
Search "user:pauliewoll"

12 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Is 4...bd6 in Abasov's Game Book?#3

Still on the Abasov game, we can all identify with his blunder at the end. On the face of it, it makes good strategic sense to trade down with 34...Bxb3, probably ending up with a 2v2 symmetrical pawn…

Game analysis - Why is this a blunder?#1

This is from an OTB game I played this week. I'm playing with the black pieces. I blundered later by leaving a piece en prise, but this position from earlier interests me. White has just exchanged on …

Lichess Feedback - Can't select 'Imported Games' in Android app#1

Android 8.0.0: When I go to my profile and 'Games', the filter dropdown allows me to select rated/draws/losses/wins, but it doesn't allow me to select games which I have imported. It shows me how many…

General Chess Discussion - Which chess books did you intensively study and gave you clear chess improvement in the long run ?#30

@kindaspongey said in #29: > Point Count Chess was written by Horowitz. My memory let me down after all those years, thanks for the correction :-)

General Chess Discussion - Where can one find games of FIDE under 2200 elo players?#5

Mark Crowther's site The Week In Chess has an awesome archive of thousands and thousands of games from hundreds and hundreds of events, downloadable in PGN format, many of them featuring players rated…

General Chess Discussion - Which chess books did you intensively study and gave you clear chess improvement in the long run ?#28

Ludek Pachman's "Point Count Chess" is very instructive. If you don't obsess on the numerical aspects of it, it's a very good primer on the positional aspects of the game - what to look for in pawn st…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess puzzles vs chess com puzzles#7

@Letpchess Most puzzles you see are of the type 'White to play and win', or 'White's losing but there's a tactical trick that saves the game'. I wish there were more like 'White to play and stop the e…

Lichess Feedback - White has left the game#1

Can I get a technical analysis from Lichess please on what the server saw on my connection at this point in my game? I apparently 'left the game' at this point but I did no such thing, and the game wa…

General Chess Discussion - Have you experienced rude restaurant owners when playing chess?#22

And yet working on a laptop in a coffee shop is commonplace. But nobody in the coffee shop will look over at you with curiosity as you wrangle with an Excel, as much as they will when you're playing B…

General Chess Discussion - Why are people so rude?#8

While I think we can all agree the only real rudeness is letting one's clock run down in a clearly hopeless position, everyone's threshold for the definition of jerk behaviour is different. In general…
