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1e4+0.3c5+0.32Nf30.0b6?!+0.9Inaccuracy. d6 was best.2...d63.c3Nf6[...]3Nc3+0.6Bb7+1.04d4+0.5cxd4+0.95Nxd4+0.9a6+0.96f3+0.8e6+1.07Be3+0.7Qc7+1.08Qd2+1.0Nc6+1.09O-O-O+1.0Nf6+1.010g4+1.1h6+1.311h4+0.9Ne5?!+1.7Inaccuracy. d5 was best.11...d512Bf4?+0.4...Mistake. Be2 was best.12.Be212...O-O-O??+4.9Blunder. Bb4 was best.12...Bb413.Be2d6[...]13Be2??+0.7...Blunder. Ncb5 was best.13.Ncb5axb514.Nxb5[...]13...Bb4+0.914Nb3?−0.4...Mistake. g5 was best.14.g5hxg515.hxg5[...]14...d5−0.815Qd4−0.6Bd6?!−0.1Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best.15...Bxc316.bxc3Nd3+[...]16exd5?−1.2...Mistake. Kb1 was best.16.Kb1Nxf316...Nxd5?+0.2Mistake. Nxf3 was best.16...Nxf317.Bxf3Bxf4+[...]17Nxd5+0.1exd5+0.518Be3??−1.5...Blunder. Kb1 was best.18.Kb1Rhe818...Nc4−1.219Bf2?!−2.4...Inaccuracy. Bxc4 was best.19.Bxc4dxc419...Bf4+−2.120Kb1−2.3Be5−2.021Qd3−2.4Nxb2−2.022Qf5+−2.4Kb8??0.0Blunder. Rd7 was best.22...Rd723Bd4??−2.1...Blunder. Bxb6 was best.23.Bxb6Qc324.Ba5[...]23...Bxd4−2.024Rxd4−2.0Nc4−1.825Qd3?−3.8...Mistake. Qf4 was best.25.Qf4Ne526.Bd3[...]25...Rhe8−4.326Qd1−4.2Na3+−3.827Kb2−3.8Nxc2−4.128Qxc2−3.9Qxc2+−3.729Kxc2−4.0Rxe2+−3.830Kb1−4.0Rc8−3.831Rc1−4.8Rxc1+−5.132Kxc1−4.9Rxa2−5.033Rf4−5.6f6−5.034Rb4?!−6.6...Inaccuracy. g5 was best.34.g534...b5−6.835h5−7.8Bc6−7.136Nd4−7.7Bd7−8.037Rb3−7.7Ra4−8.038Rd3−8.2Rc4+−7.439Kb2−7.4Kb7−7.140Nb3−7.2Rb4−6.741Ka3−8.4Ra4+−8.342Kb2−8.3Kc6−8.143Rc3+−8.2Kd6−8.244Nc5−9.1Rb4+−8.745Kc2−9.2Rc4−9.346Nxa6−9.6Rxc3+−7.347Kxc3−7.5Ke5−7.848Nc5−8.0Bc6−6.449Kd3−8.7Kf4−7.750Ke2−8.3b4−7.851Nd3+−7.7Kg3−7.852Nxb4−7.8Bb5+−8.053Ke3−7.7d4+−8.054Ke4−8.0d3−7.955Na2−11.5d2−11.156Nc3−10.9Bc6+−10.957Ke3−9.1Bxf3−9.958Ne2+−17.1Bxe2−17.859Kxe2−17.0d1=Q+−18.560Kxd1−18.5Kxg4−18.661Ke2−16.7Kxh5−18.262Kf3−24.1g5−23.163Kg3−22.1f5−25.464Kh3−28.0f4−29.565Kg2−29.9g4−28.466Kf2#−21Kh4?!−29.6Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kg5 was best.66...Kg567.Ke2g3[...]67Kg2−38.3h5#−2868Kf2#−20Kh3#−3969Kg1#−13g3#−1370Kh1#−10f3#−971Kg1#−10f2+#−1072Kf1#−8Kh2#−773Ke2#−8g2#−974Kxf2#−6g1=Q+#−575Kf3#−4h4#−776Kf4#−7Kg2#−777Kg4#−6h3#−578Kf4#−5h2#−579Ke5#−5h1=Q#−480Ke6#−3Kh3#−381Kd6#−3Qg5#−382Ke6#−1Qhd5#
