
Search "user:tommeketoch"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - study invite link#6

@he_0715 said in #2: > I don't know what you want to ask. But I can contribute in your studies if I click on it. Anyone can participate in your studies if you don't have it private. I had missed your …

General Chess Discussion - study invite link#4

No, you can't only a member can. So I guess there should be a link then where you become automatically member, but I fear that isn't there for the moment

General Chess Discussion - study invite link#1

Is it possible to give a link where anyone who clicks the link can contribute to the study? So basically like in google drive. Where if you share a link, you can also make a link that people that open…

Lichess Feedback - 2+1 is NOT a Bullet time control! :-)#12

For me, 2+1/3+0 is just too fast to play chess. I think mostly because I started relative late(in my 20's) and I don't have the raw instinct. At one point my brain just breaks, often at one point I ju…

Lichess Feedback - not showing the saved analysis#4

@Tojlet Ok then I at least know it is nothing to do with me. Haven't seen any other treats here?

Lichess Feedback - not showing the saved analysis#3

Update: tested both on chrome and Microsoft edge and with both the case. Also only with infinite analysis on. So you sort of still can work around it, but totally not the practical and wasn't the case…

Lichess Feedback - not showing the saved analysis#1

On positions where this is saved an evaluation on a certain depth. It only shows this evaluation for a split sec and then goes over to the running analysis. In the past, this analysis was in the backg…

Lichess Feedback - study broken#3

Little information I forgot to mention it is only chapter 7 that is broken. Since it is a pretty big chapter. Is there a max of moves you can fit in a single chapter?

Lichess Feedback - study broken#2

I tried to edit my last post but doesn't seem to work. So I will do it this way. I checked and it is only the case with that specific study

Lichess Feedback - bugged game#3

oh I guess I have been lucky a lot then. Since I guess I wait often more than 10 seconds to come back(standard 30 seconds or something). Still really lame move from hem to claim the victory in that en…
