
Search "user:dmsv"

4 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - How do I get better#4

Hang in there, goodnightofficial! We all suck--it's just some of us suck less than others. ;) As for getting better, do what I would do if I were more patient and cared enough about improving: take so…

General Chess Discussion - Justice is served#30

@CafeMorphy--Yeah, I was ignoring the present context. For me the interesting question isn't whether X was or was not cheating, but rather whether it's easier to play well against low-rated competitio…

General Chess Discussion - Justice is served#26

Hmm...I think I see chess240's point. Think of it this way, CafeMorphy. Suppose I'm a 1500 player: the question is, would it be easier to play a 'perfect game' (0-0-0 according to the Lichess engine) …

Off-Topic Discussion - "Please be nice in the chat"#2

I know what you mean. People ruin everything. ;)