Checkmate • Black is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2022.04.20"] [White "glbert"] [Black "STCLion"] [Result "0-1"] [GameId "gAEivEB3"] [UTCDate "2022.04.20"] [UTCTime "17:30:36"] [WhiteElo "1881"] [BlackElo "1886"] [WhiteRatingDiff "-17"] [BlackRatingDiff "+11"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B27"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Katalimov Variation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. Nf3 b6?! { (0.00 → 0.91) Inaccuracy. d6 was best. } { B27 Sicilian Defense: Katalimov Variation } (2... d6 3. c3 Nf6 4. h3 Nc6 5. Bd3 e5 6. O-O Be7 7. Bc2) 3. Nc3 Bb7 4. d4 cxd4 5. Nxd4 a6 6. f3 e6 7. Be3 Qc7 8. Qd2 Nc6 9. O-O-O Nf6 10. g4 h6 11. h4 Ne5?! { (0.92 → 1.68) Inaccuracy. d5 was best. } (11... d5) 12. Bf4? { (1.68 → 0.35) Mistake. Be2 was best. } (12. Be2) 12... O-O-O?? { (0.35 → 4.92) Blunder. Bb4 was best. } (12... Bb4 13. Be2 d6 14. g5 hxg5 15. hxg5 Rxh1 16. Rxh1 Nfd7 17. Rh8+ Nf8 18. Bg3 Rc8 19. Be1) 13. Be2?? { (4.92 → 0.74) Blunder. Ncb5 was best. } (13. Ncb5 axb5 14. Nxb5 Qc5 15. a3 d6 16. b4 Nc4 17. Na7+ Kb8 18. Qe2 Qc7 19. Nb5 Qc6) 13... Bb4 14. Nb3? { (0.90 → -0.38) Mistake. g5 was best. } (14. g5 hxg5 15. hxg5 Rxh1 16. Rxh1 Ne8 17. Nb3 d6 18. Bg3 Kb8 19. Qe3 Rc8 20. Bf2 Nd7) 14... d5 15. Qd4 Bd6?! { (-0.63 → -0.07) Inaccuracy. Bxc3 was best. } (15... Bxc3 16. bxc3 Nd3+ 17. cxd3 Qxf4+ 18. Kb2 dxe4 19. Qc4+ Kb8 20. dxe4 Qe3 21. Rxd8+ Rxd8 22. Rd1) 16. exd5? { (-0.07 → -1.21) Mistake. Kb1 was best. } (16. Kb1 Nxf3) 16... Nxd5? { (-1.21 → 0.21) Mistake. Nxf3 was best. } (16... Nxf3 17. Bxf3 Bxf4+ 18. Kb1 Be5 19. Qe3 Bxc3 20. dxe6 Bb4 21. Bxb7+ Kxb7 22. exf7 Qxf7 23. a3) 17. Nxd5 exd5 18. Be3?? { (0.48 → -1.55) Blunder. Kb1 was best. } (18. Kb1 Rhe8) 18... Nc4 19. Bf2?! { (-1.20 → -2.37) Inaccuracy. Bxc4 was best. } (19. Bxc4 dxc4) 19... Bf4+ 20. Kb1 Be5 21. Qd3 Nxb2 22. Qf5+ Kb8?? { (-2.39 → 0.00) Blunder. Rd7 was best. } (22... Rd7) 23. Bd4?? { (0.00 → -2.11) Blunder. Bxb6 was best. } (23. Bxb6 Qc3 24. Ba5 Nxd1 25. Bxc3 Nxc3+ 26. Kc1 f6 27. Bd3 Rhe8 28. a3 Bc8 29. Qg6 Re7) 23... Bxd4 24. Rxd4 Nc4 25. Qd3? { (-1.84 → -3.85) Mistake. Qf4 was best. } (25. Qf4 Ne5 26. Bd3 Rhe8 27. h5 Ka7 28. Ra4 Qd7 29. Rd4 Qc6 30. Rb4 Qc3 31. Qd4 Qc7) 25... Rhe8 26. Qd1 Na3+ 27. Kb2 Nxc2 28. Qxc2 Qxc2+ 29. Kxc2 Rxe2+ 30. Kb1 Rc8 31. Rc1 Rxc1+ 32. Kxc1 Rxa2 33. Rf4 f6 34. Rb4?! { (-5.01 → -6.56) Inaccuracy. g5 was best. } (34. g5) 