
Search "user:nt9"

9 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Unexpected loss of castling rights when solving puzzle#3

I think this was fixed: but haven't redeployed yet.

Lichess Feedback - Not able to castle in 960#6

Hello, we deployed the fix for this in production this morning. The bug happen when you rematching chess960 for at least 2 times. After that the castling config will be incorrect. Sorry for the inconv…

Community Blog Discussions - We don't want all the features#26

@RedSword69 said in #17: > I also feel that the decision may depends on the code/modification needed to accept the resolution of an issue; but in some cases it seems it could have been marked as "Won'…

Community Blog Discussions - We don't want all the features#8

@AbhirupPal said in #7: > Is it possible for programmers, who are not currently in dev team, to suggest push requests. If yes, how? of course, yes. Just like any other open source projects.

Lichess Feedback - Unable to drop pieces in Crazyhouse#3

Thanks for reporting! fixed here: And it will be deployed tomorrow CET time.

Lichess Feedback - !!! Bug in Horde !!!#10

This is fixed in prod now, thanks for reporting!

Lichess Feedback - Possible bug in Chess960 software?#11

@Nguyen2 said in #10: > He's referring to kingside castling with his e1 rook though. ah, that makes sense. chess960 skews my perception about queenside and kingside :(.

Lichess Feedback - Possible bug in Chess960 software?#9

@baladon23 said in #7: > Same issue with white O-O castling (probably black is affected as well): You played Rxa1 at move 9th, so it is correct that you wasn't able to castle.

Lichess Feedback - the UI doesn't let me play a legal move (en passant), only on the analysis board#6

Hi we found, and fixed the issue, we will deploy new fix version early tomorrow (around 7AM utc). Thank you for reporting, and sorry for the inconvenience.
