
Search "user:jazayeri"

5 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - what the hell happened to my rating?#14

we are all pretty big patzers, i think what helped me is i stopped playing carefully and just patzed alot and then checked what i did wrong and avoided them in the future. Kind of head against the wal…

General Chess Discussion - what the hell happened to my rating?#11

of course im a patzer. look at my games, so many mistakes.

General Chess Discussion - what the hell happened to my rating?#6

i dont think 2-1 is really bullet. i generally have the feeling of having more time than 3-0

General Chess Discussion - what the hell happened to my rating?#3

yeah. but i have been playing for a long time now. I have never had a rating like this. and I have almost never defeated 2300 players. and then suddeny this jump? it seems very awkward.

General Chess Discussion - what the hell happened to my rating?#1

I play 2-1.pretty much exclusively. I used to be a 2050 to 2100. ish. On bad days, i lose to 1900, on good days i mange to beat like 5% of >2200 players. Lately my rating has exploded. I managed to ga…
