
Search "user:trickynick"

88 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Should I even play chess at this stage?#13

Nobody who plays chess likes to lose chess games. The more frustrated you become from losing the more your emotions become involved in your decision making, which is why you are more likely to lose ga…

General Chess Discussion - Is there a way to see if any of my games have made the puzzle trainer?#8

It would great if Lichess gave us notifications that said "Congratulations! A game you got totally wrecked in is being made into a puzzle for the entire community to revel in awe of!!" :-)

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else notice this about cheaters?#11

@GMScuzzBall While I am not sure what you feel you have to prove by challanging a bullet player whose bullet rating has never been as high as yours is now, I am not afraid to play anyone no matter who…

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else notice this about cheaters?#9

@GMScuzzBall I am aware of where my ratings are at for the various time controls. However, I do appreciate the "friendly" reminder of where I could use a little improvement, especially from someone re…

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else notice this about cheaters?#6

I with you guys on no chatting, generally. Some people are friendly but some people are jerks. Besides, talking interferes with playing. I'm not here to socialize, I'm here to wreck. @TheBigDecline I …

General Chess Discussion - Does anyone else notice this about cheaters?#1

When you get that notification that you have been refunded rating points for having lost to a cheater and you go to see who it was it is always the one who trash talked and gloated during the game. In…

General Chess Discussion - Best Chess Openings#153

Upvote Nimzo, Downvote Sicilian Queen's Indian Defense - 14 Sicilian Defense - 18 French Defense - 15 Nimzo Indian Defense -16 Ruy Lopez - 9 Queen's Gambit Declined - 8 English Opening - 13

General Chess Discussion - "Please play quicker"#7

Don't even respond. Just wreck them. Take more time if you have it.

General Chess Discussion - What is your "You lost to a cheater" percentage?#8

In 13 months of playing here a lot, I have only reported 4 people and action was taken in 3 of those cases. I have however been notified that opponents I didn't even suspect were cheating actually wer…

General Chess Discussion - Can anybody tell me how to improve dramatically at chess.#13

I only consider myself somewhat qualified to answer this because I have increased my classical rating by about 200 over the last year, cracking 1900 for the first time this weekend. The most important…
