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72 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Wanna play the openings better?#67

Could you compare your product to an already existing chess book or DVD?

Lichess Feedback - What happened to the net rating display on tournaments?#1

Lichess removing a good function :( What was wrong with it? Personally I'd always like to know if players gained or lost rating points in a tournament.

Game analysis - Victory against a GM.#8

Penguin is a Super IM

Game analysis - Victory against a GM.#3

#2 When you mentioned Ba7 I immediately knew you were referring to Karpov's legendary Linares 1994 lol Can't get +9 without luck :)

General Chess Discussion - Cheating #3

Santa must be a engine user then.

Lichess Feedback - There should be a special icon/recognition for people who played x Days#11

@Toadofsky Our statistician devs will hopefully take care of that They wisely made their decision based on statistics and I believe …

Lichess Feedback - There should be a special icon/recognition for people who played x Days#9

#8 @Toadofsky the time is literally written on everyone’s profile There is a stat for it. What are you talking about? Time spent playing: ... I’d argue that complaints are far worse for something like…

Lichess Feedback - There should be a special icon/recognition for people who played x Days#7

@Toadofsky What? This isn't a Marathon trophy that has limited slots or pretty much every trophy (which is almost all) which is capped by slots Literally everyone on here could get the trophy (no quot…

General Chess Discussion - Does the Lichess devs here know who spent the most time playing?#10 Jesus at his bullet history 1336 current 1757 peak and beat a FM and a GM at his best wut? Not to mention 176,439 rated games

General Chess Discussion - Does the Lichess devs here know who spent the most time playing?#1

I'm curious how much days is spent by the most "active" player here (The Time spent playing: x days, y hours and z minutes on the profile)
