder. Rxc5 was best.37.Rxc5Rxc5+38.Kxb4[...]37...Rxb5−3.438axb5−4.0Kb6−4.039Rb1−4.1f4−4.140Kc4−4.7Rd4+−4.341Kc3−4.5e3−4.342fxe3−4.6fxe3−4.343Re1−4.4Re4−4.544Kd3−4.6Re8−4.245Rxe3?!−6.4...Inaccuracy. Ke2 was best.45.Ke2Kxb546.Rb1+[...]45...Rxe3+−6.546Kxe3−6.7Kxb5−6.447Kd3−6.8Kb4−7.048Kc2−7.4c4−7.949h4−9.3c3−9.250g3−12.7g5?!−6.8Inaccuracy. h5 was best.50...h551.Kc1Kc4[...]51hxg5−8.3hxg5−10.452g4−11.6Kc4−10.653Kc1−10.3Kb4−13.354Kc2−9.0Kc4−8.755Kc1−23.2Kd3−9.556Kd1−18.2Ke3#−4357Kc2#−45Kd4?!−13.8Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kf4 was best.57...Kf458.Kd3Kxg4[...]58Kc1−9.7Ke3#−3759Kc2#−44Kf3?!−10.7Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kf4 was best.59...Kf460.Kd3Kxg4[...]60Kxc3#−25Kxg4#−2461Kd2#−36Kf3#−2462Ke1#−17Kg2#−4163Ke2#−20g4#−3264Ke1#−15g3#−1465Ke2#−22Kg1#−1966Kf3−8.8g2#−2167Kg3#−27Kf1#−1068Kf3#−8g1=Q#−1269Ke4#−8Qg5#−770Kd4#−7Qe7#−871Kd5#−10Kf2#−872Kc6#−7Qe5#−1073Kb7#−7Qd6#−674Ka8#−6Ke3#−575Kb7#−5Kd4#−476Ka8#−4Qd7#−377Kb8#−3Kc5#−278Ka8#−2Kb6#−179Kb8#−1Qb7#
Checkmate • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.12.08"] [White "MattHasFun"] [Black "UpGoerFive"] [Result "0-1"] [UTCDate "2022.12.08"] [UTCTime "20:00:21"] [WhiteElo "1613"] [BlackElo "1584"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-20"] [BlackRatingDiff "+20"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B22"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Alapin Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. c3 { B22 Sicilian Defense: Alapin Variation } e6 3. d4 Nc6?! { (0.11 → 0.95) Inaccuracy. d5 was best. } (3... d5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5. Na3 Bd7 6. Nb5 Bxb5 7. Bxb5+ Nc6 8. Nf3) 4. Nf3?! { (0.95 → 0.19) Inaccuracy. d5 was best. } (4. d5 exd5 5. exd5 Ne5 6. Nf3 Qe7 7. Nxe5 Qxe5+ 8. Be2 Nf6) 4... d6 5. d5 exd5 6. Qxd5?? { (0.91 → -0.93) Blunder. exd5 was best. } (6. exd5 Nce7 7. Bd3 Nf6 8. c4 g6 9. Nc3 Bg7 10. O-O O-O) 6... Nf6 7. Bg5 Be6?! { (-1.26 → -0.23) Inaccuracy. Qb6 was best. } (7... Qb6 8. Bxf6) 8. Bxf6 Qxf6 9. Qg5 Be7 10. Qxf6 Bxf6 11. Na3 O-O-O 12. Bc4 Rhe8 13. O-O-O a6 14. Bxe6+ Rxe6 15. Rhe1 b5 16. Rd5 Kc7 17. Ng5?! { (-0.53 → -1.31) Inaccuracy. Nc2 was best. } (17. Nc2 Rde8) 17... Bxg5+ 18. Rxg5 g6 19. Nc2 a5?! { (-1.36 → -0.50) Inaccuracy. Rde8 was best. } (19... Rde8 20. Rg4 Ne5 21. Rg3 c4 22. Nb4 a5 23. Nd5+ Kd8 24. Kd2 Nd3 25. Rxd3 cxd3 26. f3) 20. a3? { (-0.50 → -1.69) Mistake. Ne3 was best. } (20. Ne3 Kb7) 20... b4?? { (-1.69 → 0.21) Blunder. Rde8 was best. } (20... Rde8) 21. a4?? { (0.21 → -1.70) Blunder. axb4 was best. } (21. axb4 axb4 22. cxb4 cxb4 23. Rd5 Rde8 24. f3 f5 25. Nd4 Nxd4 26. Rxd4 d5 27. Rxb4 dxe4) 21... Ne5 22. Re3?! { (-1.50 → -2.34) Inaccuracy. Rg3 was best. } (22. Rg3 b3) 22... h6?! { (-2.34 → -1.29) Inaccuracy. Nc4 was best. } (22... Nc4 23. Rf3) 23. Rgg3 Nc4 24. Re1 b3 25. Na3?! { (-1.46 → -2.21) Inaccuracy. Ne3 was best. } (25. Ne3 Nb6 26. Rf3 Kc6 27. Nd5 Nxd5 28. exd5+ Kxd5 29. Rxe6 Kxe6 30. Kd2 d5 31. g4 