
Search "user:svillar"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - El ajedrez sin género. Hombres y mujeres de igual manera en un campeonato .#2

No se separa. Se compite todos contra todos. El tema de tener un premio para la competición femenina a parte de para la absoluta es una medida de promoción. Por muchos diversos factores el ajedrez fem…

Lichess Feedback - Game lost by incorrect disconnection#1

Hi, I was playing this game with white. I think my position was better, my pawn structure was better, the knight was better than the bishop and I still had enough time…

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Lichess Feedback - Everything you want to know about Lichess v2#100

I'm one of the web engine developers who brought CSS grid to both Safari and Chrome. I noticed you (@thibault) wrote in the announcement: "Firefox, Edge and Safari lack support for min-content and max…
