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4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Bad puzzle#1 There are multiple checkmates, but only Rg1 counts as correct. I think I played Rg6 for the second move.

Lichess Feedback - I made the last move, but somehow lost to a timeout when it was the other players turn#5

How do you reload the page when using the app (iphone)? I didn't know the server got restarted. @Komokid

Lichess Feedback - I made the last move, but somehow lost to a timeout when it was the other players turn#2

FWIW I was playing on iphone, and we both had ~7minutes on the clock when the other player appeared offline.

Lichess Feedback - I made the last move, but somehow lost to a timeout when it was the other players turn#1

this game: I made the last move, and the other player went offline (according to the UI). But then I lost and the server says I timed out. Weird bug