c4) 25... Nb6?? { (-2.21 → -0.35) Blunder. Nxa3 was best. } (25... Nxa3) 26. c4 d5?! { (-0.27 → 0.54) Inaccuracy. Nxa4 was best. } (26... Nxa4 27. Rxb3) 27. Rxb3 dxe4 28. Rb5 Kc6?! { (1.11 → 1.70) Inaccuracy. Ra8 was best. } (28... Ra8 29. Rxc5+ Kd6 30. Rb5 Nxa4 31. Rd1+ Ke7 32. Rd4 Rc8 33. Rxa5 Nc5 34. Kc2 Nd3 35. Nb5) 29. Rxa5 Rd4?! { (1.73 → 2.68) Inaccuracy. Rde8 was best. } (29... Rde8 30. b3) 30. Ra6?? { (2.68 → 0.00) Blunder. b3 was best. } (30. b3 f5 31. Nb5 Rd7 32. Rd1 Rxd1+ 33. Kxd1 Re7 34. Ra6 Rd7+ 35. Kc2 Kb7 36. Ra7+ Kb8) 30... Kb7 31. Ra5 Re5?? { (-0.03 → 1.84) Blunder. Nxc4 was best. } (31... Nxc4 32. Nxc4 Rxc4+ 33. Kb1 Ra6 34. Rxa6 Kxa6 35. b3 Rd4 36. Kc2 h5 37. Re3 h4 38. f3) 32. b3 f5?! { (1.85 → 3.17) Inaccuracy. Rd3 was best. } (32... Rd3 33. Kc2 f5 34. Re2 g5 35. f3 exf3 36. Rxe5 fxg2 37. Re7+ Kb8 38. Re1 Rf3 39. Rg1) 33. b4?? { (3.17 → -0.18) Blunder. Nb5 was best. } (33. Nb5) 33... Nxc4 34. Nxc4?! { (-0.09 → -0.74) Inaccuracy. Rb5+ was best. } (34. Rb5+ Kc6 35. Nc2 Rdd5 36. Ne3 Nxe3 37. Rxe3 cxb4 38. Rxb4 Rc5+ 39. Kb2 Red5 40. Re2 h5) 34... Rxc4+ 35. Kb2 Rxb4+ 36. Kc3 Rd5?! { (-0.78 → -0.02) Inaccuracy. Kc6 was best. } (36... Kc6 37. Ra8 Re7 38. a5 Ra4 39. Kb3 Rd4 40. Kc3 Rb7 41. Ra1 Rd3+ 42. Kc2 Rbb3 43. a6) 37. Rb5+?? { (-0.02 → -3.47) Blunder. Rxc5 was best. } (37. Rxc5 Rxc5+ 38. Kxb4 Rc2 39. f3 exf3 40. gxf3 Rxh2 41. Re7+ Kb8 42. Re8+ Kc7 43. a5 g5) 37... Rxb5 38. axb5 Kb6 39. Rb1 f4 40. Kc4 Rd4+ 41. Kc3 e3 42. fxe3 fxe3 43. Re1 Re4 44. Kd3 Re8 45. Rxe3?! { (-4.22 → -6.39) Inaccuracy. Ke2 was best. } (45. Ke2 Kxb5 46. Rb1+ Kc6 47. Ra1 Re6 48. h4 Kd5 49. Rd1+ Ke4 50. Rc1 Re5 51. g3 h5) 45... Rxe3+ 46. Kxe3 Kxb5 47. Kd3 Kb4 48. Kc2 c4 49. h4 c3 50. g3 g5?! { (-12.67 → -6.83) Inaccuracy. h5 was best. } (50... h5 51. Kc1 Kc4 52. Kc2 Kd4 53. Kc1 Ke4 54. Kc2 Kf3 55. Kxc3 Kxg3 56. Kd2 Kxh4 57. Kd1) 51. hxg5 hxg5 52. g4 Kc4 53. Kc1 Kb4 54. Kc2 Kc4 55. Kc1 Kd3 56. Kd1 Ke3 57. Kc2 Kd4?! { (Mate in 45 → -13.79) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kf4 was best. } (57... Kf4 58. Kd3 Kxg4 59. Ke3 Kh3 60. Kd3 g4 61. Kc4 c2 62. Kd4 c1=Q 63. Kd3 Qc2+ 64. Kxc2) 58. Kc1 Ke3 59. Kc2 Kf3?! { (Mate in 44 → -10.72) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kf4 was best. } (59... Kf4 60. Kd3 Kxg4 61. Ke3 c2 62. Ke4 c1=Q 63. Kd4 Kg3 64. Ke4 Qc5 65. Kd3 Kf3 66. Kd2) 60. Kxc3 Kxg4 61. Kd2 Kf3 62. Ke1 Kg2 63. Ke2 g4 64. Ke1 g3 65. Ke2 Kg1 66. Kf3 g2 67. Kg3 Kf1 68. Kf3 g1=Q 69. Ke4 Qg5 70. Kd4 Qe7 71. Kd5 Kf2 72. Kc6 Qe5 73. Kb7 Qd6 74. Ka8 Ke3 75. Kb7 Kd4 76. Ka8 Qd7 77. Kb8 Kc5 78. Ka8 Kb6 79. Kb8 Qb7# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
6 inaccuracies
1 mistake
5 blunders
39 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
12 inaccuracies
0 mistakes
3 blunders
28 Average centipawn loss
  1. MattHasFun boooo I wanted the vienna
  2. MattHasFun worst part about chess is that my opponent always does things that I don't want them to do
  3. prostidude Go go Matt!
