
Search "user:muftakiskv"

3 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Please make on site engines tournament#4

Lichess, can I make standard tournament with name "Only engines"? Is this possible? I know this break rule with ELO of player, but if some make profile with name "Muftakis_engine", you know this is en…

General Chess Discussion - Please make on site engines tournament#3

"most people I play against are not cheaters." Yes, there is normally people, and good or bad players, but there is guys who like to cheats, and may be engines tournaments can stop this.

General Chess Discussion - Please make on site engines tournament#1

I dont know how many cheaters play here, using engine and autoaim, but I think, it will be nice to open category for engines, where this people finaly can proof strong engines, and finaly get this sat…