34... b5 35. h5 Bc6 36. Nd4 Bd7 37. Rb3 Ra4 38. Rd3 Rc4+ 39. Kb2 Kb7 40. Nb3 Rb4 41. Ka3 Ra4+ 42. Kb2 Kc6 43. Rc3+ Kd6 44. Nc5 Rb4+ 45. Kc2 Rc4 46. Nxa6 Rxc3+ 47. Kxc3 Ke5 48. Nc5 Bc6 49. Kd3 Kf4 50. Ke2 b4 51. Nd3+ Kg3 52. Nxb4 Bb5+ 53. Ke3 d4+ 54. Ke4 d3 55. Na2 d2 56. Nc3 Bc6+ 57. Ke3 Bxf3 58. Ne2+ Bxe2 59. Kxe2 d1=Q+ 60. Kxd1 Kxg4 61. Ke2 Kxh5 62. Kf3 g5 63. Kg3 f5 64. Kh3 f4 65. Kg2 g4 66. Kf2 Kh4?! { (Mate in 21 → -29.65) Lost forced checkmate sequence. Kg5 was best. } (66... Kg5 67. Ke2 g3 68. Kf3 Kf5 69. Kg2 Kg4 70. Kh1 f3 71. Kg1 f2+ 72. Kg2 Kh4 73. Kf1) 67. Kg2 h5 68. Kf2 Kh3 69. Kg1 g3 70. Kh1 f3 71. Kg1 f2+ 72. Kf1 Kh2 73. Ke2 g2 74. Kxf2 g1=Q+ 75. Kf3 h4 76. Kf4 Kg2 77. Kg4 h3 78. Kf4 h2 79. Ke5 h1=Q 80. Ke6 Kh3 81. Kd6 Qg5 82. Ke6 Qhd5# { Black wins by checkmate. } 0-1
2 Inaccuracies
4 Mistakes
3 Blunders
40 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
4 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
2 Blunders
30 Average centipawn loss
  1. HarmlessChessNub Good Luck Glbert,
  2. HarmlessChessNub 9. Queen side castle! nice!
  3. glbert i think i have said so before, but this should really be a 60+60 league.
  4. HarmlessChessNub no, this should not be 60+60
  5. HarmlessChessNub Sup heath
  6. glbert being 15 minutes down, i really should be in a better position.
  7. glbert don't know where all my time went.
  8. HarmlessChessNub 15.exd5 was pretty tough move to find imo
  9. HarmlessChessNub 16. nxf3, bxd6 this could get dynamic fast
  10. HarmlessChessNub ahh he didnt do it
  11. glbert oh no. and here i was expecting Nxf3.
  12. HarmlessChessNub ^^
  13. HarmlessChessNub 17. nxd5 seems forced
  14. HarmlessChessNub Tough game, nicely played
  15. glbert tf. that was an accidental premove.
  16. glbert that's what i get for clicking on the board randomly.
  17. glbert not completely certain what i am hoping for here.
  18. HarmlessChessNub 13. nb5 i saw that, and couldnt calculate it out all the way
  19. glbert i can't believe 13.Ncb5 worked. i looked into it, but after ab Nx Qc5 i didn't see the follow up.
  20. The_Wayward_Prince Nice win!
  21. HarmlessChessNub 22, bb6
  22. HarmlessChessNub and you win
  23. HarmlessChessNub if he takes
  24. glbert 22.bb6 i just missed. looking for tricks on the other side of the board.