
Search "user:psuter"

32 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - movmiento preactivado#2

Puedes desactivarlo en tu página de preferencias: "Game behavior", "Enable premoves". Si ya has movido, puedes anularlo con el botón derecho.

Lichess Feedback - King of the Hill computer analysis#53

You could start with a KotH eval function that only assigns win/loss values to positions with a king in the center, instead of measuring distance and trying to weigh that in with the rest of the caref…

Lichess Feedback - My opinion of the new rating system.#111

Yes, on lichess you win fractions of points. I ran a simulation using the same library as lichess, where, after beating the same player 1000 times, beating him another 9000 times only gave you ~1pt (!…

Lichess Feedback - My opinion of the new rating system.#108

For the record, I'll provide an opinion that's contrary to what is being argued above: I believe pool ratings should disappear entirely. I've read here many times that pool ratings are a better reflec…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments#5

Kind of off-topic, but I went and tried out, and, wow, do we have it good on lichess. "Export to PGN requires premium membership", well of course it does. This being said, I agree 100…

Lichess Feedback - Swiss tournaments#2

To clarify what the main issue is, maybe: a rule for pairings in Swiss tournaments is that two players cannot play against each other more than once. If too many players leave the tournament before it…

Lichess Feedback - The future of training.#2

Are you perhaps using a smaller screen? The box on the left which contains the link to coordinate training and the graph won't be shown if your screen isn't wide enough.

Lichess Feedback - Triple Repetition Implementation#13

Sorry, I missed the nuance in the definition of a position. By looking at the code, it seems the hashes used for threefold repetition detection also do not capture the turn information, which would ex…

Lichess Feedback - Triple Repetition Implementation#2

It was the third one. At move 51, the position was identical.

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