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1e4+0.2c5+0.22d4+0.1cxd4+0.13c3−0.2dxc3−0.64Nxc3−0.7Nc6−0.45Nf3−0.3d6−0.36Bc4−0.2e6−0.47O-O−0.2Nf6−0.28Qe2−0.4a6−0.29Rd1−0.4Qc7−0.510Bf4−0.3e5?+1.1Mistake. Be7 was best.10...Be711.Rac1O-O[...]11Bg5?0.0...Mistake. Nd5 was best.11.Nd5Qd812.Be3[...]11...Be70.012Rac1−0.1Bg4?!+0.6Inaccuracy. Qd8 was best.12...Qd813.Be3O-O[...]13h3+0.6Nd4??+3.2Blunder. Bxf3 was best.13...Bxf314.Qxf314Rxd4+2.8Bxf3?+4.5Mistake. exd4 was best.14...exd415.Nb515Qxf3+4.5exd4+4.316Nd5+4.4Qd8+4.417Nc7++3.8Kf8?+7.1Mistake. Qxc7 was best.17...Qxc718.Bxf7+18Nxa8+7.0Qxa8+3.519Bxf6+3.8Bxf6??+9.3Blunder. gxf6 was best.19...gxf620.Bd5Qd8[...]20Qb3??+1.2...Blunder. e5 was best.20.e520...Qc8+1.521Rc2+1.3Qd7+1.122Qb6+0.6g6?+2.2Mistake. Ke7 was best.22...Ke723.Bxa6Rc8[...]23Bd5+1.8Kg7??+4.3Blunder. Bd8 was best.23...Bd824.Qxd4f6[...]24Rc7+3.4Bd8??+7.8Blunder. Qd8 was best.24...Qd825.Rxf7+Kh6[...]25Rxd7??+2.2...Blunder. Qxd4+ was best.25.Qxd4+Bf626.Qxf6+[...]25...Bxb6+2.426Rxf7++2.3Kh6+2.227Rxb7+2.3d3??+7.5Blunder. Ba5 was best.27...Ba528Rxb6+7.4Rc8+7.829Bb3+6.5Rc2?!+13.5Inaccuracy. Rc1+ was best.29...Rc1+30.Kh230Bxc2+12.1dxc2+11.331Rc6+10.6
Black resigned • White is victorious
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[Event "Rated classical game"] [Site ""] [Date "2020.05.31"] [White "RottenPawn"] [Black "kschmigel"] [Result "1-0"] [GameId "g32ZRar6"] [UTCDate "2020.05.31"] [UTCTime "15:05:54"] [WhiteElo "1682"] [BlackElo "1665"] [WhiteRatingDiff "+22"] [BlackRatingDiff "-9"] [Variant "Standard"] [TimeControl "2700+45"] [ECO "B21"] [Opening "Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit Accepted, Scheveningen Formation"] [Termination "Normal"] [Annotator ""] 1. e4 c5 2. d4 cxd4 3. c3 dxc3 4. Nxc3 Nc6 5. Nf3 d6 6. Bc4 e6 { B21 Sicilian Defense: Smith-Morra Gambit Accepted, Scheveningen Formation } 7. O-O Nf6 8. Qe2 a6 9. Rd1 Qc7 10. Bf4 e5? { (-0.28 → 1.12) Mistake. Be7 was best. } (10... Be7 11. Rac1 O-O 12. Bb3 Qb8 13. e5 Nh5 14. Bg5 dxe5 15. Bxe7 Nxe7 16. Nxe5 Nf6 17. a4) 11. Bg5? { (1.12 → 0.00) Mistake. Nd5 was best. } (11. Nd5 Qd8 12. Be3 Nxd5 13. Bxd5 Be7 14. Bxc6+ bxc6 15. Nxe5 Qc7 16. Nc4 O-O 17. b3 Be6) 11... Be7 12. Rac1 Bg4?! { (-0.06 → 0.58) Inaccuracy. Qd8 was best. } (12... Qd8 13. Be3 O-O 14. Nd5 Bg4 15. h3 Bh5 16. Nxf6+ Bxf6 17. Bd5 Rc8 18. g4 Bg6 19. Nd2) 13. h3 Nd4?? { (0.55 → 3.17) Blunder. Bxf3 was best. } (13... Bxf3 14. Qxf3) 14. Rxd4 Bxf3? { (2.79 → 4.54) Mistake. exd4 was best. } (14... exd4 15. Nb5) 15. Qxf3 exd4 16. Nd5 Qd8 17. Nc7+ Kf8? { (3.83 → 7.07) Mistake. Qxc7 was best. } (17... Qxc7 18. Bxf7+) 18. Nxa8 Qxa8 19. Bxf6 Bxf6?? { (3.83 → 9.32) Blunder. gxf6 was best. } (19... gxf6 20. Bd5 Qd8 21. Qh5 Kg7 22. Qxf7+ Kh6 23. Bxb7 Rg8 24. Qc4 f5 25. exf5 Bg5 26. Rd1) 20. Qb3?? { (9.32 → 1.17) Blunder. e5 was best. } (20. e5) 20... Qc8 21. Rc2 Qd7 22. Qb6 g6? { (0.62 → 2.16) Mistake. Ke7 was best. } (22... Ke7 23. Bxa6 Rc8 24. Bb5 d3 25. Rxc8 Qxc8 26. Bxd3 Qc6 27. Qxc6 bxc6 28. b3 Ke6 29. f4) 23. Bd5 Kg7?? { (1.82 → 4.28) Blunder. Bd8 was best. } (23... Bd8 24. Qxd4 f6 25. Rc3 Kg7 