
Search "user:runtilmorrow"

268 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Chexcuses#43

uhhhhhhhhh "I'm so bad at this game" <--------me "I'm so tired" <-------also me "I just woke up" <-------also me "I really am garbage" <---------also me "i havent played this game in a decade" <------…

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Off-Topic Discussion - Share what Browser You use#10

InTeRnEt ExPlOrEr (it's a joke btw)

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General Chess Discussion - Recommendations for aggressive variations against the French Defense, even slightly dubious ones#15

Exchange Variation 4. g4! Don't question it.

Off-Topic Discussion - I.Q#7

My IQ? Well, given my 2 IQ, how would you expect me to know?

General Chess Discussion - Can you find checkmate in one from this position?#29

I did some extra research, and actually was surprised to discover that lurarose's solution of promoting to a black knight is also correct; back in the day, it wasn't specified to what color piece you …
