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1c4+0.2c6+0.32e40.0d5+0.13cxd50.0cxd5+0.14exd50.0Qxd5+0.55Nc3+0.3Qd8+0.56d4+0.4Nf6+0.57Nf3+0.4e6+0.48a3+0.4Be7+0.49Bc4+0.4O-O+0.310O-O+0.5Nc6+0.511b40.0a6+0.312Bb2+0.1b5+0.213Ba2−0.2Bb7+0.114Re1+0.4Re8?!+1.2Inaccuracy. Na7 was best.14...Na715.Ng515h3?!+0.2...Inaccuracy. d5 was best.15.d5exd515...Bf8+0.416g4?−0.9...Mistake. d5 was best.16.d5exd517.Rxe8[...]16...Ne7−1.017Ng5?!−1.7...Inaccuracy. Ne5 was best.17.Ne5Ned518.Qf3[...]17...Ned5−1.318Nce4−1.8h6−1.919Nxf6+−2.0Nxf6−1.820Nf3−1.9Rc8−1.721Bb3−1.9Nd5−1.822Qd2?!−2.6...Inaccuracy. Rc1 was best.22.Rc1Qf623.Bxd5[...]22...Bd6−2.823Ne5−3.1Bf8?−1.6Mistake. Qh4 was best.23...Qh424.Qd3Nf4[...]24Nd3?!−2.5...Inaccuracy. Qd3 was best.24.Qd324...g6?−1.2Mistake. Bd6 was best.24...Bd625Nc5−1.4Qe7?!−0.4Inaccuracy. Ba8 was best.25...Ba826.Kf126Nxb7−0.4Qxb7−0.527h4−1.0Bd6−0.828Bxd5?!−1.5...Inaccuracy. h5 was best.28.h528...Qxd5−1.629Rac1?−2.9...Mistake. Qd3 was best.29.Qd3h529...Bf8??−0.9Blunder. Qf3 was best.29...Qf330.Qe2Qh3[...]30Re5?!−1.6...Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best.30.Qe3h530...Qf3−1.931Qe2−1.5Qxe2?!−0.6Inaccuracy. Rxc1+ was best.31...Rxc1+32.Bxc132Rxe2−0.5Bg7−0.133Rec2−0.5Rxc2−0.634Rxc2−0.5Rd8−0.635Rd2−1.1Kf8−0.636Kg2−1.0Ke7−1.237Kf3−1.1Kd6?!0.0Inaccuracy. Bf6 was best.37...Bf638.h5gxh5[...]38Ke3?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. d5 was best.38.d5e539.Rc2[...]38...Kd5?!−0.1Inaccuracy. Rc8 was best.38...Rc839.h5Kd5[...]39f4?!−0.8...Inaccuracy. Rc2 was best.39.Rc239...f5−1.440g5−1.8Rc8?!−0.9Inaccuracy. Rh8 was best.40...Rh841Rg2?!−2.1...Inaccuracy. gxh6 was best.41.gxh6Bxh641...h5−2.042Rd2−1.8Rc4−1.8Black offers draw
Draw by mutual agreement
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2023.06.28"] [White "Bauernmahlzeit"] [Black "peterwoowooka"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [UTCDate "2023.06.28"] [UTCTime "08:00:29"] [WhiteElo "1644"] [BlackElo "1707"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+4"] [BlackRatingDiff "-3"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B10"] [Opening "Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated Panov Attack"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. c4 c6 2. e4 d5 { B10 Caro-Kann Defense: Accelerated Panov Attack } 3. cxd5 cxd5 4. exd5 Qxd5 5. Nc3 Qd8 6. d4 Nf6 7. Nf3 e6 8. a3 Be7 9. Bc4 O-O 10. O-O