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1b3+0.1e5+0.22Bb2+0.3Nc6+0.23e30.0Nf6+0.24Bb5−0.1Bd60.05Ne2−0.4O-O−0.16O-O−0.2a6+0.27Bxc6+0.1dxc6+0.18d4?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. d3 was best.8.d3Qe79.Nd2[...]8...e4−0.39c4??−10.0...Blunder. h3 was best.9.h3Nh59...Bxh2+−10.010Kh1−9.8Bd6??−3.5Blunder. Ng4 was best.10...Ng411.g3Qf6[...]11c5??−7.9...Blunder. Qe1 was best.11.Qe1Ng412.g3[...]11...Ng4−7.712g3−7.4Qf6?−3.6Mistake. Bxg3 was best.12...Bxg313.fxg3Qg5[...]13Kg2−3.2Qf3+−3.614Kg1−3.6Qf6−3.515Kg2−3.6Qf3+−3.216Kg1−3.0Bxg3??−0.5Blunder. Qf5 was best.16...Qf517.Kg2Qh5[...]17Nxg3−0.7Nxe3??+7.1Blunder. Qf6 was best.17...Qf618.Kg218Qxf3+7.1exf3+6.919fxe3+6.8Bg4+6.820Nd2+6.7Rfe8+7.221Kf2+6.8Re6+7.122Nxf3+7.3Rae8+7.423Rae1+7.3f5+8.724Ne5+8.5h5+9.625Nxg4+9.4hxg4+9.826Nxf5+9.8Rf8+10.127Kg3+9.8
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.02.12"] [White "WO_Schrodinger"] [Black "aln276"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "jP2FVEoV"] [UTCDate "2020.02.12"] [UTCTime "08:00:38"] [WhiteElo "2061"] [BlackElo "2107"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+11"] [BlackRatingDiff "-11"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "A01"] [Opening "Nimzo-Larsen Attack: Modern Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. b3 e5 2. Bb2 Nc6 3. e3 { A01 Nimzo-Larsen Attack: Modern Variation } Nf6 4. Bb5 Bd6 5. Ne2 O-O 6. O-O a6 7. Bxc6 dxc6 8. d4?! { (0.14 → -0.68) Inaccuracy. d3 was best. } (8. d3 Qe7 9. Nd2 Nh5 10. Nc4 b5 11. Nxd6 cxd6 12. Qd2 Bb7) 8... e4 9. c4?? { (-0.31 → -10.04) Blunder. h3 was best. } (9. h3 Nh5) 9... Bxh2+ 10. Kh1 Bd6?? { (-9.85 → -3.53) Blunder. Ng4 was best. } (10... Ng4 11. g3 Qf6 12. Nf4 Bxg3 13. Qxg4 Bxg4 14. fxg3 g5 15. Kg1 gxf4 16. Rxf4 Qg5 17. Nd2) 11. c5?? { (-3.53 → -7.89) Blunder. Qe1 was best. } (11. Qe1 Ng4 12. g3 Qf6 13. Kg2 Qf3+ 14. Kg1 Nf6 15. Nd2 Qh5 16. f3 exf3 17. Rxf3 Ne4) 11... Ng4 12. g3 Qf6? { (-7.36 → -3.62) Mistake. Bxg3 was best. } (12... Bxg3 13. fxg3 Qg5 14. Kg1 Qxe3+ 15. Kg2 Qh6 16. Rh1 Ne3+ 17. Kg1 Qxh1+ 18. Kxh1 Nxd1 19. Bc1) 13. Kg2 Qf3+ 14. Kg1 Qf6 15. Kg2 Qf3+ 16. Kg1 Bxg3?? { (-2.99 → -0.50) Blunder. Qf5 was best. } (16... Qf5 17. Kg2 Qh5 18. Rh1 Nxf2 19. Kxf2 Qf3+ 20. Kg1 Qxe3+ 21. Kf1 Bxg3 22. Nxg3 Qxg3 23. Qh5) 17. Nxg3 Nxe3?? { (-0.73 → 7.09) Blunder. Qf6 was best. } (17... Qf6 18. Kg2) 18. Qxf3 exf3 19. fxe3 Bg4 20. Nd2 Rfe8 21. Kf2 Re6 22. Nxf3 Rae8 23. Rae1 f5 24. Ne5 h5 25. Nxg4 hxg4 26. Nxf5 Rf8 27. Kg3 { Black resigns. } 1-0
1 Inaccuracy
0 Mistakes
2 Blunders
65 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
0 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
3 Blunders
101 Average centipawn loss
  1. aln276 ok, as I expected the 1.b3 system
  2. aln276 we have a lot of players at our club using this system, so I played different defences for Black
  3. aln276 this particular is more dynamic
  4. aln276 now (9) Black cannot play Re8 because ov dxe5 Bxe5 Qxd8 and the bishop is gone
  5. aln276 I am wondering, if the sac on h2 works
  6. aln276 let's see. 9... Bxh2 Kxh2 Ng4+ Kg1 Qh4 Re1 Qh2+ Kf1 Qh1 + Ng1 Nh2+ Ke2 Bg4+ f3 Qg2#
  7. aln276 now, let see if the king goes forward 10. Kg3 Qg5 and I am prepared to make the deadly check on e3
  8. aln276 after Qg5 I cannot see an immediate win but the main threat is Nxe3 winnig the queen
  9. aln276 ah what the heck, I guess I should have at least some perpetual
  10. aln276 ah, so he gives up a pawn.
  11. aln276 now with (11) g3 he can trap my bishop. I need to either retreat (remembering that I am pawn up) or find a continuation of the attack.
  12. aln276 (11) White wastes so many tempi...
  13. aln276 i looked at (11) Bxc5 but Nd2 gets teh e4 pawn back, so I need to continue my attack
  14. aln276 damn. (16) I almost used all my time. but looks like there is a win.
  15. aln276 ok, no let see.
  16. aln276 I have a draw by perpetual, which is good. but I think ... yes
  17. aln276 I blundered
  18. aln276 surprise surprise
  19. timothyha Was trying to understand why you took on g3. Maybe you thought your second bishop was looking at g3, and not h3
  20. aln276 still got a lot of pawns LOL
  21. aln276 having almost certain draw and blowing that away... typical me
  22. aln276 yeah. i have to resign