
Search "user:tarnur"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lagging#5

Same here

Lichess Feedback - Waiting for opponent to come back leaves only my time running#1

Waited for an oppenent (@whqz) who had connectivity issues for more than 4 min. Inbetween clicking again on the match in lichess app to make sure I'm connected. When his time ran out, instead of point…

General Chess Discussion - Switching to cheating at some point in the match...#13

First things first: Toggling to an engine is probably one of the most unworthy things to do. On the other side of the board: Playing against an engine CAN be good training (enough thinking time given)…

General Chess Discussion - Thoughts on takebacks?#114

Chess in general is rather a matter of psychology and perfection. For those who enjoy more the first, takebacks guarantee an "honourable fight". Those who prefer later, do not accept "second chances t…
