
Search "user:spaitz"

82 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Brave SF 16?#1

Any news about Brave browser and the possibility to have the latest and greatest tech to work on it?

Lichess Feedback - Option for removing white arrows#1

Am I the only one that finds the white arrows on the analysis board very confusing and clattering? I totally preferred the old option where you only had the light blue arrows of the engine evaluation …

Lichess Feedback - How do I change the amount of cores used on my computer in analysis?#10

@TotalNoob69 said in #2: > Do you use Brave by any chance, @oofmagoof ? Is brave still the only browser that apparently doesn't support SF16? Do you know if there's any hope to have it working or if t…

Lichess Feedback - Feature request - analysis board#3

@Chess-King30 said in #2: > No, it doesn't make any sense. > That's some thoughtful insights!

Lichess Feedback - Feature request - analysis board#1

I'd find really useful to have the analysis board show computer moves only of my opponent, that is, let me make and chose my moves without showing arrows or moves, and then showing what the possible m…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess OTB Mode#323

I mean, this is Apri's fools but actually those are pretty good options.

General Chess Discussion - Puzzle Streak#4

@Leosahmat not sure what you're asking but I believe that's already in the puzzles, you can chose by theme. Rating you can chose if more or less difficult but not exactly actual range.

General Chess Discussion - What do the titles means???#38

@pao3d1908 yes, every verified titled player on lichess did that. In fact, those titled player that did not go through the process... don't have a title in their account name. I believe there's more t…

General Chess Discussion - Puzzlers on the Storm#120

That's so good. Another more reason to just don't go to the other web site...

Lichess Feedback - Broadcasts infinite loading?#2

Me too. Didn't do that few hours ago.
