
Search "user:gigantaure"

14 forum posts
Community Blog Discussions - Lichess Voice Recognition Beta#21

Did a bunch of puzzles (puzzle streak). latest MacOS + up-to-date firefox. overall it works great! on a few occasion had an issue with my accent. very minor. offers me colors and I can choose. confusi…

Lichess Feedback - Création d'un tournoi à thème classé#4

toutes les fonctionalités lichess sont offertes à tous gratuitement. il n'y a donc pas de formule payante qui offre ce que vous recherchez.

Lichess Feedback - my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess#19

#17 i don't pay attention to local games on the DGTlivechess app . maybe they are recorded correctly but i couldn't tell as i only use the board on lichess. about your engine question. i wouldn't buy …

Lichess Feedback - my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess#15

@timothyha #2. After additional testing, I don’t think this can be an issue. As long as you reflect the right positions for the game (even with a delay) you will be fine. I reset my board today for a …

Lichess Feedback - my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess#11

@Bracco #5 for out of sync. i just set the board up for an ongoing correspondance game. you aer right it can recover by reloading the lichess dgt page. good tip.

Lichess Feedback - my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess#10

@Bracco #4``` good feedback thanks.i will look further into it then. i have a USB board, i doubt USB access requires extra privileges but it might also be tied to livechess web functionality as it ope…

Lichess Feedback - my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess#3

i think it would be fine as long as you move the opponent's piece when you get back, i doubt there's a timeout, but will test. The main liches screen game is the main one, if the board gets disconnect…

Lichess Feedback - my first 24 hours using a DGT board on lichess#1

Lichess recently announced support for DGT boards for mostly classical and Rapid play. I bought a board to try this out. For those interested as to why, curiosity and my willingness to actually play o…

General Chess Discussion - Why does Magnus plays on lichess?#14

I think Magnus owns: chess24, chessable and the new

Lichess Feedback - Sound not working in all moves#3

i have to same in browser as #1. not all moves have sound
