
Search "user:gaggio23"

6 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Rating refund for only the last 40 games#1

I lost to a guy who played a perfect game against me 2 days ago and today he was banned. I went to the F.A.Q. section to read how to get my points back, but it turns out that only his last 40 games ar…

General Chess Discussion - Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off#22

I mean, they literally changed some constants in the code and that's it :|

General Chess Discussion - Puzzlers on the Storm#139

Thank you very much for the feature, really appreciated.

Lichess Feedback - What's the effect of rating puzzles?#3

Yeah sorry I meant "appreciation", not rating since they also have that. I would have liked to know if this appreciation has a real impact or it's just there for the user to see after he/she has solve…

Lichess Feedback - can someone plz tell me why the.........#7

Yes I also experienced this problem this weekend, now it seems ok for me.

Lichess Feedback - What's the effect of rating puzzles?#1

So I was wondering this while doing some puzzles and noticing that I got several in a row with 0 rating. I thought that higher priority was given to the high rated but apparently not, so I was curious…
