
Search "user:self_service"

39 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#32

I would at least like to have the old proportions back when playing a game.

NM self_service
Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#30

Until we have the option to use V1 again.

NM self_service
Lichess Feedback - Jesus, bring it back#28

This is almost unusable for me. Thanks to the devs for the years of lichess up to this point, but I think I'll play on other chess servers until this gets changed.

NM self_service
General Chess Discussion - Please Allow us to use the old VERSION!#2

Yes, please allow us to use the old version.

NM self_service
General Chess Discussion - an opening variation that computers can't understand#20

All engine users should be banned from forum as well. This would be not only for a loss of privilege, but also because only those who use engines could be this stupid.

NM self_service
[You can't access this team forum post]
Game analysis - Amazing technical game - totally outplayed by FM NobodyReally#2

I would suggest 2... Ke7!?! as a possible improvement.

NM self_service
Game analysis - Share your best losses#2 a 45-min game I played a while back against a strong player.

NM self_service
Lichess Feedback - Opening Explorer: Search Own Games#1

(My apologies if this already exists). In the opening explorer, you can compare moves using the lichess database. It would be a great feature if you could limit that search just to your own games so y…

NM self_service
General Chess Discussion - Is it ok to abort 50-70% of corr. games at the start?#18

It's online chess. You can absolutely set criteria by which to play. You're not committing some grave offense if you choose not to play someone. I play chess for the enjoyment. If your paranoia (and i…

NM self_service