
Search "user:webtuto"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - [Problem] Can not join tournaments here#7

I swear i dont use computer engine , i dont even have a chess software , i wish admins can show me a game where i used computer engine

General Chess Discussion - [Problem] Can not join tournaments here#5

@AndWeShallHavePeace , well i think i would know if i used computer assistance :) , and admins can analyze my games and if they found out i cheat , they should ban me. I dont think thats the cause.

General Chess Discussion - [Problem] Can not join tournaments here#3

i never use an engine , im not a cheater

General Chess Discussion - [Problem] Can not join tournaments here#1

Hey everyone, I have a problem with joining a tournament, whenever i click the green JOIN button, i get redirected to the home page , why is that ? thanks

General Chess Discussion - Playing against a titled player#1

Hello everyone, I have been studying a little bit chess and I would like to know if there is any titled player who would be interested to play a classical game with me, something like 15+15 or so, it …

General Chess Discussion - My Time Management is So Bad!#2

play faster :D

General Chess Discussion - Classical tournament#4

thanks guys, i will sure check that out

General Chess Discussion - Classical tournament#1

Hey guys, Is there a classical tournament here ? like 30 minutes games with increments or more. thanks

General Chess Discussion - Meet the Team!#3

merci beaucoup pour vos efforts, jaime bien le site , notamment que c est open source

Off-Topic Discussion - League #74

is there any other league ? i would like to join