26. Qa7 Ba5 27. b4 Bd8 28. Qxb7 Qxb7 29. Bxb7 Re8 30. Rc8) 24. Rc7 Bd8?? { (3.36 → 7.77) Blunder. Qd8 was best. } (24... Qd8 25. Rxf7+ Kh6 26. Qxb7 d3 27. Qxa6 Rf8 28. Rxf8 Qxf8 29. Qxd3 Qc8 30. g3 Qc1+ 31. Kg2) 25. Rxd7?? { (7.77 → 2.23) Blunder. Qxd4+ was best. } (25. Qxd4+ Bf6 26. Qxf6+ Kxf6 27. Rxd7 Rf8 28. f4 g5 29. Rxd6+ Ke7 30. Rh6 gxf4 31. Kf2 b5) 25... Bxb6 26. Rxf7+ Kh6 27. Rxb7 d3?? { (2.29 → 7.52) Blunder. Ba5 was best. } (27... Ba5) 28. Rxb6 Rc8 29. Bb3 Rc2?! { (6.52 → 13.45) Inaccuracy. Rc1+ was best. } (29... Rc1+ 30. Kh2) 30. Bxc2 dxc2 31. Rc6 { Black resigns. } 1-0
0 Inaccuracies
1 Mistake
2 Blunders
64 Average centipawn loss
Learn from your mistakes
2 Inaccuracies
4 Mistakes
5 Blunders
112 Average centipawn loss
  1. DrOMM Brave decision @RottenPawn, the Smith Morra, will be an interesting game!
  2. DrOMM 2.d4 (testing the move link feature)
  3. TaielChess Rotten always plays the Smith Morra, he seems to know it very well
  4. DrOMM 17.Qd8 and then 17...Nc7 over!
  5. DrOMM Hope he sees it :-)
  6. RottenPawn (17) I messed this up again. Should have played 12.h3 probably. But maybe I can now bail out with 17.Nc7
  7. DrOMM YES!
  8. DrOMM Maybe 19.Qb3
  9. DrOMM but this hangs the pawn on e4 :-(
  10. DrOMM but f7 is a weak spot
  11. DrOMM White must watch out for ...b5
  12. DrOMM Bascially, Black plays with a rook less for the time being
  13. DrOMM the Qb3 idea!
  14. DrOMM without loosing the pawn on e4 :-)
  15. DrOMM well after 20...b5 21.Bxf7 Qxe7 White would have lost the e4 pawn, I think
  16. DrOMM 21...Qxe4
  17. DrOMM and then 22.Qxb7 crazy line, but did not happen
  18. DrOMM now White can plant his bishop on d5 if Black defends the pawn on f7
  19. TaielChess Bxf7 wins the exchange?
  20. DrOMM how?
  21. DrOMM ah I see
  22. DrOMM He did not see it either :-)
  23. DrOMM 22.Bxf7 Qxf7 23.Rc1
  24. DrOMM 23.Rc8
  25. DrOMM I mean
  26. DrOMM now he goes for the b7 pawn
  27. DrOMM Bd5 next move
  28. TaielChess Now Bd5 looks very strong
  29. RottenPawn can I take 22.Bf7?
  30. RottenPawn nah probably not. Bf7 Qf7 Rc8 Kg8 Rc7 Be7 looks ok for black
  31. TaielChess now rc7
  32. RottenPawn wait what? am I missing something? I'm stopping the pawn, no?
  33. DrOMM Yes, absolutely, Bb3
  34. TaielChess that doesn't work
  35. TaielChess Rxb6 and both Bb3 and Rxd6 guards the queening square
  36. DrOMM 28.Rxb6 should be winning, or am I missing something?
  37. TaielChess 28.Rxb6 d2? 29
  38. DrOMM 29.Bb3
  39. TaielChess 29.Bb3 Rc8? 30.Rxd6
  40. RottenPawn d3 was a premove right? on my end it came instantaneously.
  41. DrOMM 29...Rc2 is desperado
  42. TaielChess yess
  43. DrOMM GG, @RottenPawn
  44. DrOMM You won us the match!
  45. RottenPawn thanks guys
  46. RottenPawn Yeah, 27...d3 0.04 seconds
  47. kschmigel Yeah accidental premove
  48. RottenPawn oh boy
  49. RottenPawn that sucks
  50. RottenPawn one tip
  51. RottenPawn in long time control games I ALWAYS have premoves off and move confirmation on
  52. RottenPawn no mouseslips from me in the 4545 ever
  53. kschmigel Yeah that's a good idea