
Search "user:wolfs-sleeve"

46 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - players that manipulate the clock#26

A lot has changed, except the packets... In which case an offset (e.g. pause (^P)) to the clock would look as if it were a lag... In any event, it happens, too consistently when I am winning on the cl…

General Chess Discussion - players that manipulate the clock#19

@odoaker2015 So you are one who knows, yet denies, as I said fork ewe... OK as whole'... some may get this... I mean this was for his Master's in in…

General Chess Discussion - players that manipulate the clock#17

I seen it too, it is an old hack that can be traced to a simple lag switch... There are other ways, but this is the simplest form without programming knowledge... It isn't lag, as the house will conde…

General Chess Discussion - Computer lines, how far can you follow them before you're flagged a cheater?#3

You probably need to know at what point the 'program's line' is out of book... With that one piece of knowledge, you know when to break away from assistance... A foreseeable glitch, sloppy programming…

General Chess Discussion - Bad people.#21

Take backs are lame, the mouse slips, shit happens... Sniveling is worse...

General Chess Discussion - Master Games Analysis (together)#2

I'll give it a go, message me with the details...

General Chess Discussion - Writing this under a timeout#13

I think it is silly that the rules are on another site, for that reason alone... A new user isn't born knowing this, you don't see the irony here??? In any event, this is good to know and despite appe…

General Chess Discussion - Writing this under a timeout#11

I know GitHub... I was just saying... Out of curiosity is this site open code???

General Chess Discussion - Writing this under a timeout#9

You know the site is way under staffed & nothing but ghosts when they have to direct you to another site to get the rules/\… While tools chime "love it or leave it"

General Chess Discussion - 8 year old homeless refugee wins his age group in NY State Champioship#21

@lurarose "White guilt is a hell of a drug." And so is racism, look at yourself nay singing about an 8 year and making it about 'the overlooked' mediocracy of this kid when compared to grown whitemen.…
