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3 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - A huge chess secret revealing to me by accident - not to be pushed around!#16

@play_abc said in #10: > i honestly read your article and can not understand what you trying to say.. ?! Say YES to good moves, and NO to bad moves.

General Chess Discussion - Help me teach people how/when to resign!!!#28

@p-wnattack If I was a petty guy and wanted to waste your time, you helping me do that is fine by me. Clearly these trolls don't mind wasting their own time.

General Chess Discussion - Help me teach people how/when to resign!!!#17

As long as they are still playing, I don't mind because if I'm really ahead I should win it quickly enough anyway. Just letting the clock run down is a shitty thing to do though, but I don't let it af…
