
Search "user:doublebanzai"

109 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Like learning Chess & am not interested in playing games?#10

why do people who don't play chess bother watching? i play chess and i rarely watch guys play, and if i do, i get bored within a couple minutes... much more interesting to analyze a master or good gam…

General Chess Discussion - Why do I play so bad?#14

you already answered your own question: you don't practice. so practice.

General Chess Discussion - Why do I perform better in tournaments than in quickplay?#6

what kind of tournaments are you talking about? i have lost against a boatload of 1300 players, which was my rating, and had a better record against higher rated guys. but that discrepancy was probabl…

General Chess Discussion - English usage in America#37

@clousems didn't mean to sound like i was lumping all the southern accents together.... but i do find southern accents about the most pronounced. but texas, arkansas, the deep south... i have a friend…

General Chess Discussion - English usage in America#33

@chessspy1 it's called boontling.... i had to google it..... i guess boonville, where it's spoken (though rarely, i guess), is in the wine country.............

General Chess Discussion - English usage in America#27

Similar in the states. I'm from California, and can try to pick out various accents, some quite distinct.. I'm thinking Boston, Brooklyn, the South, of course, out west though... No accents. There's s…

General Chess Discussion - English usage in America#6

we americans just improved on the english language.......especially in california!

General Chess Discussion - Fischer nickname#10

@MightyMouse27 i just think he's a jerk. i don't see how anyone who has followed his life can think he was a wonderful guy --- jeezus....... but i have no problem w him being a jerk --- he's my favori…

General Chess Discussion - How do you analyse the game, with the person you, just play´d with?#3

i think you'd have to develop a relationship with some (online) person, and then go over games w them. i've never analyzed a game with an online opponent -------- i barely chat w them. of if you know …

General Chess Discussion - Rules Question Concerning Checkmate and the Clock#15

@Sarg0n uhm - yes --- i think i was just clarifying that players have options they should exercise before the game ends, and they're signing sheets, etc... i may have misread your post. arbiters in th…
