
Search "user:niking"

65 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Anyone play 4.Qc2 or 4.Qb3 against the slav?#1

I am trying to prepare for an opponent who plays this line (I play the slav as black) and is roughly 2150 FIDE. Would anyone able to play some blitz games against me or discuss the opening? Thanks!

Game analysis - Pirc position analysis?#8

Thanks everyone! I appreciate the engine-free advice!

Game analysis - Pirc position analysis?#1

This weekend I played in a classical tournament and lost in the following position as white against a higher rated opponent (1950 vs. 2150 USCF). Before making a series of bad moves we had the positio…

General Chess Discussion - Fide rating history graphs for ALL players since 1970#1

My friend setup this website that shows historical FIDE rating graphs. It's pretty cool and you can look up any player! You can do something similar at 2700chess, but it only goes back to 1990 and it'…

Lichess Feedback - Enhancement: Split Master opening book into blitz/rapid/classical#1

I frequently use the Master opening book for analysis, but am sometimes surprised when a line I'm looking at is from a Blitz/Rapid game. Opening theory for blitz and classical chess vary greatly, and …

General Chess Discussion - lock my account for a week#6

you could change your password to something you wont' be able to remember, write it down, and bury it

Game analysis - Engame question can black create a fortress and draw?#3

Thanks @WilliamShakespeare and @amazingoid for the input!

Game analysis - Engame question can black create a fortress and draw?#1

I'm trying to understand if this position can be drawn with best play by black. What do you think? White is a knight up but will have to trade b-pawns to make pro…

General Chess Discussion - SEE what CARLSEN SAID #3

I thought you were joking. Guess not.

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