
Search "user:itsparker"

7 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - "Better than" statistic for correspondence#3

@AcademicNinja99 you're right, I'm missing most of mine. But a friend of mine who is around a 1900 rating, he's played over 200 correspondence games, doesn't have it. Is he still not established enoug…

Lichess Feedback - "Better than" statistic for correspondence#1

I notice if you go to any game type statistics, whether it's classical, blitz, or any variation... you can see "Better than ____% of Classical players." This goes for any game mode EXCEPT corresponden…

General Chess Discussion - the symbol of the dishonesty of the player - color or an icon; a symbol of "bad" player#4

Why don't you just play each game like you want to win? If the person breaks a rule, report them. This seems like an unnecessary feature.

Lichess Feedback - Scrolling on analysis board#1

Does anyone have a problem with accidentally scrolling on the analysis board and it totally losing track of which move you're on? As someone with a touchpad on my laptop it seems to have become a real…

General Chess Discussion - Study endgames or openings first?#6

Thank you all for your replies. That's all very helpful. As a new player I constantly find myself making blunders (duh) and so I'm trying to find myself in better positioning but also get more aware o…

General Chess Discussion - Study endgames or openings first?#1

Hi everyone, Just curious how you approach studying chess. Is it good to study openings a lot before going to endgames? Or study tactics first? I am just trying to get to the point where I can win mor…

Off-Topic Discussion - Politicizing the forums #3

It's nice to block out the world of politics on here and just focus on chess. It's a good escape. But at the same time, it's a message board so I am sure it'll inevitably turn political at times.