Nc6 11. b4 a6 12. Bb2 b5 13. Ba2 Bb7 14. Re1 Re8?! { (0.37 → 1.16) Inaccuracy. Na7 was best. } (14... Na7 15. Ng5) 15. h3?! { (1.16 → 0.16) Inaccuracy. d5 was best. } (15. d5 exd5) 15... Bf8 16. g4? { (0.41 → -0.93) Mistake. d5 was best. } (16. d5 exd5 17. Rxe8 Qxe8 18. Nxd5 Nxd5 19. Qxd5 Na5 20. Qf5 Bxf3 21. bxa5 Be4 22. Bxf7+ Qxf7) 16... Ne7 17. Ng5?! { (-1.00 → -1.69) Inaccuracy. Ne5 was best. } (17. Ne5 Ned5 18. Qf3 Re7 19. g5 Rc7 20. Nxd5 Nxd5 21. Qg4 Bd6 22. Bb3 Nb6 23. Rac1 Rxc1) 17... Ned5 18. Nce4 h6 19. Nxf6+ Nxf6 20. Nf3 Rc8 21. Bb3 Nd5 22. Qd2?! { (-1.83 → -2.56) Inaccuracy. Rc1 was best. } (22. Rc1 Qf6 23. Bxd5 Bxd5 24. Ne5 Bd6 25. Qd3 Qe7 26. Rxc8 Rxc8 27. Rc1 Rxc1+ 28. Bxc1 f6) 22... Bd6 23. Ne5 Bf8? { (-3.07 → -1.59) Mistake. Qh4 was best. } (23... Qh4 24. Qd3 Nf4 25. Qg3 Nxh3+ 26. Kf1 Qxg3 27. fxg3 Ng5 28. Rad1 Bd5 29. Bxd5 exd5 30. Rc1) 24. Nd3?! { (-1.59 → -2.53) Inaccuracy. Qd3 was best. } (24. Qd3) 24... g6? { (-2.53 → -1.18) Mistake. Bd6 was best. } (24... Bd6) 25. Nc5 Qe7?! { (-1.38 → -0.42) Inaccuracy. Ba8 was best. } (25... Ba8 26. Kf1) 26. Nxb7 Qxb7 27. h4 Bd6 28. Bxd5?! { (-0.85 → -1.51) Inaccuracy. h5 was best. } (28. h5) 28... Qxd5 29. Rac1? { (-1.58 → -2.92) Mistake. Qd3 was best. } (29. Qd3 h5) 29... Bf8?? { (-2.92 → -0.86) Blunder. Qf3 was best. } (29... Qf3 30. Qe2 Qh3 31. f3 Qg3+ 32. Kf1 Qxh4 33. Kg1 Red8 34. d5 Rxc1 35. Rxc1 Bf4 36. Rd1) 30. Re5?! { (-0.86 → -1.65) Inaccuracy. Qe3 was best. } (30. Qe3 h5) 30... Qf3 31. Qe2 Qxe2?! { (-1.55 → -0.61) Inaccuracy. Rxc1+ was best. } (31... Rxc1+ 32. Bxc1) 32. Rxe2 Bg7 33. Rec2 Rxc2 34. Rxc2 Rd8 35. Rd2 Kf8 36. Kg2 Ke7 37. Kf3 Kd6?! { (-1.06 → 0.00) Inaccuracy. Bf6 was best. } (37... Bf6 38. h5 gxh5 39. gxh5 Rd5 40. Rc2 Rxh5 41. Rc7+ Kf8 42. Rc6 Kg7 43. Kg2 Rg5+ 44. Kh1) 38. Ke3?! { (0.00 → -0.73) Inaccuracy. d5 was best. } (38. d5 e5 39. Rc2 e4+ 40. Kxe4 Bxb2 41. Rxb2 Rc8 42. Rd2 Rc4+ 43. Rd4 Rc3 44. Rd3 Rxd3) 38... Kd5?! { (-0.73 → -0.10) Inaccuracy. Rc8 was best. } (38... Rc8 39. h5 Kd5 40. f4 Bf6 41. Rh2 g5 42. fxg5 Bxg5+ 43. Kd3 f6 44. Rf2 e5 45. dxe5) 39. f4?! { (-0.10 → -0.84) Inaccuracy. Rc2 was best. } (39. Rc2) 39... f5 40. g5 Rc8?! { (-1.77 → -0.90) Inaccuracy. Rh8 was best. } (40... Rh8) 41. Rg2?! { (-0.90 → -2.06) Inaccuracy. gxh6 was best. } (41. gxh6 Bxh6) 41... h5 42. Rd2 Rc4 { Black offers draw } { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
