
Search "user:jposthuma"

253 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Before you playing to make choice opponent rating see or not see#2

Go here: and turn "Zen Mode" to "yes". This will hide your opponent's rating.

IM jposthuma
Lichess Feedback - Creating Simuls - min and max bullet rating, and min bullet games played#2

I don't get it... you don't like that people that are good at bullet are joining your simuls? I don't see how that would be relevant considering the time control was 180+60. I can maybe understand not…

IM jposthuma
Lichess Feedback - Searching for specific studies, "Something went wrong on this page."#4

Ok that's what I figured, thanks Lovlas.

IM jposthuma
Lichess Feedback - Searching for specific studies, "Something went wrong on this page."#1

I was trying to access old studies of mine, like I do on a daily basis. I go to Studies -> My Studies and type a few keywords in the search bar. Normally this would work fine, but today it brought me …

IM jposthuma
General Chess Discussion - What to do in Marozy Bind (black) ?#3

I'm one of the rare few who doesn't mind playing against the Maroczy Bind. I like to trade the dark square bishops and the queens, leaving white with a very bad light square bishop. I don't play the S…

IM jposthuma
General Chess Discussion - Can you think about an impossible position ?#23

This position is possible: While this position is not: The difference …

IM jposthuma
General Chess Discussion - Space or Mobility?#8

I define space as how far extended your pawn structure is. As white, having pawns on d4+e4 gives you more space than pawns on d3+e4, which gives you more space than pawns on d3+e3, etc. More space = m…

IM jposthuma
General Chess Discussion - Bishop vs Bishop time draw?#3

Yes Sarg0n, I understand that checkmate is still possible for both sides. That's why I'm confused on why the game was declared a draw when my opponent flagged. For example, this is a win for black: ht…

IM jposthuma
General Chess Discussion - Bishop vs Bishop time draw?#1

First of all, sorry for creating the millionth forum on this same topic; I thought I understood the rules pretty well... until this blitz game: We had bishops of oppos…

IM jposthuma
General Chess Discussion - Chess as part of a school curriculum #10

I know that there are some schools in the US where chess is taught as a class. I was interviewing for a Charter School Network in New York City where chess classes are required for grades K-2 two days…

IM jposthuma