  4. sidetracked_owl Let's gooooo Matt!!
  5. Ivory12 (4...d6) Let's go Matt!
  6. Ivory12 (4...d6) jeez didn't know we were on a team with a dirty alapin player
  7. Ivory12 (4...d6) still cheering for you anyway I guess!
  8. Ivory12 (4...d6) but if you're gonna play the Alapin you have to win at least ;)
  9. prostidude Openings don't matter
  10. prostidude ... Unless you play the London, that's unforgivable
  11. Ivory12 (5...exd5) play the black side of 5 alapin games and come back to me with that sentiment prosti :D
  12. prostidude Interesting
  13. prostidude I would have gone exd Ne5 nxn dxn qxq
  14. prostidude Black would have lost castling rights
  15. Ivory12 (6.Qxd5) usually in the Alapin (at least he ..d5 lines, I don't think ..e6 is really a complex) you see Black take on d5 with the Queen
  16. Ivory12 (6...Nf6) Because white is blocking c3 with its own pawn, and so can't develop the knight with free tempo.
  17. Ivory12 (6...Nf6) so this is an interesting reversal
  18. Ivory12 (6...Nf6) but I am pretty sure we are in new-ish waters
  19. prostidude As long as Matt is having fun I'm happy
  20. Ivory12 (6...Nf6) interestingly there are about 3k~ games of ..e6. I wasn't aware it was a thing. But 5. d5 is new!
  21. Ivory12 (6...Nf6) Opening nerds in shambles, time to just play chess
  22. prostidude Not played before ≠ bad
  23. Ivory12 (7...Be6) Well usually there is a tactical reason something 6 moves in has not been tried
  24. Ivory12 (7...Be6) But I admit I am fully lost here
  25. MattHasFun I have let my lust for chaos get the better of me
  26. prostidude Don't worry Matt, just create additional chaos
  27. prostidude Yes!!
  28. prostidude I was thinking about b takes too
  29. prostidude Love it
  30. prostidude I'm getting worried about white's development
  31. mojomoe go goer
  32. Astronominoff (13.0-0-0) Nice resourse.
  33. Astronominoff (13.o-o-o)
  34. Astronominoff How do you get castle queenside to turn blue?
  35. Astronominoff (13.o-o-o)
  36. prostidude I feel like these players are pretty equally matched
  37. Ivory12 (15.Rhe1) I don't think it likes linking the castle messages at all
  38. prostidude Might come down to who is more versed in rook and pawn endgames
  39. Ivory12 (18...g6) woulda gone with Ne5 myself
  40. Ivory12 (18...g6) threatening Nd3+
  41. val1313 (18...g6) so how do you bring M. A3N into the party now ? probably trhough C2-e3-D5
  42. val1313 (18...g6) the pin on the pawn e is a little worrying
  43. Astronominoff Remember Matt: there's more fondue if you win.
  44. Ivory12 (18...g6) I think it's okay. Nc2 f5 f3 fxe fxe Re8 Rg4 should hold no
  45. Ivory12 (18...g6) get the knight central
  46. Ivory12 (18...g6) mmm, fondue
  47. Ivory12 (19.Nc2) but maybe black has stronger lines like f6, immediate Re8
  48. Astronominoff (19...a5) Time for some Ne3 action.
  49. MattHasFun I think I played this whole game a bit too silly
  50. Ivory12 (21.a4) I like a4. It was my candidate move too
  51. val1313 (21...Ne5) rook e3 here ?
