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1d4+0.2d5+0.22c4+0.1e6+0.13Nc3+0.2c5+0.14Nf3+0.1Nf6+0.35Bg5+0.1dxc4+0.16e30.0Nc6+0.37Bxc40.0cxd4+0.18exd40.0h6?!+0.7Inaccuracy. Be7 was best.8...Be79.O-OO-O[...]9Bxf6+0.7Qxf6+0.710O-O+0.6Be7+0.611Rc1+0.1O-O+0.312Qc2?!−0.7...Inaccuracy. a3 was best.12.a312...Nxd4−0.713Nxd4−0.8Qxd4−0.714Ne2?!−1.3...Inaccuracy. Bd3 was best.14.Bd314...Qe5−1.215Rfe1−1.3Qc5−0.916Qe4−1.0Qb6−0.917Bd3−0.9g6−1.318b3−1.2Bd7−1.119Red1?!−1.8...Inaccuracy. Qg4 was best.19.Qg4Qb419...Rac8−1.220Bc4−1.6Bb5?!−1.0Inaccuracy. Rfd8 was best.20...Rfd821.Qe521Nd4?!−1.7...Inaccuracy. Bxb5 was best.21.Bxb5Qxb522.g3[...]21...Bxc4−1.522bxc4−1.5Bc5−1.123Qh4?−2.4...Mistake. Rb1 was best.23.Rb1Qa624.Nf3[...]23...Bxd4?−1.2Mistake. g5 was best.23...g524.Qe4Rfd8[...]24Rxd4−1.4h5−1.225Rcd1−1.2Qa5−1.226g4−1.5hxg4−1.427Rxg4−1.5Qxa2?0.0Mistake. Rfd8 was best.27...Rfd828Qf60.0Qc20.029Rh40.0Qxd1+0.030Kg20.0Qh50.031Rxh50.0gxh50.032Qg5+0.0Kh80.033Qxh5+0.0Kg70.034Qg5+0.0Kh70.035Qh5+0.0Kg70.036Qg5+0.0Kh80.037Qh5+0.0Kg80.038Qg5+0.0Kh70.039Qh5+0.0Kg70.0
Threefold repetition • Draw
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2017.07.15"] [White "fradtheimpaler"] [Black "JohnJPershing"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [GameId "gr6DfVJq"] [UTCDate "2017.07.15"] [UTCTime "18:00:45"] [WhiteElo "1685"] [BlackElo "1619"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-2"] [BlackRatingDiff "+3"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "D40"] [Opening "Queen's Gambit Declined: Semi-Tarrasch Defense, Pillsbury Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 c5 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. Bg5 { D40 Queen's Gambit Declined: Semi-Tarrasch Defense, Pillsbury Variation } dxc4 6. e3 Nc6 7. Bxc4 cxd4 8. exd4 h6?! { (0.00 → 0.69) Inaccuracy. Be7 was best. } (8... Be7 9. O-O O-O 10. Qd2 h6 11. Bxh6 gxh6 12. Qxh6 Re8 13. Qg5+ Kf8 14. Qh6+ Kg8) 9. Bxf6 Qxf6 10. O-O Be7 11. Rc1 O-O 12. Qc2?! { (0.29 → -0.67) Inaccuracy. a3 was best. } (12. a3) 12... Nxd4 13. Nxd4 Qxd4 14. Ne2?! { (-0.68 → -1.29) Inaccuracy. Bd3 was best. } (14. Bd3) 14... Qe5 15. Rfe1 Qc5 16. Qe4 Qb6 17. Bd3 g6 18. b3 Bd7 19. Red1?! { (-1.08 → -1.77) Inaccuracy. Qg4 was best. } (19. Qg4 Qb4) 19... Rac8 20. Bc4 Bb5?! { (-1.58 → -0.99) Inaccuracy. Rfd8 was best. } (20... Rfd8 21. Qe5) 21. Nd4?! { (-0.99 → -1.66) Inaccuracy. Bxb5 was best. } (21. Bxb5 Qxb5 22. g3 Bf6 23. Nf4 Rxc1 24. Rxc1 Qd7 25. Qf3 Qe7 26. Rd1 Rc8 27. Qe4 Kg7) 21... Bxc4 22. bxc4 Bc5 23. Qh4? { (-1.14 → -2.45) Mistake. Rb1 was best. } (23. Rb1 Qa6 24. Nf3 b6 25. h3 Qxa2 26. Rd2 