
Search "user:sheasheawanton"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Etiquette Question: How many queens is OK?#37

I don't know what all the queen hype is about. Here is how it's done: (please note the lichess computer is broken, and when it says"Not the best checkmate sequence" it means, "Best checkmate sequence …

General Chess Discussion - Etiquette Question: How many queens is OK?#23

Queening all your pawns is the wrong thing to do. Trying to win with 5 knights is the classy move. Watch more ChessNetwork scrub.

General Chess Discussion - Why did I lose points for losing to a flagged cheater?#3

That would have to be split second timing, i went right to a computer analysis and his profile was flagged.

General Chess Discussion - Why did I lose points for losing to a flagged cheater?#1

His profile shows no ratings, and he is already flagged. Why did I lose points?

General Chess Discussion - Player plays rated games, his rating doesn't change.#1

So I finished a game against this player:, it was a rated game and when it ended our ratings did not change. I looked at his profile and it says he uses computer as…
