
Search "user:lessi17"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#142

@Bulletkrieg said in #140: > No clue. Not my point. > > Nothing special about sexual harassment/assault cases, it must be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that the suspect is indeed guilty of the c…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#135

@Bulletkrieg said in #133: > The evidence that can be admitted in court. No no please, you don't understand my question. What kind of evidence do you think could exist that has not already been presen…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#132

@Bulletkrieg said in #130: > @lessi17 The verdit is for the court to decide after evaluating all the evidence, it's as simple as that. > And then if the suspect is found guilty, we can gather here and…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#128

@Bulletkrieg said in #123: > Then you are not smart. That's not how lichess decides who is a cheater and who isn't. Oh really? I had no idea, maybe that’s why I said “based on statistical methods, bro…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#124

@Deadban said in #119: > You misunderstood my comment fully. Oh do please explain, I am sure it will all make sense.

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#122

@Bulletkrieg said in #118: > Let me ask you a question: > Do you think lichess should have the power to ban people for being reported for cheating by one hundred players? By 100 players who saw them p…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#116

@Deadban said in #112: > RE: "guilty until proven innocent" and "this isn't a law court". > > Can you people explain to me how and why would USC ban Gareyev for one year and lifetime ban Ramirez under…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#120

@keatanpatel said in #120: > Ah I must have fallen asleep during that part. My bad. Still if they want justice they need to bring it up to the courts. But... they don’t It’s not up to them The women c…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#117

@keatanpatel said in #115: > I’d like to think they’d have the courtesy to have any evidence or a verdict before slandering someone’s name on a public domain. But hey, everyone told me I was over opti…

General Chess Discussion - Breaking the Silence#113

@keatanpatel said in #26: > Innocence until proven guilty is how the law works. I’m not saying the matter was handled correctly by the cooperations it wasn’t, but suppose the people are innocence, the…