9 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
0 blunders
37 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
6 inaccuracies
2 mistakes
1 blunder
34 Average centipawn loss
  1. AumarMustafa f6, nd3
  2. ishallwooopyoass Qf6
  3. ishallwooopyoass if black can get Nf4
  4. ishallwooopyoass this could be over soon
  5. AumarMustafa true
  6. ishallwooopyoass f6 is very risky
  7. ishallwooopyoass bishop pair wise
  8. ishallwooopyoass white is cutting the board in half
  9. AumarMustafa you are right, qf6 allows f4 with the bishop
  10. ishallwooopyoass bishop is really needed back on d6
  11. AumarMustafa 24. I favour white now
  12. ishallwooopyoass yeah me too
  13. ishallwooopyoass black is playing very passive
  14. AumarMustafa given the time difference black needs to start developing and bf8 doesnt help
  15. AumarMustafa 25. it would be nice to know what they are thinking
  16. AumarMustafa 26. trading a useful knight for a useless bishop
  17. TrainingGrounds Yea I also think it was a bad trade
  18. TrainingGrounds Knight was very strong
  19. ishallwooopyoass nah it was a good trade for white
  20. ishallwooopyoass that bishop was the only good piece
  21. ishallwooopyoass on black side
  22. AumarMustafa black has open file, queen protecting on a different file
  23. AumarMustafa doesnt sound like good compensation for white
  24. TrainingGrounds Im not so sure, curious what analysis would say
  25. ishallwooopyoass we will see soon
  26. ishallwooopyoass unless this turns into an endgame
  27. ishallwooopyoass but if it does
  28. ishallwooopyoass i think balck will have a slight edge
  29. ishallwooopyoass becasue of the isolated d pawn
  30. ishallwooopyoass i wonder if g5 is sound for black
  31. ishallwooopyoass trying for knight f4
  32. TrainingGrounds Qxh6?
  33. ishallwooopyoass i think there is a queen trap
  34. TrainingGrounds How?
  35. ishallwooopyoass Bf4 Nf6
  36. TrainingGrounds Bxd4
  37. ishallwooopyoass hm
  38. ishallwooopyoass true
  39. TrainingGrounds I mean bxd5 killing knight and attacking queen of course
  40. ishallwooopyoass yes
  41. TrainingGrounds Hmmm bauer doesnt see Qxh6 or calculating? :D
  42. ishallwooopyoass maybe Rc2
  43. ishallwooopyoass is a thing
  44. ishallwooopyoass Rc2 Qf3
  45. ishallwooopyoass Bg3
  46. TrainingGrounds Ye this could be scary to go queen on the edge when your king is so exposed :D
  47. ishallwooopyoass wait no he can just come back
  48. ishallwooopyoass to e3
  49. ishallwooopyoass hm
  50. ishallwooopyoass but then there is Qg4
  51. omertil (29) 29.Qxh6 maybe there was Rc2.
  52. ishallwooopyoass Qf3 now?
  53. ishallwooopyoass trying for wither Qg4 or h3
  54. ishallwooopyoass this could really heat up
  55. AumarMustafa f3 works
  56. AumarMustafa qf3*
  57. TrainingGrounds Qe2 probably best defense
  58. TrainingGrounds But white would stand better i think
  59. TrainingGrounds Sorry black
  60. ishallwooopyoass but isnt Qh3 clear mate
  61. ishallwooopyoass with Bh2
  62. ishallwooopyoass no wait no mate
  63. ishallwooopyoass no no no
  64. AumarMustafa no
  65. ishallwooopyoass there is
  66. ishallwooopyoass Qh2
  67. TrainingGrounds Again black very passive
  68. AumarMustafa qf3, qe3,qh3,f3, closes the postion
  69. AumarMustafa so i dont think there would be mate on h2
  70. ishallwooopyoass black need to take the open file
  71. TrainingGrounds I would go Rc6 now, defending this Pawn is pointless
  72. ishallwooopyoass yeah this is a bad endgame
  73. ishallwooopyoass for black
  74. TrainingGrounds I think black is better
  75. TrainingGrounds Rook will be very strong
  76. ishallwooopyoass i dont really play endgames for the most part so im not qualified to confirm or deny
  77. TrainingGrounds Dont know why black didnt play e5 expoiting rook pin, moves king instead
  78. TrainingGrounds Now it can be a draw
  79. ishallwooopyoass f5 maybe
  80. ishallwooopyoass or bf6
  81. TrainingGrounds Time can be an issue
  82. TrainingGrounds Rc2 now?
  83. AumarMustafa yes
  84. AumarMustafa white can activate the rook
  85. AumarMustafa now black rc8
  86. TrainingGrounds Ye...
  87. TrainingGrounds Rc8 and Rc4 and its over i think
  88. ishallwooopyoass i find it funny how both of them ignore the C file
  89. TrainingGrounds No ody wants open file:D
  90. ishallwooopyoass likes its not even there
  91. ishallwooopyoass lool
  92. AumarMustafa thinking about continuation requires time which they dont have
  93. ishallwooopyoass i mean taking the opne file is more like a principle
  94. ishallwooopyoass it should take much thought
  95. ishallwooopyoass its just a positional improvement
  96. ishallwooopyoass oh finally
  97. AumarMustafa lol
  98. AumarMustafa draw i think
  99. TrainingGrounds I think black can win
  100. ishallwooopyoass yeah
  101. TrainingGrounds Wow Lucky draw
  102. TrainingGrounds Lets see this knight trade! :D
  103. ishallwooopyoass 23 depth it agrees wtih me
  104. ishallwooopyoass the bishop was better
  105. ishallwooopyoass then the knight
  106. TrainingGrounds Yup you was right :)
  107. AumarMustafa indeed
  108. AumarMustafa there were no mating opportunities on h2 though
  109. TrainingGrounds Qxh6 was bad so gj for bauer
  110. AumarMustafa even tho 29. was the best move
  111. ishallwooopyoass no mate but - 5
  112. AumarMustafa yeah
  113. AumarMustafa hard to see though
  114. ishallwooopyoass interesting game gg
  115. AumarMustafa yes, ggwp