Qa5 27. Qf4 Qc3 28. Rd7 g5 29. Qe4 Rfd8) 23... Bxd4? { (-2.45 → -1.20) Mistake. g5 was best. } (23... g5 24. Qe4 Rfd8 25. Nf3 Bxf2+ 26. Kh1 Be3 27. Rb1 Rxd1+ 28. Rxd1 Bf4 29. Qe2 Qc7 30. g3) 24. Rxd4 h5 25. Rcd1 Qa5 26. g4 hxg4 27. Rxg4 Qxa2? { (-1.47 → 0.00) Mistake. Rfd8 was best. } (27... Rfd8) 28. Qf6 Qc2 29. Rh4 Qxd1+ 30. Kg2 Qh5 31. Rxh5 gxh5 32. Qg5+ Kh8 33. Qxh5+ Kg7 34. Qg5+ Kh7 35. Qh5+ Kg7 36. Qg5+ Kh8 37. Qh5+ Kg8 38. Qg5+ Kh7 39. Qh5+ Kg7 { The game is a draw. } 1/2-1/2
4 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
0 Blunders
18 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 Inaccuracies
2 Mistakes
0 Blunders
18 Average centipawn loss
  1. JohnJPershing is his internet down?
  2. JohnJPershing hes been thinking for almost 20 minutes
  3. Malamutt [12] hangs d4?
  4. Malamutt Rd3
  5. Malamutt sac everything
  6. kjfoster17 i was tryng to do the same with Qh6
  7. Malamutt Im not seeing a breakthrough for white but I also dont see a long term solution for black
  8. kjfoster17 if 28...Rxc4?
  9. Malamutt Rg3 I was thinking
  10. kjfoster17 yeah the ...Rc5
  11. Malamutt hmm
  12. kjfoster17 and always has ..>Rh5 to block
  13. kjfoster17 i was even wondering if there was a perpetual after Rxg6
  14. Malamutt It looks like it
  15. JohnJPershing loving the draw threat with the perpetual check with the queen on g6 and h6, glad i spent my time here
  16. kjfoster17 now i was thinking Rh4 Qxd1+ Kg2
  17. Malamutt Rdd5?
  18. Malamutt wow
  19. kjfoster17 sac it all!
  20. kjfoster17 lol
  21. Malamutt has perpetual after Qh5
  22. JohnJPershing ugh, i think theres the same forced thing here. Going to have to calculate variatons to see
  23. JohnJPershing yeah, this is a draw if he wants it to be. Maybe just pray he tries to win the q vs r+r
  24. JohnJPershing wait, the pawn on f7 might save me
  25. JohnJPershing dont have much choice here, we'll see
  26. JohnJPershing ehhh, on second hand, this is a draw
  27. kjfoster17 nice draw by frad here...
  28. kjfoster17 wp
  29. fradtheimpaler sorry, i miscalculated the GMT to eastern time :(
  30. fradtheimpaler had something else i had to take care of
  31. fradtheimpaler which was the 20 minutes
  32. JohnJPershing well, it was your loss. Or your draw in this case
  33. fradtheimpaler fair
  34. fradtheimpaler gg
  35. JohnJPershing I didnt see the Qf6 move, and I must admit, that was a really nice move there
  36. JohnJPershing I was just trying to simplify and pick off your isolated pawns
  37. JohnJPershing Should have looked more at my king
  38. fradtheimpaler makes sense