
Search "user:jeremyjh"

14 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What is the philosophy of 2X point?#3

@DrZwischenzug I think OP understands the system. He is asking why the scoring is setup that why. Why doesn't the points system prefer the player with the most wins? My guess is, simply to make it mor…

General Chess Discussion - How Long can I think before Resigning?#1

I just got a warning about letting time expire without resigning. I did resign, after thinking about the position for about fifty seconds. It was a mate in 1 or 2 at best, but I had time on the clock …

General Chess Discussion - How good was Mr. Shaibel?#19

Beth was beating him quite easily when she played in a simul in which the strongest player was a 1600 (USCF), and she won that easily as well. I don't know enough about relatively ratings to guess whe…

General Chess Discussion - <1000 blitz and my opponents feel impossibly good#8

@JasonTerry I'm not an expert but when I look at your history I do not see any computer analysis. Now, I am terrible at blitz and mostly focus on rapid, where I am only slightly less terrible, so you …

Game analysis - Really Weird game where opponent should’ve won#2

Uhm KID, black is winning and then blunders away the whole game on move 36? Congratulations I guess. What is the wierd part?

General Chess Discussion - Found an error in a puzzle. Is there any way to submit corrections on

@Irmuun-V2 he did and the reason has already been explained in this thread. OP's attack fails at 2 g4. Read the post above by @TheGreatUnwashed or better yet go look at the board.

General Chess Discussion - Found an error in a puzzle. Is there any way to submit corrections on

You know you can turn on analysis and drag the pieces around to see what is wrong with your ideas after missing a puzzle, right? edit: I realized this message could sound a little smarmy. I didn't mea…

Lichess Feedback - Loving Puzzle Storm!#1

I am a new Lichess user and also pretty new to taking chess more seriously and trying to improve. While I don't perform that well in games yet I'd worked myself up to the 1800s in Puzzles this month b…

Lichess Feedback - Wrong result.#13

Just knowing that no piece other than a king has legal moves is not enough, you also have to know that a king cannot move (via any number of moves, including cooperation) into a position to take anoth…

General Chess Discussion - how many hours did it take thibault to make lich#7

My guess is as far as just the software - not the operations and administrative side - at least 8,000 hours including work from the most prolific contributors on github. Probably a lot more counting t…
