
Search "user:lovsovs"

6 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - looking for challengers for my Youtube channel#10

Do you mean we should message you on youtube? Why not in here?

General Chess Discussion - looking for challengers for my Youtube channel#6

Hey man, I'd be interested.

Lichess Feedback - [Feat. req.] In tactics trainer, hide the game the puzzle was taken from until after the puzzle#1

When doing tactics, you can see which game the position was taken from, as well as play through the entire game. Clicking the game ID that is shown takes you to that game, with Stockfish easily turned…

Lichess Feedback - [Feature request] Seeing which errors are most often played in tactics training#1

When solving tactics puzzles in the trainer, I often wonder why some puzzles are so highly rated. It would be nice to see on which moves most people, who got the puzzle wrong, erred.

Lichess Feedback - FEATURE: Track tactics trainer progress#1

When in 'trainer', you can see your rating evolution over the last dozen problems or so, but it would be nice if one could see the entire timeline (like one can for blitz-, bullet,- etc.- ratings). Th…