  52. Ivory12 (21...Ne5) Maybe just Re2? either way Nc4 is coming
  53. Astronominoff Rg3
  54. MattHasFun maybe should have gone Rd1
  55. Astronominoff (22.Re3) This is okay. He can attack f7 or h7 after Nc4.
  56. val1313 (25.Na3) Ne3 looked a much better option
  57. Ivory12 (25.Na3) I don
  58. Ivory12 (25.Na3) 't mind this but I don't really like it either
  59. Ivory12 (25.Na3) the whole bait e4 pawn option is off the table :P
  60. prostidude Na1 was also an option
  61. prostidude The most depressing one though
  62. Ivory12 (25...Nb6) Seemed good to me basically requires Rb8 to get tied down
  63. Ivory12 (25...Nb6) more I think about it the more I like it ^^
  64. val1313 (25...Nb6) wow
  65. Astronominoff (25...Nb6) c4 - explosive.
  66. prostidude Why didn't they go nxa3?
  67. Astronominoff That's weird black didn't take the knight. He might have thought white could get the b-pawn
  68. val1313 (26.c4) very strange
  69. val1313 (26.c4) I agree
  70. Astronominoff (26...d5) That's a really good move.
  71. prostidude Never don't take free pawns
  72. prostidude Worry about the position later
  73. Astronominoff (29.Rxa5) White is now UP a passed pawn? How did that happen?
  74. val1313 (29...Rd4) crazy
  75. val1313 (29...Rd4) he handled it very well
  76. Ivory12 (29...Rd4) Nb5 time!
  77. Ivory12 (29...Rd4) maybe not
  78. Ivory12 (29...rd4) :d
  79. Astronominoff b3 first
  80. val1313 (29...Rd4) indeed
  81. Ivory12 (30.Ra6) this is a waste of tempo I think after Kb7
  82. val1313 (30...Kb7) maybe you win C45 ?
  83. Astronominoff Unfortunately, no.
  84. MattHasFun I think that was a really stupid attempted pin
  85. prostidude This game is far from over
  86. MattHasFun I think I had a really good turn of fortune and I might have thrown it away
  87. prostidude And it's highly entertaining
  88. MattHasFun Probably should have just pushed the b pawn to protect the c pawn
  89. prostidude F4!!
  90. Astronominoff (31...Re5) Yes, but it could backfire.
  91. val1313 (31...Re5) b3 looks like the priority here
  92. val1313 (31...Re5) F4 looks very risky
  93. prostidude You guys don't understand, it's not about making the best move, it's about making the scariest one
  94. Astronominoff I f4 loses: exf3 Rxe5 f2!
  95. val1313 (31...Re5) I would really consider sacking the rook for a pawn on g2
  96. val1313 (31...Re5) oh yeah, even better
  97. MattHasFun I really wanted to go b4 but i just don't know
  98. Astronominoff Oh that would have been fun.
  99. prostidude B4 would have been awesome
  100. prostidude Let's go!
  101. MattHasFun I should have done it
  102. prostidude Now we're having fun
  103. val1313 (36...Rd5) Kb6 was annoying
  104. prostidude Rb4
  105. Astronominoff (36...Rd5) Rxc5
  106. val1313 (38.axb5) he missed it
  107. val1313 (38.axb5) Rxc5 indeed
  108. prostidude Oh wow rxc5 would have been brilliant
  109. Astronominoff This is still okay-ish
  110. val1313 (39...f4) let's see the endgame technique
  111. prostidude It looks awful to defend with such low time, but I believe in Matt
  112. val1313 (44...Re8) kc4 !
  113. val1313 (44...Re8) I don't know if it's any good though
  114. Astronominoff No, because then e2, and the rook can't move.
  115. Astronominoff It looks bad.
  116. Ivory12 (44...Re8) neither can black's rook tho
  117. Astronominoff It can waste moves though.
  118. val1313 (49.h4) ouch
  119. Astronominoff (49.h4) Well, we'll have some fondue next time Matt.
  120. val1313 (53.Kc1) maybe stalemate if black is not careful
  121. prostidude Hmmm
  122. prostidude Why isn't black going for g4?
  123. val1313 (54.Kc2) very strange
  124. Astronominoff He's playing with his food.
  125. Ivory12 (56.Kd1) maybe too much
  126. Ivory12 (56.Kd1) oof
  127. val1313 (58.Kc1) wtf
  128. Astronominoff Oh, almost 3-fold
  129. prostidude !!
  130. Ivory12 (58.Kc1) Black just needs to use some of his 42 minutes here
  131. Astronominoff Kd3 please.
  132. val1313 (59...Kf3) pick G4 and go to h2 man
  133. Ivory12 (58...Ke3) see that he can get to Kf2
  134. prostidude OK now it's truly over
  135. prostidude Very tenacious game by both
  136. Ivory12 (67...Kf1) hard-fought!
  137. prostidude Matt is a warrior to the end
  138. Ivory12 ggwp
  139. prostidude Gg's!
  140. val1313 gg !